“The Domino Principle„

#5. Digital Agitation
“The Domino Principle„

The monograph under review identifies and analizes the causes of the most complicated transformational changes taking place in world politics since the end of the 20th century, as well it is dedicated to theoretical comprehension of globalization challenges, which have seriously modified the principles of the world order laid down in the second half of the last century.


  1. Sharp Dzh. Obshchestvennaya oborona. Sistema vooruzheniya v epokhu postmilitarizma [Public Defense. The Weapons System in the Post-Militarism Era]. Vil’nyus, 2002.
  2. Ponomareva E.G., Rudov G.A. “Printsip domino”: mirovaya politika na rubezhe vekov [“The Domino Principle”: World Politics at the Turn of the Century]. M.: Izd-vo “Kanon +” ROOI “Reabilitatsiya”, 2016.
  3. Gus’kova E.Yu. Kosovskiy uzel [The Node in Kosovo]. Literaturnaya gazeta, 2007, no. 26 (6126).
  4. Iz vystupleniya eks-prezidenta SShA B. Klintona v Vashingtone na sekretnom soveshchanii nachal’nikov shtabov 24 oktyabrya 1995 g. [From the Speech of Former US President Bill Clinton in Washington at the Secret Meeting of the Chiefs of Staff on October 24, 1995]. Compromat.ru, available at: http://www.compromat.ru/page_9358.htm.
  5. Ponomareva Е. Mekhanizmy unichtozheniya SSSR i “printsip domino” [Mechanisms for the USSR Destruction and the “Domino Principle”]. Chast’ II. Fond strategicheskoy kul’tury, 2011, December, 4, available at: http://www.fondsk.ru/news/2011/12/04/mehanizmy-unichtozhenija-sssr-i-principdomino-ii-11668.html.
  6. Knyazev A.A. Novaya rezidentura britanskoy razvedki v Fayzabade i perspektivy mezhetnicheskogo konflikta v Fergane [New Residence of British Intelligence in Faizabad and the Prospects of Inter-Ethnic Conflict in Fergana]. IA REX, 2013, January, 23, available at: http://www.iarex.ru/interviews/33278.html.
  7. Knyazev A.A. Opium dlya narodov [Opium for Peoples]. Odnako, 2010, no. 12 (28), available at: http//www.odnako.org/magazine/material/opiumdlya-narodov/
  8. Kraya dugi nestabil’nosti: Balkany — Tsentral’naya Aziya [Edges of Instability Arc: the Balkans — Central Asia]. Pod redaktsiey G.A. Rudova, E.G. Ponomarevoy. Moscow, Vostok-Zapad, 2010.
  9. Sapozhnikova G. “Krestnyy otets” vsekh “tsvetnykh” perevorotov Dzhin Sharp: “Revolyutsionnoy bor’be nado uchit’sya u russkikh” [“Godfather” of All “Color” Revolutions Gene Sharp: “The Revolutionary Struggle Should be Learnt from Russians”]. Komsomol’skaya Pravda, 2012, June, 14.
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