Public-Private Partnership as a “Point of Growth” of Interaction Between the State and Business in New Industries of the VI Technological Order

#5. Longstanding Generation
Public-Private Partnership as a “Point of Growth” of Interaction Between the State and Business in New Industries of the VI Technological Order

Public-private partnership (PPP) is an effective mechanism of interaction between government and business for realization of complex and socially significant projects. The analysis of statistical sources made it possible to draw conclusions about the positive impact of investment in major infrastructure projects on GDP growth in both developing and developed countries. Having analyzed the definitions of PPP from different sources, author has identified the main principles, forms and characteristics of PPP, and suggested his own model of interaction between government and business. In present study special attention is paid to consideration of PPP contribution to the strategic development of key sectors of the economy in the context of transition to the sixth technological order. As a result of the study, perspective points of development of this mechanism in the sphere of high technologies have been formulated.


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