Models and csenarios of development of socio-economic systems

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.5-11

The article defines the purpose of the study, which consists in the need to analyze the existing and projected models and scenarios for the development of Russian socio-economic systems. The analysis is carried out based on the understanding of the socio-economic system as a partial image of reality in the individual of public consciousness. A brief description of the existing socio-economic models in Russia and strategies for their development is given. The conclusion is made about the importance of the process of choosing methods for describing models of development of socio-economic systems. The goals and disadvantages of the proposed methods of describing the model of the development of socio-economic systems.

On improving the model of public administration in the field of science, technology and innovation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.12-21

The article considers the main changes in management systems in the field of science, technology and innovation, tasks, functions and powers of subjects of management in connection with the adoption of a new version of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Constitutional Law «On the Government of the Russian Federation», decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and a number of other legal acts. It is proposed to create a non-departmental federal executive body in the structure of the Government of the Russian Federation, the main task of which will be the organization and coordination of the introduction of scientific and technological achievements into the real sector of production. The tasks, functions and powers of such a management body are formulated.

The impact of customs payment as an institution of development on stimulating economic growth

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.98.2021.22-28

The article briefly analyzes the impact of customs duties on certain parameters of financing federal budget expenditures aimed at implementing key priorities and national goals, which will contribute to accelerating economic growth. It is shown that customs revenues to the federal budget are an important characteristic, they allow their part to satisfy public needs, remaining one of the stable sources of formation of its revenue.

It is concluded that it is necessary to include in the control indicators of the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation until 2030 indicators of customs payments that contribute to the financing of budget expenditure programs that affect the stimulation of economic growth.

Change management in the federal project «Regional and local road network» as part of the national project «Safe high-quality roads» based on the transformation models 4P «Results orientation», «Transformation triangle» and 4R Guiyar-Cayley

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.29-41

This article considers the issue of change management in the Federal Project «Regional and Local Road Network» as part of the National Project «Safe High – quality Roads» based on the transformation models 4P, «transformation triangle» and 4R Guiyar-Cayley. It is established that the investment potential of the Federal Project is significant and, using mixed investments of interested medium and large businesses, as well as state funds, the transport industry at this stage has mainly solved the main investment task at the federal and regional levels – the restoration and modernization of the transport complex in 83 subjects of the Russian Federation and 104 urban agglomerations.

Analysis of emotional preferences in the image-forming space

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.42-56

The problem of analyzing consumer ideals in the image-forming space with an emphasis on the correctness of the application of methods and the interpretation of the results is considered. The principles and algorithms of research of emotional preferences of the target group are presented on the basis of identification of image-forming factors that determine market processes, and construction of emotional images of ideal goods/ brands/ firms in the perception of representatives of the target group. The issues of product/ brand/ company promotion based on the analysis of consumer ideals in the emotional sphere are discussed. Examples of solving practical problems of identifying factors of emotional preference of goods/ brands/ firms, building their ideal images in the space of emotional preference, analyzing the configuration of ideal images, developing a strategy and essential details of promotion are given using the presented approach.

This article is a continuation of the author’s research presented in No 2 (97) and No 3 (98) of the journal for 2021.

Assessment of the market situation and the development of the service of the meso-economic level

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.57-62

The scientific article examines the terminological concepts of servicization, services and the service market within the framework of classical and modern scientific schools. Various types of services are classified and key factors contributing to the development of servicization and market conditions are identified. The competitive market of services is structured on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Social responsibility, competitiveness of a company and value creation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.63-70

Many companies continue to consider value creation too unilaterally, aiming to maximize short-term financial results and ignoring the influence of a wider set of factors, which determine long-term competitiveness. Recognition of the need for a new paradigm of competitiveness, based on the complex approach, taking into account financial and non-financial goals, already exists among strategic thinkers and successful business-leaders, there are promising elements of the new model emerging in practice. Still for many companies the issues of social responsibility remain optional, dispensable to be included in strategic agenda. Efforts in this direction remain on the periphery, not in the center of managers’ attention. This article considers the relation between social responsibility, competitiveness of a company and value creation.

Practical application of the results of space activities in transport

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.71-75

The entry of our country into space in the twentieth century was of enormous political and economic importance. Currently space remains a priority and important direction in the economy and politics of states. The use of space technologies is a huge diversified business with enormous potential in increasing the country’s income.

The article analyzes the use of space technologies in transport infrastructure, examines foreign and Russian experience.

Supply chain management of offshore projects in the Arctic based on digital transformation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.76-87

The article provides a comparative assessment of the digital maturity of the leading oil and gas companies of the Russian Federation admitted to work on the Arctic shelf (PJSC Gazprom Neft and PJSC Rosneft) in the exploration and production segment according to the stages of the «thing-digit-thing» cycle, as well as a comparison with leading practices in the field of project logistics on the shelf. It identifies approximate cost-cutting limits of digital transformation in Arctic projects and factors limiting cost efficiency of offshore projects in the Russian Arctic. The goal of the study is to identify a potential increase in digital maturity and scope of digital transformation in the Arctic project supply chain in Russia. The study is based on modern approaches to sustainable supply chain management in oil industry and supply chain streamlining for offshore projects. The article identifies a group of factors limiting cost efficiency of Arctic projects, specific to the Russian Arctic. It is established that the main factor limiting digital transformation of offshore projects in the Russian Arctic is the increasing technological underperformance of oil service companies. To build capacity in digital maturity of the offshore project supply chain, it is necessary to focus on disruptive technologies that could significantly lower the cost of oil production in the Arctic area.

Foreign management experience spatial development: the municipal aspect

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.88-93

The article is devoted to the consideration of foreign practice of spatial development management at the municipal level. The theoretical vector of managing the spatial development of regions is considered, the participants of this process are shown. The most important areas of practical activity of local authorities regulating the structure of spatial development management are analyzed. Taking into account the foreign practice of managing spatial development at the municipal level, it is concluded that there is a need for broader interregional interaction of Russian territories, increasing the level of their infrastructure support, and more proactive involvement of municipalities in economic activities.