SECOND TRUMP COMBINATORICS: Assassination Attempt. Part II. Geostrategy

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.197.2024.6-13

The article dwells on technology developed and tested in the United States for constructing political future with the help of targeted force actions within the framework of the fuzzy logic of political multi-steps. The failed quasi-assassination attempt on the US presidential candidate Donald Trump on July 13, 2024 is a political combination preempting the civil war. Its goal is to reduce destructiveness of the political clash following the expected and even more dubious than in 2020, Joe Biden’s victory in the 2024 election, which implied incorrect ways of removing Trump from the presidential race. As a result, a bifurcation point in the US political development has been passed: now there is someone to implement a package of unpopular strategic measures to reorganize the US. Essentially, the murky episode of the assassination attempt turned out to be a way out of the political deadlock.


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