Security Risks and Concerns in Indo-Pacific Reg

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.32-37

The authors investigated the security situation (military, economic, energy, environmental, food, etc.) in the Indo-Pacific region using international expert surveys in the form of interviews in 16 countries, using a historical approach to show the situation in dynamics, comparative analysis of statistical data, as well as content analysis of scientific literature, publications in the media and in-depth analysis of texts using the Sorbonne method. The analytical materials prepared by the authors are confirmed by empirical data obtained as part of the research work of the international project “Dialogue Partnership as a factor of stability and integration” in 16 Eastern countries: Brunei, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, China, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, RF, Singapore, the USA, Thailand, Philippines, South Korea and Japan, in the pre- and post-ovoid period.


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