Study on the Relationship between the Energy Industry and Economic Growth on the Example of China and Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.34-43

The author explores and compares relationship between the energy industry and economic growth of China and Russia through the cointegration equation and the VECM model. The results prove that China’s energy production hasn’t got any long-term or short-term impact on GDP fluctuations and growth, while oil and natural gas consumption has a long-term impact on GDP growth, coal and natural gas consumption has a short-term positive impact on GDP growth. Energy production and consumption in Russia have an impact on GDP growth. Production of renewable energy, coal and natural gas as well as consumption of coal and natural gas have long-term equilibrium effects on GDP growth, while production of coal and natural gas as well as consumption of coal, oil and natural gas cause short-term positive fluctuations in GDP growth.


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