On Some Obvious and Non-obvious Risks of the Modern Financial System

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.18-25

Despite improving economic indicators and revisions towards better forecasts for 2024, systemic threats and risks, which are not always obvious, remain in the global economy. In the article, the author draws attention to a number of new problems and circumstances that are changing financial landscape in the world. In particular, attention is paid to expanding approaches of central banks in new conditions, risks arising from the technological advancement of commercial banks, which requires more careful control to prevent a destabilizing effect on the financial sector as a whole, etc.


1. BIS. Annual Economic Report. Basel, June, 2023, available at: https://www.bis.org/publ/arpdf/ar2023e.htm

2. UN. World Economic Situation and Prospects. May 2024, available at: https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/publication/world-economic-situationand-prospects-as-of-mid-2024/

3. Bank JP Morgan otkroet bolee 500 novykh otdeleniy v blizhayshie tri goda [JP Morgan will Open More than 500 New Branches in the Next Three Years]. Kommersant. 2024. 6 fevralya. URL: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/6494367

4. China’s central bank hints it may add treasury bond trades to policy toolkit. Reuters. April 23, 2024, available at: https://www.reuters.com/world/china/ chinas-central-bank-hints-it-may-add-treasury-bond-trades-policy-toolkit-2024-04-23/

5. UN. World Economic Situation and Prospects. January 2024. UN, available at: https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/publication/world-economicsituation-and-prospects-2024/

6. Roskongress. Zamorozka aktivov. Traditsii i novye printsipy raboty Zapada s aktivami tret’ikh stran [Росконгресс. Roscongress. Freeze of Assets. Traditions and New Principles of Western Work with Assets of Third Countries]. Roskongress, 2023, Dekabr’ available at: https://roscongress.org/materials/ zamorozka-aktivov-samoupravstvo-ili-zakonnyy-shag/

Second Trump Сombinatorics: assassination attempt. Part I. Geostrategy

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.18-25

The article dwells on technology developed and tested in the United States for constructing political future with the help of targeted force actions within the framework of the fuzzy logic of political multi-steps. The failed quasi-assassination attempt on the US presidential candidate Donald Trump on July 13, 2024 is a political combination preempting the civil war. Its goal is to reduce destructiveness of the political clash following the expected and even more dubious than in 2020, Joe Biden’s victory in the 2024 election, which implied incorrect ways of removing Trump from the presidential race. As a result, a bifurcation point in the US political development has been passed: now there is someone to implement a package of unpopular strategic measures to reorganize the US. Essentially, the murky episode of the assassination attempt turned out to be a way out of the political deadlock.


1. Brat’ya Strugatskie. Obitaemyy ostrov [Inhabited Island]. Moscow, Detskaya literatura, 1971. 320 p., ill. (Biblioteka priklyucheniy i nauchnoy fantastiki.)

2. Ageev A.I. Rol’ sanktsiy, konfliktov i spetsoperatsiy: razmyshleniya o budushchem. Chast’ 2 [The Role of Sanctions, Conflicts and Special Operations: Reflections on the Future. Part 2]. Nauchnyy vestnik oboronno-promyshlennogo kompleksa Rossii, 2024, no 1, pp. 33–42.

3. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L. Krakh dollara: proektirovanie deystviy Rossii v usloviyakh global’nogo ekonomicheskogo kollapsa [The Dollar Collapse: Projecting Russia’s Actions in the Face of Global Economic Collapse]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2022, vol. 24, no 4(184), pp. 56–69, DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es- 4.184.2022.56-69

4. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L. Mirovoe soobshchestvo v usloviyakh sverkhkriticheskoy bifurkatsii: Upravlenie slozhnymi organizatsionnymi i tekhnicheskimi sistemami v usloviyakh sverkhkriticheskikh situatsiy: Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, Moskva, 21–22 aprelya 2022 g. [World Community in Conditions of Supercritical Bifurcation: Management of Complex Organizational and Technical Systems in Conditions of Supercritical Situations: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Moscow, April 21–22, 2022.]. Moscow, Institut ekonomicheskikh strategiy, 2022, pp. 9–12.

5. Loginov E.L., Zarbaliev S.M., Grigor’ev V.V. Otsenka veroyatnostnykh kharakteristik sluchaynykh protsessov v mirovoy ekonomike v usloviyakh nelineynoy dinamiki s sushchestvennoy khaoticheskoy komponentoy [Assessment of Probabilistic Characteristics of Random Processes in the Global Economy under Conditions of Nonlinear Dynamics with a Significant Chaotic Component]. Iskusstvennye obshchestva, 2020, vol. 15, no 1, p. 5.

6. Loginov E.L. Tsifrovye tekhnologii politicheskoy bor’by: neyrosetevye imperativy informatsionnogo protivodeystviya popytkam perekhvata upravleniya v sotsial’no-politicheskoy srede [Digital Technologies of Political Struggle: Neural Network Imperatives of Information Counteraction to Attempts of Intercepting Control in the Socio-political Environment]. Moscow, Rusayns, 2024, 234 p.

The use of an organizational and economic mechanism for the rational use of hydrocarbons

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.117.2024.103-107

The article considers aspects of the use of an organizational and economic mechanism for the rational use of hydrocarbons. The author presents trends in the development of subsurface use of hydrocarbons, as well as factors constraining the development of geological exploration and rational subsurface use of hydrocarbons. A scheme of the organizational and economic mechanism of rational subsurface use of hydrocarbons has been developed and a system of interaction by blocks has been described. Conclusions are drawn regarding the application of the organizational and economic mechanism in the fuel and economic complex of the country.


1. Law of the Russian Federation of 21.02.1992 No. 2395-1 «On Subsoil».

2. Davydov A.V. Issues of rational subsoil use in modern conditions. Georesources. 2023;25(3):82–88.

3. Kuzina E.S. Organizational and economic mechanism in subsoil use // Proceedings of the II International scientific and practical conference «Modern world scientific achievements in the context of global challenges», February 28, 2024, Kazan. Publ. «Science and World», 2024. 413 p.

4. Melehin E.S., Kuzina E.S. Methodological approach to assessing lost profits and damage caused to subsoil as a result of their irrational use. Microeconomics. 2020;1(90):74–79.

5. Melekhin E.S. On the Problems of Rational Subsoil Use. Mineral Resources of Russia. Economics and Management. 2023;4(183):49–52.

The energy strategy of the Russian Federation in the system of national economy and security: goals, promising directions and development scenarios

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.117.2024.91-102

This article provides an analytical review of the energy strategy of the Russian Federation in the system of national economy and security. Its goals, promising directions and development scenarios in the context of economic sanctions are considered. It has been established that Russia’s transition to alternative fuels will take place no earlier than in ten years. In the coming decade, the domestic energy sector will not rush to take measures to combat global warming, but will begin to think about a gradual shift in the balance from coal and oil to solar, hydrogen and other stations that are safe for nature. Currently, not only Russia, but also other countries are not yet ready to completely abandon fuels with a high carbon footprint in the atmosphere. Oil and gas account for about 54% of the global energy sector.

In the long term, the energy balance will remain for 10–20 years with different forecasts for the development of renewable energy sources. At the same time, the energy transition has begun, and this can be seen by the increased investments in this promising sector. Investments in alternative energy, including solar, wind, and hydrogen, are growing sharply. In particular, it is planned to involve the achievements of previous years in the field of nuclear energy. Russia has begun to prepare for the transition to clean fuel, not only officials, but also representatives of science and industry are working on the process.


1. Lipin A.V. Navigational civil aviation service from takeoff to landing. Publishing House St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation named after Chief Marshal of Aviation A.A. Novikova, 2016. 153 p.

2.NPP GA USSR and NSD GA USSR//History and Information Portal of the International Public Movement «Air Navigation without Borders». URL: https://ovdrf.ru/page/744

3. Stalin I.V. Writings. T. 18. Tver: Soyuz Information and Publishing Center, 2006.

Peculiarities of financial control in Civil air fleet units during the Great Patriotic War

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.117.2024.83-90

The publication provides a list of features of financial control over the expenditure of funds from the salary fund in the divisions of the Civil Air Fleet, which include: ensuring the rational and timely expenditure of funds sent to the families of the dead or missing employees; prevention of non-compliance with the deadlines for operational accounting and reporting; the need to improve the process of operational accounting; personal responsibility of commissioners of special units for the preparation and passage of documentation; accurate accounting of all personnel: strict staffing; rational spending of funds for training personnel, maintenance of full-time personnel of educational institutions and stimulation of the activities of linear instructors-pilots; development of measures to stimulate the work of freelance pilot instructors; a full description of the purpose of expenses and sources of their financing during the selection and training of pilots. There are also savings in the process of training pilots in educational institutions and training squadrons during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. Thus, cost savings were achieved due to a smaller number of full-time personnel, compaction of the working day, incomplete payment of annual bonuses and compensations for unused vacation, reduced duration of cadets in squadrons and early completion of training of some cadets, economical spending on the material part. The basis for improving financial control is timely or operational accounting, therefore, measures for its implementation were also considered.


1. Lipin A.V. Navigational civil aviation service from takeoff to landing. Publishing House St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation named after Chief Marshal of Aviation A.A. Novikova, 2016. 153 p.

2.NPP GA USSR and NSD GA USSR//History and Information Portal of the International Public Movement «Air Navigation without Borders». URL: https://ovdrf.ru/page/744

3. Stalin I.V. Writings. T. 18. Tver: Soyuz Information and Publishing Center, 2006.

An ontological approach to assessing a company’s business reputation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.117.2024.72-82

Asset management of a company as a set of its property rights is an important process of economic life. Asset analysis and valuation is important for making management decisions. The valuation of the company’s assets is complicated by the fact that the assets are considered as part of a functioning complex or as an independent type. Since a fair assessment increases the reliability of the conclusions and the significance of the appraiser firm, the formalization of its conclusions should be based on ontology terms used for internal coding of user knowledge.

The evaluation of intellectual property objects is conditioned by the requirements of the market in the relations of economic entities. Since a fair assessment increases the reliability of conclusions based on ontology terms used for internal coding of user knowledge, the article focuses on the results of intellectual activity, which differs in legal content and a number of features of reflecting intangible assets in accounting. Based on the practice of creating ontologies, it is impossible to assert that there is a single universal approach that would contribute to an absolutely successful result, but for appraisers this method seems to be the most optimal.


1. Gorshkov S. An introduction to ontological modeling. LLC TriniData, 2016.

2. Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 02/24/2005 No. 3 «On judicial practice in cases of protection of honor and dignity of citizens, as well as business reputation of citizens and legal entities». WG. No. 50, 03/15/2005; Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, 2005. No. 4.

3. Opalsky A.P., Amelina N.A. Formation of the image of a computer game developer company and protection of reputational risks. Microeconomics. 2023;2:48–56.

4. Gafurova L.S. Business reputation as a factor of sustainable development of the enterprise. The international scientific journal «Symbol of Science». 2021;4:59–60.

5. Tirole J. A Theory of Collective Reputations (with Applications to the Persistence of Corruption and to Firm Quality. The Review of Economic Studies. 1986;63(1):1–22.

6. The Law of Ukraine «On Banks and Banking activities» dated 07.12.2000 No. 2121-III (with amendments and additions). URL: https://juristoff.com/bankovskoe-delo-kreditovanie/190-o-bankakh-i-bankovskoj-deyatelnosti ?ysclid=lvatbs5mcq230196725

7. Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus «On the practice of consideration by courts of civil cases on the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation» dated December 23, 1999 No. 15. URL: https://court.gov.by/ru/jurisprudence/post_plen/civil/moral/ae30ed7f3a7d445c.html

8. Erdelevsky A.M. Compensation for moral damage: analysis and commentary of legislation and judicial practice. 3rd ed. M., 2004.

9. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 30, 2022 No. 86n «On approval of the Federal Accounting Standard FSB 14/2022 “Intangible Assets”». URL: https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_420322 /?ysclid=lvaxdlm8ct674140159

Minimization of financial risks and losses at the enterprise: from theory to practice

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.117.2024.65-71

Presents an analysis of methods for reducing financial losses in a company; types of risks are systematized; an algorithm for monitoring and minimizing financial risks is presented using the Altman model and the Taffler model as an example.


1. Galimulina F.F., Zhukovskaya I.V., Komissarova I.P., Shinkevich A.I., Mayorova A.N., Astafyeva I.A., Klimova N.V., Nabiullina K.R. Technology Platforms as an Efficient Tool to Modernize Russia’s Economy. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. 2016;6(1):163–168.

2. Zhukovskaya I.V. Specifics of Investment Project Risk Management in Industry. Economics and Management. 2010;2:53–56.

3. Financial Risk Management: Textbook and Workshop for Universities / I.P. Khominich [et al.]; edited by I.P. Khominich. 3rd ed., revised and enlarged. Moscow: Yurait Publishing House, 2024. 582 p.

4. Data from the electronic database system «Kontur-Fokus» and «SBIS».

Optimization of management systems for housing complexes, waste management and water resources in the department of housing and communal services of the city of Moscow based on the corporate philosophy of quality improvement

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.117.2024.49-64

The article discusses the concept of clinical marketing as one of the types of marketing in healthcare. The imperative of clinical marketing has been defined. The prerequisites for the development of clinical marketing include the transition to the principles of evidence–based medicine, regulation, and an increase in the cost of R&D for innovative medical products. The key success factors of medical products that accelerate the penetration of medical innovations into the market are highlighted. The program and the main tools of clinical marketing, the scope of their application is described. The scope of application of clinical marketing has been determined in accordance with the class of medical devices. It is shown that the use of elements of clinical marketing can have a positive impact on the commercialization of innovations in the context of the import substitution policy of the medical industry.


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7. Osipov A.N., Gnezdova Yu.V., Kuzin D.V., Rukina I.M., Tsagalov G.N. Public-private partnership as a model for the development of the innovative economy of the country. The economics of agriculture in Russia. 2016;1:26–33.

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