The Role of Spiritual and Moral Values in Strengthening Russian Society and Counteracting Religious Radicalusm

#3. For Nothing, or an Invisible Threat
The Role of Spiritual and Moral Values in Strengthening Russian Society and Counteracting Religious Radicalusm

The modern world has entered into the epoch of militant postmodernism, when it is considered normal, and even “comme il faut”, to criticize (including disparagingly) the traditions of peoples and states that have lasted centuries for centuries, based on solid spiritual and moral principles. Instead, attempts are made to create certain supposedly “universal” concepts and ideas, the main unifying feature of which seems to be an intention to destroy historically formed foundations of the socio-political and cultural development of countries and peoples. At the same time, many postmodern ersatz-spiritual principles and ideas live very briefly (for they do not have and cannot have a firm basis), being replaced by new ones, even more aggressive and aimed at discrediting (especially among the youth) traditions. Special role in developing all elements of the historical triad — spiritual, intellectual and moral regeneration of society — is played by the factor of military traditions and profound comprehension of Russian military history. Let us try to focus on this factor disclosure and its significance.


  1. Velikaya Otechestvennaya voyna 1941–1945 gg. [The Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945]. Moscow, Planeta, 1984, p. 325.
  2. Traditsii rossiyskoy armii [Traditions of the Russian Army]. Moscow, Kuchkovo pole, 2002, pp. 15–17.
  3. Turovskiy A.E. Nebesnye pokroviteli gosudarstv mira. Khristianstvo i mesto pravoslaviya v mire [Heavenly Patrons of the World States. Christianity and Position of Orthodoxy in the World]. Tula, 2011, pp. 159–160.
  4. Khlebnikov N.M. Pod grokhot soten batarey [Under the Rumble of Hundreds of Batteries]. Moscow, Voenizdat, 1972.
  5. Konev I.S. Zapiski komanduyushchego frontom [Memoirs of the Front Commander]. Moscow, Voenizdat, 1976, p. 59.
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