Theoretical concepts and methodological approaches to understanding production theory and cost analysis in the context of digitalization in microeconomics

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.106.2022.62-68

The article examines the effectiveness of using digital doubles in the main sectors of the Russian economy. It is shown how the use of digital doubles affects the structure of production costs. The authors of the article attempt to argue the fact that the use of digital doubles and digital databases will make exponential economic growth possible. This trend is explained by the consequence of the increase in the performance of digital doubles, due to the action of Gordon Moore’s law of technological progress (the first law of 1965) and Arthur Rock’s law (Moore’s second law of 1998). In this regard, the authors adopt a new approach to substantiating the specific manifestation of the law of diminishing returns. It is concluded that in the short term, the simultaneous use of advanced digital technologies and a digital analogue of live labor pushes the boundaries of the law of diminishing returns, ensuring an increase in returns from the scale of production at a new round of microeconomic development.


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