Trend and Brand of V.V. Kandinsky in the Economy
Today, the information economic space can be boldly divided into traditional, old and new one, which has linked the economy with the computer industry. The use of products associated with the abstract art trends is conditioned by desire to show the significance of the name and works of the great Russian artist Kandinsky. Kandinsky’s conquest of the Internet falls on the time of the computer industry. When the artist’s creative ideas reached the Internet, the use of his works became the property of producers and consumers of goods. During his life, Kandinsky himself could hardly imagine the consonance of the abstract art with computer technologies. Life has proved that perception of Kandinsky’s creative work by producers and consumers is performed through trend and the brand. An active economic life begins, creative ideas and images of Kandinsky’s paintings work in a market economy, they earn money. It is enough to type “Kandinsky” in Internet and to see that not only the name, but also his abstract art inspired industrialists, trade, marketing, designers, advertising. We speak about using Kandinsky’s paintings while organizing exhibitions, for decorating goods, packaging, design, advertising. He is interesting for scientific circles, industrial circles, advertising circles — everywhere, where the modern economic information space extends.
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