Basic Mechanisms for Developing State Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation


In modern conditions, implementation of sustainable progressive movement of the country by carrying out large-scale structural changes can be realized only on the basis of a centralized identification of areas, goals, priorities of socio-economic development, as well as indicators of strategies, programs and plans interconnected at all levels of the country’s national economy management. Methodologically the article is based on dialectical method of scientific knowledge, as well as systemic and institutional approaches. Scientific periodicals (monographs, scientific articles, etc.) and official documents of legislative and executive authorities of the Russian Federation on the issues of state strategic and long-term planning in Russia and the USSR were used as an information and analytical base. The article dwells on the following issues: 1) as a result of analysis of domestic and foreign literary sources, as well as regulatory and methodological guidelines in the field of state strategic planning, its main shortcomings were identified. According to the authors, these include: dissemination of program-targeted management methods not only into all spheres of socio-economic development, but also to the areas of budget allocations, the lack of sufficient information base of calculations; 2) methodological approach (stages, sequence of work, methods and procedures) to elaborating state programs for the economic development of the country, industries and regions is proposed; 3) application of the methods of hierarchies analysis (MHA) and network modeling (NPM) as the main methods for developing state programs is substantiated; 4) proposals on the composition and structure of the information base for calculating indicators of state programs are given.


1. Kondrat’ev N.D. Izbrannye sochineniya [Selected Works]. Moscow, Ekonomika, 1993, 543 p.

2. Leont’ev V.V. Ekonomicheskie esse. Teoriya issledovaniya, fakty i politika [Economic Essays. Research Theory, Facts and Politics]. Moscow, 2003, 156 p.

3. Kantorovich L.V. Matematicheskie metody organizatsii planirovaniya proizvodstva [Mathematical Methods for Organizing Production Planning]. Moscow, Izd-vo Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 1939, 67 p.

4. Afonina I.A., Ivanova O.D., Panasevich O.E. O konferentsii “Strategicheskoe planirovanie v usloviyakh narastaniya vneshnikh ugroz: neobkhodimost’ mobilizatsii vnutrennikh resursov dlya razvitiya Rossii” [On the Conference “Strategic Planning in the Face of Growing External Threats: the Need to Mobilize Internal Resources for the Development of Russia”]. Mikroekonomika, 2014, no 6, pp. 138–144.

5. Buzgalin A.V., Kolganov A.I. Vozrozhdenie planirovaniya, uroki (politiko-ekonomicheskii diskurs) [Revival of Planning, Lessons (Political and Economic Discourse)]. Problemy teorii praktiki upravleniya, 2016, no 1, pp. 8–18.

6. Bukhval’d E.M. Strategicheskii dolgostroi; viden li itog? [Strategic Long-Term Construction; is There Any Result?]. ETAP. Ekonomicheskaya teoriya, analiz, praktika, 2017, no 6, pp. 33–47.

Budget Subsidies + “Private Concession Initiative” = Stopper for Social Infrastructure Development


The overwhelming majority of social infrastructure facilities remain in state ownership, requiring special formats for attracting private investment without possibility of disposition and loss of their destination. Mechanism of public-private partnership doesn’t leave any other option for such projects, and the “private concession initiative”, which has become widespread in recent years, is best suited for projects focused on commercial activities, although this limits its application to social facilities. Non-competitive basis of this format relies on the market offer of the investor, whose rationality does not imply social behavior and whose activity is obviously not intended for budgetary participation. Recently, there has been an increase in cases of government authorities taking commitments on budgetary co-financing of agreements concluded as a result of such initiatives, which is often fraught with systemic violations of budgetary legislation. Connivance of the control-supervisory and judicial authorities results in formation of skewed law enforcement practice, in 36.2% of projects investors receive

additional rental income from the budget, objectively not justified. This not only results in budget overpayments, but also devalues competitive formats that were previously quite successful — at present only 1/5 of social projects are concluded through a competitive process.


1. Kireeva A.V. Sovremennye problemy institutsional’nogo regulirovaniya ekonomicheskikh otnoshenii v sfere gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva [Modern Problems of Institutional Regulation of Economic Relations in the Field of Public-Private Partnership]. Vestnik Evraziiskoi nauki, 2020, no 4, available at:

2. Kudelich M.I. Pryamoe soglashenie v proektakh s gosudarstvennym uchastiem: sravnitel’no-pravovoi analiz [Direct Agreement in Projects with State Participation: Comparative Legal Analysis]. Finansovyi zhurnal, 2019, no 6, pp. 57–69, available at: DOI:

3. Ponomarev R.V. Osobennosti regulirovaniya kontsessionnykh soglashenii v zarubezhnykh stranakh [Peculiarities of Regulating Concession Agreements in Foreign Countries]. Innovatsii i investitsii, 2015, no 8, pp. 66–70.

4. Istomina N.A. Konkurentsiya za byudzhetnye sredstva v kontseptsii byudzhetirovaniya, orientirovannogo na rezul’tat [Competition for Budgetary Funds in the Concept of Performance-Based Budgeting]. Finansovaya analitika: problemy i resheniya, 2014, no 29, pp. 41–47.

5. Gavrilova Yu.A. Monitoring praktiki primeneniya zakonodatel’stva o kontraktnoi sisteme i perspektivy ego sovershenstvovaniya [Monitoring the Practice of Applying Legislation on the Contract System and Prospects for Its Improvement]. Monitoring pravoprimeneniya, 2019, no 3, pp. 36–42, available at: DOI:

6. Belozor F.I. Zakupki dlya gosudarstvennykh nuzhd: garmonizatsiya dobrosovestnoi konkurentsii i ekonomicheskoi effektivnosti [Public Procurement: Harmonizing Fair Competition and Economic Efficiency]. Gosudarstvennoe i munitsipal’noe upravlenie. Uchenye zapiski, 2021, no 1, available at: DOI:

The EAEU Demography and Human Capital: Trends and Losses in the Context of a Pandemic


Demographic dynamics becomes crucially important for successful scenario of the future for both Eurasian integration and each EAEU member state. The “pandemic crisis” caused an increase in excess mortality, reduced social well-being and created serious legal and managerial conflicts. Within the EAEU new barriers to mobility and migration have emerged and social tension has increased. In the existing realities the current supranational solutions are insufficient, they are poorly focused on achieving the demographic security of the EAEU member states. Coordinated actions are needed to significantly improve the demographic situation in the EAEU.

On Catastrophic Increase in Mortality and Measures to Save the People in Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.179.2021.6-15

How is it that in Russia, unlike in other countries, during the coronavirus pandemic the total mortality increased by a record amount and the income and consumption of the population decreased to the greatest extent? The point is that the crisis, caused by the coronavirus pandemic, is completely different from previous ones. It highlights the dilemma: should we use forces and means to prevent an economic recession with lower costs for anti-crisis measures, or focus on saving people’s lives while minimizing additional mortality and maintaining real incomes of the population? Each country, depending on objectives, prevailing conditions and opportunities, chooses its “golden mean”. In many cases such choice is not fully conscious, since it’s not possible to forecast with any certainty even over the near term. Decisions have to be taken up along the way, based on the situation and assessing the probability of certain events, including in view of the other countries’  experience in combating the pandemic.

Social protests as prerequisites for economic degradation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.101.2021.83-102

The article examines the relationship between socio-economic indicators characterizing the level of economic security of the state and the growth of protest activity of the population. Based on the socio-historical analysis, a generalizing conclusion is made that the economic downturn, reflecting the cyclical nature of economic processes, naturally affects the decline in the standard of living of the population and thereby produces further impoverishment of the population. Using the example of a historical analogy with pre-revolutionary Russia, the calculation data defining the boundaries of modern poverty are given. In turn, growing economic differentiation and poverty create an arc of social tension and form a favorable environment for the manifestation of social protests.

Market research of the meso-economic level paid services in the context of economic instability

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.101.2021.78-82

The scientific article reveals the characteristic features and features of the competitive market of paid services at the meso-economic level on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan. The analysis of the paid services market in the context of financial and economic indicators during the active phase of the pandemic and the instability of the economy is carried out. The study of the presented data was conducted on the basis of a survey of respondents of small and medium-sized businesses in the paid services market.

Problems of the development of the Northern Sea Route and its infrastructure amid a decline in economic activity

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.101.2021.69-77

The article notes that the development of the Northern Sea Route and the Russian Arctic area around it is a necessary condition for improving long-term competitiveness of the national economy. Negative economic trends are identified that have resulted from a decline in economic activity due to the coronavirus epidemic, which significantly affect the performance of ongoing investment projects in the field of mining in the Arctic zone. It is proposed to clarify and correct the existing forecasts for the transportation of goods along the Northern Sea Route, to ensure the most efficient use of the federal budget resources for the development of its infrastructure. Using the methods of comparative analysis and a systematic approach, the authors conclude that in the context of a decline in economic activity, the volume of cargo transportation by private companies along the Northern Sea Route by 2024 will be in the range of 47-50 million tons, and a number of planned projects in the field of production minerals will not be sold. Recommendations are given for adjusting the existing plans for the development of the infrastructure of the Northern Sea Route (including the construction of nuclear icebreakers) in order to more efficiently use the federal budget funds.

Concept of situation and strategic planning of natural gas consumption in industrial enterprises

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.101.2021.58-68

The scientific article considers the concept of situational and strategic planning of natural gas consumption at an industrial enterprise based on two matrix models: a situational model of planning energy efficiency and energy conservation strategies and the choice of strategic use of technologies, a situational model of planning strategies for energy consumption in the fuel and energy balance. The interrelation of these models makes it possible to form a matrix for monitoring the main indicators of characteristics that ensure the implementation of an energy efficient strategy for natural gas consumption, which assumes a number of characteristics, optimizing which it is possible to ensure the quality of planning and management of situational and strategic consumption of natural gas in the fuel and energy balance system of an industrial enterprise.

Systematization of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the competitiveness of enterprises on the example of tourism and recreation at the meso-level

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.101.2021.51-57

The scientific article puts forward theoretical and practical provisions, in aggregate, constituting a new method of managing competitiveness in a market environment. The proposed methodology serves as the basis for the development of practical measures, and can be used for subsequent scientific and theoretical research, as well as in the practical work of enterprises in the field of tourism services and in the development of effective management decisions. The competitive market of tourist services and recreation is investigated on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan.