On the Way to the Harmosphere

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.108-113

The article dwells on the concept of harmosphere — the sphere of harmony of mind and feeling, man and nature, natural and human sciences. The noosphere arose with the beginning of the “industrial revolution”, when the progress of mankind as a whole came to be determined by reason. According to V.I. Vernadsky, man becomes “the largest geological force.” Modernity corresponds to the end of the noospheric stage of development and the beginning of the harmosphere formation. The “end” of the noosphere correlates with the emergence and legalization of nuclear missile weapons capable of destroying civilization.


1. Golubev V.S. Osnovy garmonologii [Basics of Harmonology]. Moscow, Lenand, 2018.

2. Golubev V.S. Priroda — chelovek — obshchestvo: razvitie i garmoniya [Nature — Man — Society: Development and Harmony]. Moscow, Lenand, 2016.

3. Golubev V.S. Garmoniya spaset mir [Harmony will Save the World]. Moscow, Lenand, 2017.

4. Golubev V.S. Ocherki ekosotsiogumanizma [Essays on Ecosociohumanism]. Moscow, Lenand, 2021.

5. Panov A.D. Singulyarnaya tochka istorii [Singular Point of History] Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost’, 2015, no 1.

Anthropic Control of Causal Processes to “Requantize Reality”

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.98-107

The role of a man in the universal evolutionary process is underestimated. With the advent of a man, the Multiverse begins to realize itself, cognize and transform itself. Creation of a socially significant reality throughout history is manifested by the anthropic principle, which makes the quantum properties of objects dependent on a person endowed with intelligence.

In the universal evolution formation of mass-kinetic structures and processes has completed and the “requantization of reality” is taking place — transition to information-semantic forms of being and consciousness. A social state, capable of concentrating the necessary resources for a quantum leap into the future, can become an instrument of planned transition. To interact with the Multiverse, it is necessary to apply closing technologies both in technical and humanitarian fields of knowledge.


1. Panov A.D. Universal’naya evolyutsiya i problema poiska vnezemnogo razuma (SETI) [Artificial Intelligence in HR: Four Pros and Four Cons]. Moscow, Izd-vo LKI, 2008. 208 p. (Sinergetika v gumanitarnykh naukakh.)

2. Sudakov K.V. Izbrannye trudy [Selected Works]. Moscow, GU NII normal’noy fiziologii im. P.K. Anokhina RAMN, 2007, vol. 1 Razvitie teorii funktsional’nykh sistem. Moscow, 2007, pp. 174–218, 311–337.

3. Sudakov K.V., Kuzichev I.A., Nikolaev A.B. Shchelkanov V.I. Evolyutsiya terminologii i skhem funktsional’nykh sistem v nauchnoy shkole P.K. Anokhina [The Evolution of Terminology and Diagrams of Functional Systems in the Scientific School of P.K. Anokhina]. Moscow, 2010, pp. 80.

4. Sudakov K.V. Informatsionnyy emotsional’nyy rezonans [Informational Emotional Resonance]. Moscow, RITs MGGU im. M.A. Sholokhova, 2008, p. 38.

5. Anokhin P.K. Biologiya i neyrofiziologiya uslovnogo refleksa [Biology and Neurophysiology of the Conditioned Reflex]. Moscow, Meditsina, 1968.

6. Sukharev A.V. Opyt paradigmal’nogo obobshcheniya filosofsko-religioznykh i misticheskikh osnovaniy gumanitarnogo i estestvenno-nauchnogo podkhodov v psikhologicheskoy nauke [Experience of Paradigmatic Generalization of Philosophical, Religious and Mystical Foundations of Humanitarian and Natural Science Approaches in Psychological Science]. Uchenye zapiski Instituta psikhologii Rossiyskoy akademii nauk, 2022, vol. 2, no 4, pp. 4–17.

7. Istoriya Temnogo mira [History of the Dark World]. Avt.-sost. A. Lindin. Rostov n/D, Feniks, Saint Petersburg, Izd-vo “Severo-Zapad”, 2007, 832 p.

8. Belavin V.A, Kurdyumov S.P. Rezhimy s obostreniem i zakony koevolyutsii slozhnykh sistem [Aggravation Regimes and Laws of Coevolution of Complex Systems]. Sayt S.P. Kurdyumova “Sinergetika”, available at: http:// spkurdyumov.ru/evolutionism/zakony-koevolyucii-slozhnyxsistem/

9. Kara-Murza S.G., Piskunov D.I. Nauka i ideologiya [Science and Ideology]. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1991.

10. Pereslegin S.B., Korolev A.A., Shilov S.Yu. Kognitivnye predely nauchnogo myshleniya [Cognitive Limits of Scientific Thinking]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2019, no 2, pp. 44–55.

Ambivalent Economic Stability. Sustainability vs. Resilience

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.90-97

The author addressed the topic of comparing the meanings of the terms “sustainability” and “resilience” due to the fact that both these terms are used in economic literature, and at the same time they are both translated into Russian as “sustainability”, which sometimes causes incorrect understanding of the meaning of certain texts. The article dwells on genesis and areas of application of these terms, it is noted that the frequency of applying the word “resilience” has increased significantly in recent years. At the same time, a generally accepted definition of this term has not yet been developed, at least in its economic application. The same is referred to the term “sustainability”. Disadvantages of each of the terms are listed and debate on the priority of one term over another is considered. The author briefly discussed the use of terms in the current context of the Russian economy. It is concluded that while in terms of “resilience” the domestic economy has demonstrated visible success, then in terms of “sustainability” prospects there are serious problems.


1. Concise Oxford Dictionary. Tenth Edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999.

2. McAslan A., Director of the Torrens Resilience Institute. The Concept of Resilience: Understanding its Origins, Meaning and Utility. Australia, Adelaide, 2010, 14 March, available at: https://www.flinders.edu.au/content/dam/documents/research/torrens-resilience-institute/resilience-origins-and-utility.pdf

3. Moser, et al. (2019). Climatic Change, available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-018-2358-0

4. ZOE, the Institute for Future-Fit Economies, available at: https://zoe-institut.de/en/home-2/

5. The Economic Resilience Index. Assessing the ability of EU economies to thrive in times of change, available at: https://zoe-institut.de/wp-content/ uploads/2023/09/Economic_Resilience_Index_Final-1.pdf

6. Rose A. Economic Resilience: Concepts and Measurement, available at: https://www.wto.org/english/res_e/reser_e/adam_rose_040321.pdf

7. Knuth K. The term “resilience” is everywhere — but what does it really mean, available at: https://ensia.com/articles/what-is-resilience/

8. Schmithüsen F.J. Three hundred years of applied sustainability in forestry, available at: https://www.research-collection.ethz.ch/bitstream/ handle/20.500.11850/154087/1/eth-7348-01.pdf

9. A Brief History of Sustainability, available at: https://thesustainableagency.com/blog/the-history-of-sustainability/#:~:text=In%201972%2C%20 sustainability%20was%20first,industrialized%20communities%2C%20among%20other%20suggestions

10. Purvis B., Mao Y., Robinson D. Three pillars of sustainability: in search of conceptual origins, available at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/ s11625-018-0627-5

11. Knuth K. The term “resilience” is everywhere — but what does it really mean, available at: https://ensia.com/articles/what-is-resilience/

12. Six Key Factors for Achieving Sustainable Manufacturing, available at: https://www.foundrymag.com/opinion/article/21924600/six-key-factors-forachieving-sustainable-manufacturing

The role of state corporations in the economic development of the Russian Federation today: the case of Rostec State Corporation

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.82-89

The reform of development institutions currently being carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation provides for their partial modernization and liquidation. At the same time, some institutions, in particular state-owned corporations, are not subject to reform due to the fact that their activities are strategically important and fully consistent with the goals of the country’s economic development. According to the authors of the article, the Rostec state-owned corporation today has positive experience in achieving the goals set by the state. The directions and results of Rostec’s activities during the sanctions period, industry and financial indicators, the execution of the state defense order and the share of civilian products, development directions in various sectors of the economy and innovative developments to ensure competitiveness in domestic and foreign markets are studied.


1. Instituty razvitiya s”eli 5 trillionov rubley. Deputaty obvinili kvazigosudarstvennye struktury v neeffektivnosti [Development institutes ate 5 trillion rubles. Deputiesaccusedquasi-statestructuresofinefficiency]. Nezavisimayagazeta, 2019,10 oktyabrya, availableat:https://www.ng.ru/economics/2019-10-10/4_7699institute.html

2. Vladimir Kuz’min. Mishustin soobshchil ob optimizatsii institutov razvitiya [Mishustin announced the optimization of development institutions]. Rossiyskaya gazeta, 2020, 23 noyabrya, available at: https://rg.ru/2020/11/23/pravitelstvo-optimiziruet-sistemu-institutov-razvitiia.html

3. Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 24 marta 2022 g. N 459 “O priznanii utrativshimi silu nekotorykh aktov Pravitel’stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii i o vnesenii izmeneniy v rasporyazhenie Pravitel’stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 31 dekabrya 2020 g. N 3710-r” [Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2022 No. 459 “On recognizing as invalid certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and on amending the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2020 No. 3710-r”]. Konsul’tantPlyus, available at: https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_413819/9 2d969e26a4326c5d02fa79b8f9cf4994ee5633b/#dst100006

4. Pribyl’ goskompaniy v Rossii upala sil’nee, chem u chastnykh. Tol’ko dve treti iz nikh zavershili 2022 god v plyuse [Profits of state-owned companies in Russia fell more than those of private ones. Only two-thirds of them ended 2022 in the black]. RBK, 2023, 10 maya, available at: https://www.rbc.ru/econo mics/10/05/2023/64525cc39a794734f6f7044d

5. Federal’nyy zakon ot 12 yanvarya 1996 g. N 7-FZ “O nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh” [Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ “On Non-Commercial Organizations”]. Konsul’tantPlyus, available at: https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_8824/

6. Mazanaev M.Sh., Bekishiev N.A. Pravovoy status i osobennosti gosudarstvennykh korporatsiy v sovremennoy Rossii [Legal status and features of state corporations in modern Russia]. Yuridicheskiy vestnik DGU, 2022, vol. 44, no 4, pp. 83–90, DOI: 10.21779/2224-0241-2022-44-4-83-90

Economic Security as a Factor of Ensuring Sovereign Scientific and Technological Development and Enhancing the National Competitiveness of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.74-81

The article examines the issues of stimulating the Russian economy through mechanism for implementing megaprojects, assesses the implementation risks and provides recommendations for providing economic security of the Russian Federation in the context of the current GDP structure.


1. Rasporyazhenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 20 maya 2023 g. N 1315-r “Ob utverzhdenii Kontseptsii tekhnologicheskogo razvitiya na period do 2030 goda” [Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 20, 2023 No. 1315-r “On Approval of the Concept of Technological Development for the Period up to 2030”]. Kodeks, available at: https://docs.cntd.ru/document/1301657597#6580IP

2. Plenarnoe zasedanie Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo foruma [Plenary Session of the Eurasian Economic Forum]. Ofitsial’noe internet-predstavitel’stvo prezidenta Rossii, 2023, 24 maya, available at: http://www.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/71198

3. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 28 fevralya 2024 g. N 145 “O Strategii nauchno-tekhnologicheskogo razvitiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii” [Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2024 No. 145 “On the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation”]. Ofitsial’nyy internet-portal pravovoy informatsii, available at: http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/document/0001202402280003?index=2

4. Morunov V.V. Teoreticheskie podkhody k opredeleniyu sushchnosti ekonomicheskoy bezopasnosti [Theoretical Approaches to Defining the Essence of Economic Security]. VEPS. 2011. № 4. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/teoreticheskie-podhody-k-opredeleniyu-suschnosti-ekonomicheskoy-bezopasnosti

5. Radygin A.D., Entov R.M., Abramov A.E., Chernova M.I., Mal’ginov G.N. Privatizatsiya 30 let spustya: masshtaby i effektivnost’ gosudarstvennogo sektora [Privatization 30 Years Later: The Scale and Efficiency of the Public Sector]. Moscow, ID “Delo” RANKhiGS. 2019. URL: https://ipei.ranepa.ru/ru/kgu

6. Likholetov V.V. Strategicheskie aspekty ekonomicheskoy bezopasnosti [Strategic Aspects of Economic Security]. Obrazovatel’naya platforma “Yurayt”, 2023, 201, available at: https://urait.ru/bcode/519502

7. Vlasti obsudili vvod garantirovannogo dokhoda dlya investorov v megaproekty. Gosudarstvo mozhet obespechit’ im khedzhirovanie riskov [Authorities Discussed the Introduction of a Guaranteed Income for Investors in Megaprojects. The State can Provide them with Risk Hedging]. RBK, 2023, 26 oktyabrya, available at: https://www.rbc.ru/economics/26/10/2023/653900cc9a7947b40010637f?from=copy

8. Bezbozhnova E.A. Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost’ gosudarstva v kontekste tekhnologicheskogo razvitiya [Economic Security of the State in the Context of Technological Development]. Ekonomika i sovremennyy menedzhment: teoriya, metodologiya, praktika. Penza, Nauka i Prosveshchenie, 2022, pp. 139–141.

9. Karavaeva I.V. Natsional’naya ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost’ v teoreticheskikh issledovaniyakh Instituta ekonomiki RAN [National Economic Security in Theoretical Research of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. Vestnik Instituta ekonomiki Rossiyskoy akademii nauk, 2020, no 2, available at: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/natsionalnaya-ekonomicheskaya-bezopasnost-v-teoreticheskih-issledovaniyah-instituta-ekonomiki-ran

Macrostructural Analysis in Research Economic and Technological Changes

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.62-73

The paper reveals the content of the method of structural analysis as a basic approach in economic research, used in the study of economic changes. The purpose of the study is to demonstrate the areas of application of structural analysis and its part — macrostructural analysis, with outputs for the study of technological development and the formation of a strategy for economic policy and development. The methodology consists of empirical structural analysis, comparative method and taxonomic approach. The overall result can be considered the identified areas of application of structural analysis in the macroeconomic part of its application, the possibilities and mistakes of applying macrostructural analysis to the study of economic growth and structural transformation of the economy. Let us note that many issues of the application of macrostructural analysis in economic science have been poorly studied. Often in studies it is replaced by the general method of structural analysis, which is reduced exclusively to the assessment of “input-output”, the structure of aggregate demand and production distributed across economic sectors. In fact, structural analysis is much broader, extends to micro and mesoeconomic objects of the economy, and is suitable not only for correcting current macroeconomic policies, but also for developing strategic plans for economic development and carrying out economic changes (reforms). An interpretation of changes within the framework of the “old — new” technologies structure is given, as well as proposals for taking into account technological development as an important condition for carrying out the structural and technological modernization of Russia.


1. Shumpeter Y.A. Teoriya ekonomicheskogo razvitiya. Kapitalizm, sotsializm i demokratiya [Theory of Economic Development. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy]. Moscow, Eksmo, 2007, 864 s.

2. Nort D. Ponimanie protsessa ekonomicheskikh izmeneniy [Understanding the Process of Economic Change]. Moscow, Vysshaya shkola ekonomiki, 2010, 256 p.

3. Barr R. Politicheskaya ekonomiya [Political Economy]. V 2 t. Moscow, Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 1996.

4. Sukharev O.S. Strukturnyy analiz ekonomiki [Structural Analysis of the Economy]. Moscow, Finansy i statistika, 2012, 216 p.

5. Dedov L.A., Botkin O.I. Indeksnyy makrostrukturnyy analiz ekonomicheskoy dinamiki. Osnovnye ponyatiya i priemy makrostrukturnogo analiza [Index Macrostructural Analysis of Economic Dynamics. Basic Concepts and Techniques of Macrostructural Analysis]. Ekaterinburg, Izd-vo UrO RAN, 2013, 111 p.

6. Sukharev O.S. Strukturnye issledovaniya sovremennoy rossiyskoy ekonomicheskoy shkoly: osnovnye podkhody i perspektivy [Structural Research of the Modern Russian Economic School: Main Approaches and Prospects]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta, 2022, vol. 17, no 1, pp. 5–26.

7. Leont’ev V.V. Izbrannye stat’i [Featured Articles]. Saint Petersburg, Nevskoe vremya, 1994, 366 p.

Concept of Standardization in the Cryptosphere

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.54-61

The article dwells on the Concept of standardization in the cryptosphere in the Russian Federation, which includes substantiation of the need for standardization in the cryptosphere, definition of the “cryptosphere standard” term, types of cryptostandards, principles and tasks of standardization, provisions for organizing standardization in the country, stages of standardization. Particular attention is paid to the content of crypto standards and their role in increasing the efficiency of the country’s economy.

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Artificial Intelligence Technologies: Means of Influencing the Mass Consciousness of People within the Framework of a New Social Reality

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.46-53

The purpose of this article is to identify criteria for the influence of artificial intelligence technologies in payment systems on the consciousness of the population as their main user. When reviewing technologies, methods of scientific analysis were applied: the method of analysis and synthesis, abstraction, generalization, description, induction, deduction.

The article dwells on assessment of the implementation and impact of technologies based on artificial intelligence. It is shown that at the moment a situation has arisen where artificial intelligence tools have the opportunity to manipulate human consciousness. Accelerated development of human interaction in the virtual space resulted in both positive and negative consequences of the use of artificial intelligence technologies in payment systems within the framework of the new social reality. Based on the identified advantages and disadvantages, criteria for the impact of artificial intelligence technologies on the consciousness of the population were discovered and identified.


1. Velichkovskiy B.B. Soznanie [Conscience]. Bol’shaya rossiyskaya entsiklopediya, available at: https://bigenc.ru/c/soznanie-f1153b

2. Tekhnologii iskusstvennogo intellekta i mashinnogo obucheniya [Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technologies]. NIU VShE, 2021, 5 marta, available at: https://hsbi.hse.ru/articles/tekhnologii-iskusstvennogo-intellekta-i-mashinnogo-obucheniya/

3. 12 variantov ispol’zovaniya II i mashinnogo obucheniya v finansakh [12 Ways to Use AI and Machine Learning in Finance]. Generativnyy analiz dannykh, 2020, 10 aprelya, available at: https://zephyrnet.com/ru/12-use-cases-of-ai-and-machine-learning-in-finance/

4. Fedorov D. Chto takoe NLP? [What is NLP?]. Renovatsio, 2023, available at: https://renovatsio.rf/media/natural-language-processing

5. Vot polozhenie NLP v finansakh. Ty dolzhen znat’ [Here is the Position of NLP in Finance. You Should Know]. Shaip, 2023, 26 oktyabrya, available at: https://ru.shaip.com/in-the-media/here-are-the-applications-of-nlp-in-finance-you-need-to-know/

6. Perspektivy razvitiya chat-botov v bankovskom sektore: golosovoy II, prognozirovanie povedeniya, analiz nastroeniya [Prospects for the Development of Chatbots in the Banking Sector: Voice AI, Behavior Forecasting, Mood Analysis]. TalkBank, 2022, 21 yanvarya, available at: https://business.talkbank.io/tpost/ lp3s2ai1c1-perspektivi-razvitiya-chat-botov-v-banko

7. Vershinin O. Neyronnye seti: printsip raboty, perspektivy i 159 sovremennykh neyronok [Neural Networks: the Principle of Operation, Prospects and 159 Modern Neurons]. Neiros, 2023, 17 noyabrya, available at: https://neiros.ru/blog/automation/neyronnye-seti-printsip-raboty-perspektivy-i-159-sovremennykhneyronok/

8. Kak rabotayut neyronnye seti? [How do Neural Networks Work?]. Productstar, 2023, 16 marta, available at: https://blog.productstar.ru/kak-rabotayutnejronnye-seti/

9. Prediktivnaya analitika: instruktsiya po primeneniyu II pri prognozirovanii [Predictive Analytics: Instructions for using AI in Forecasting]. SBER Pro, 2023, 23 avgusta, available at: https://sber.pro/publication/prediktivnaya-analitika-instrukcziya-po-primeneniyu-ii-pri-prognozirovanii/

World Off-roading and Global Arbitration

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.38-45

Global dynamics can be understood only from the point of a civilizational approach and within the framework of dialectical ontology. We can observe the opposition of multidirectional civilizational leaders represented from the West by the United States and their reflexive accompaniment in favour of a unipolar world on the part of England, as well as a group of satellites. On the East side, they are represented by Russia and forward-looking China, cautious India and wise Iran, some bold candidates for allies in the noble cause of building a multipolar world.


1. Anisimov O.S. Gegel’: myshlenie i razvitie [Hegel: Thought and Development]. Moscow, 2000.

2. Anisimov O.S. Razvitie myshleniya v kommunikatsii i nemetskaya klassicheskaya filosofiya [Development of Thinking in Communication and German Classical Philosophy]. Myshlenie stratega: model’nye syuzhety, vyp. 57, Moscow, 2019.

3. Anisimov O.S. Gegel’ i myslitel’nyy potentsial metodologii [Hegel and Mental Potential of the Methodology]. Vol. 1–2, Moscow, 2023.

4. Marks K., Engel’s F. Sochineniya [Writings]. Vol. 46, part 1, pp. 36–38.

5. Anisimov O.S. Tsivilizatsiya i ee mekhanizmy: stanovlenie i razrushenie [Civilization and Its Mechanisms: Formation and Destruction]. Vol. 1–2, Moscow, 2007.

6. Anisimov O.S. Istoriya i tsivilizatsiya [History and Civilization]. Ucheb. posobie, vol. 1–3, Moscow, 2020.

7. Anisimov O.S. Skhemy i skhematizatsiya: put’ v kul’turu myshleniya [Schemes and Schematization: Path to the Culture of Thinking]. Vol. 1–2, Moscow, 2007.

8. Anisimov O.S. Yazyk. Semantika. Skhemotekhnika [Language. Semantics. Circuit design]. Myshlenie stratega: model’nye syuzhety, vyp. 47, Moscow, 2017.

9. Anisimov O.S. Strategicheskoe upravlenie i gosudarstvennoe myshlenie [Strategic Management and State Thinking]. Moscow, 2006.

10. Anisimov O.S. Strateg [Strategist]. Vol. 1–3, Moscow, 2023.

11. Anisimov O.S. Absolyutnoe myshlenie [Absolute Thinking]. Myshlenie stratega: model’nye syuzhety, vyp. 55, Moscow, 2019.

12. Anisimov O.S. Dokazyvayushchaya analitika i “razumnoe” myshlenie [Evidence-Based Analytics and Smart Thinking]. Myshlenie stratega: model’nye syuzhety, vyp. 70, Moscow, 2021.

13. Anisimov O.S. Ontologiya i logika [Ontology and Logic]. Ucheb. posobie, Moscow, 2020.

14. Anisimov O.S. S chego nachat’ rost umstvennogo potentsiala? [Where to Start Increasing Mental Potential?]. Potentsial, 2023, no 2.

15. Anisimov O.S. Metodologiya na rubezhe vekov (k 50-letiyu MMK) [Methodology at the Turn of the Century (to the 50th anniversary of MMK)]. Moscow, 2004.

16. Shchedrovitskiy G.P. Izbrannye proizvedeniya [Selected Writings]. Moscow,1995.

17. Anisimov O.S. Kul’tura i dukhovnost’ v myshlenii stratega [Culture and Spirituality in the Strategist’s Thinking]. Moscow, 2012.

18. Anisimov O.S. Ideya logiki i mysletekhnika [The Idea of Logic and Thought Technology]. Myshlenie stratega: model’nye syuzhety, vyp. 46. Moscow, 2017.

Aspects of Developing and Testing New Financial Technologies for International Payments

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.30-37

The article dwells on the effectiveness of cryptocurrency technologies for international payments. Insufficiency of cryptocurrency resources for solving this problem under sanctions is shown. The author proposes a way to solve the problem by creating an international financial system based on a digital golden gram (abbreviated in English: DiGGram or digram) — a stealth cryptocurrency with an anonymous group stable and a zero-knowledge algorithm. It will be impossible for unfriendly states to track transactions of such currency. Emission of digram will not require mining or electricity consumption. Taxation of foreign trade transactions with digram should be carried out in the same way as taxation of transactions with other currencies. The article proposes an original information technology for the forced unlocking of blocked Eurodollar financial assets and converting them into resources to support the emission of a gold gram for forming financial assets of countries participating in the financial system based on a digital gold gram. The proposed measures will make it possible to unite up to 30 countries subject to sanctions into a new international financial system and create financial resources in the amount of up to 0 billion, of which up to 0 billion can be used to service international payments of the Russian Federation.


1. V TsB prizvali “probovat’ vse” dlya resheniya problemy perevodov za rubezh [The Central Bank urged to “Try Everything” to Solve the Problem of Transfers Abroad]. RBK, Finansy, 2024, 26 iyunya, available at: https://www.rbc.ru/finances/26/06/2024/667c04189a79474a3d678ec2

2. Summarnaya kapitalizatsiya kriptovalyut dostigla 2,4 trln dollarov [Total Capitalization of Cryptocurrencies has Achieved .4 Trillion]. Blockchair, available at: https://blockchair.com/ru/news/summarnaa-kapitalizacia-kriptovalut-dostigla-24-trln-dollarov–d28ebf3e52

3. Kitay, Indiya i Turtsiya stali glavnymi torgovymi partnerami Rossii v 2023 godu [China, India and Türkiye have become Russia’s Main Trading Partners in 2023]. Izvestiya, 2024, 8 aprelya, available at: https://iz.ru/1678604/2024-04-08/kitai-indiia-i-turtciia-stali-glavnymi-torgovymi-partneramirossii-v-2023-godu

4. Valyuta, osnovannaya na odnom gramme zolota [Currency Based on one Gram of Gold]. Dzen. 2023. 10 iyulya. URL: https://dzen.ru/a/ ZKxbgrfr_3KEBIFV

5. Kogda poyavitsya novaya valyuta BRIKS i kak ona povliyaet na rubl’ [When the New BRICS Currency will Appear and How it will Impact the Rouble]. T–Zh. 2024. 18 aprelya. URL: https://journal.tinkoff.ru/news/brics-currency/

6. Yuliya Abdulbarova. Top-7 stran pod sanktsiyami: kak zhivut gosudarstva pod sanktsionnymi ogranicheniyami? [Top 7 Countries under Sanctions: How do States Live under Sanctions?]. LinDEAL. URL: https://lindeal.com/trends/top-7-stran-pod-sankciyami-kak-zhivut-gosudarstva-pod-sankcionnymi-ogranicheniyami

7. Zamorozka aktivov. Traditsii i novye printsipy raboty Zapada s rezervami tret’ikh stran [Asset Freezing. Traditions and New Principles of the West’s Work with Reserves of Third Countries]. Dzen, 2023, 27 dekabrya, available at: https://dzen.ru/a/ZYvtfjnG4kyLlH9F