Science in the Period of “Re-Quantization of Reality” and Information-Cognitive Mechanisms of Social Destruction

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.163.2019.70-81

The article opens a new cycle of works devoted to the development of scientific methodology of functional systems for the study of the phenomenon of “reality re-quantization”: a sharp increase in the level of complexity of all system constructions — as the main property in their “work against entropy”. According to S.P. Kurdyumov, S.P. Kapitse and A.D. Panov, the “mode of operation with exacerbation” observed in social systems is due to the change of self-similar attractors — when they begin to be regulated not only by the past, but also by the “absolute future”. The authors postulate that the dominant regulator in the future cycle of development of system constructions are moral and ethical constructs created by people as subjects of singularity, which determine the possibility of social systems to “work against entropy” in even more complex forms and manifestations: namely, through science, education and upbringing — project and consciously. As an example of the study of destructive social phenomena of a higher level of complexity, the “Schr dinger War” is considered, in which the “meaning” of social events is controlled through a superposition — through its interpretation imposed from a higher level of system organization using the technologies of the global digital platform.


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