Tectoeconomics is the Forerunner of All Social Production Economies

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.40-49

Based on elaborated concept of reviving the culture of industrial consumption of resources, an attempt is made to prove the existence of tectoeconomics resulting from tectology — a universal organizational science. Tectoeconomics is understood as the art of conducting business as well as other creative activities based on selection and implementation of decisions to streamline the processes of creating and consuming material and spiritual goods. It is shown that the possibilities for socioeconomic growth should be sought in cultural origins. On the basis of perceptions on tectoeconomics, the author has identified one of the main structural and organizational shortcomings of domestic economy, which does not contain in the trade sphere a specific industrial branch in the form of a system of culture-forming service material centers, eliminating the own procurement production of finished products producers and contributing to intensive growth of the middle class. The article is commemorating the 100th anniversary of publishing the main work of the national thinker, encyclopedic scientist Alexander A. Bogdanov “Tectology. General organizational science”. In the Belarusian magazine OnAir No. 7 (104) 2018, was published an article by N.V. Kostyukovich “Two lives of Alexander Bogdanov”


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