Economic evaluation of the qualitative selection of specialists for responsible management work (using healthcare as an example)

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.104-120

In this study, the causes of unsatisfactory organization of accessible and high-quality medical care were diagnosed, directions for improving its organization were determined, and an attempt was made to economically evaluate the role of industry executives in the efficiency of using budget funds allocated for the development of health care.

The proposed approach enables the development of scientifically based risk minimization tools and mechanisms to achieve the goals of improving the organization of highly qualified, accessible and high-quality medical care.


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7. Lavrenteva M. V. Is healthcare a public good or a market service? A critical analysis of the discussion of strategies and tactics for the development of the global healthcare system in post-Covid conditions based on the current debates around the works of B. Gates and the World Health Organization. 2023;7(133).

8. Zadvornaya O.L. Conceptual approaches to improving the qualifications of personnel for the implementation of lean manufacturing technologies in medical organizations providing primary health care. Medical technologies. Assessment and selection. 2020;1: 48–54.

9. Omelyanovsky V.V., Gorkavenko F.V., Ignatyeva N.V., Mukhortova P.A., Ryzhova O.R., Teptsova T.S., Kingshott A.A., Kondratieva B.B. Real clinical practice: principles of use in making management decisions and assessing healthcare technologies. Pharmacoeconomics. Modern pharmacoeconomics and pharmacoepidemiology. 2023;16(2):283–290.

10. Voskanyan Yu.E. Adverse Events Associated with the Provision of Health Care, or the Downside of Healthcare in Foreign Countries (a Systematic Review). Surgery. Pirogov Journal. 2022;4:79–98.

11. Vetoshkin S. Digitalization Has Turned Medicine into a «Mouse Fray». Report at a Meeting of the Expert Council on Modern Management and Digitalization in Healthcare of the Duma Committee on Health Protection. 06/21/2024. URL:

Economic security and Technological sovereignty in modern industrial policy

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.94-103

The article examines the global trend of «reloading» national industrial strategies in the context of recent geopolitical and geoeconomic challenges. We describe the countries’ transition from priorities of economic efficiency to dominant priorities of economic security and their course towards achieving technological sovereignty (self-sufficiency) as its central component. We analyze this course in the leading world economies (EU, USA, China), as well as the risks for its successful implementation. Special attention is paid to a similar Russian course – the only alternative under the sanctions pressure. We find that in all types of economies, including Russia, achieving technological sovereignty may be a more difficult task than governments expect, and that the accumulation of inefficiencies from fragmentation of the global economy into blocs will eventually force countries to return to greater economic openness.


1. Smorodinskaya N.V. Globalized economy: From hierarchies to a network order. Moscow: Institute of Economics RAS, 2015. 344 p.

2. Aiginger K.Ketels C. Industrial policy reloaded. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade. 2024;24:7.

3. Evenett S.Jakubik A.Martín F.Ruta M. The return of industrial policy in data. The World Economy. 2024;47 (7):2762–2788.

4. Smorodinskaya N.V.Katukov D.D. Moving towards technological sovereignty: a new global trend and the Russian specifics. Baltic Region. 2024;16 (3):108–135.

5. Morgan T.C.Syropoulos C.Yotov Y.V. Economic sanctions: Evolution, consequences, and challenges. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 2023;37 (1):3–29.

6. Cha V.D. Collective resilience: Deterring China’s weaponization of economic interdependence. International Security. 2023;48 (1):91–124.

7. Tung R.L.Zander I.Fang T. The Tech Cold War, the multipolarization of the world economy, and IB research. International Business Review. 2023;32 (6):102195.

8. Aiyar S.Ilyina A.Chen J.Kangur A.Trevino J.Ebeke C.Gudmundsson T.Soderberg G.Schulze T.
Kunaratskul T.Ruta M.Garcia-Saltos R.Rodriguez S. Geoeconomic fragmentation and the future of multilateralism. IMF Staff Discussion Notes, 2023. 42 p.

9. Stępka M. Identifying security logics in the EU policy discourse. Cham: Springer, 2022.

10.Drezner D.W. Global economic sanctions. Annual Review of Political Science. 2024;27 (1):9–24.

11.  Afontsev S.A. Theoretical dimensions of economic sovereignty. Journal of the New Economic Association. 2024; (3):218–224.

12. Goodman M.P. Policymaking is all about trade-offs. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies. URL:

13. Edler J.Blind K.Kroll H.Schubert T. Technology sovereignty as an emerging frame for innovation policy: Defining rationales, ends and means. Research Policy. 2023;52 (6):104765.

14. Mazzucato M. Mission economy: A moonshot guide to changing capitalism. London: Allen Lane, 2021.

The mechanism of implementation of projects for the modernization of local energy systems within the framework of corporate social responsibility of mining enterprises of the Far North

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.81-93

The authors analyzed the features of the functioning of diesel power plants in the decentralized regions of Yakutia and justified the need for their modernization using energy storage systems that optimize operating modes and reduce fuel consumption. A model of multilateral partnership is proposed, which includes three key elements: a Coordinating Council, a Project office and a Public Supervisory Board. A comprehensive system of socio-economic criteria for the selection of projects has been developed. The financial mechanism based on the creation of the energy development fund of the Far North, formed at the expense of contributions from mining enterprises and co-financing from regional authorities, is presented. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of a mechanism for integrating projects for the modernization of local energy systems into the structure of corporate social responsibility strategies of extractive enterprises, which ensures sustainable financing and implementation of projects. The results of the study can be used in the implementation of energy projects in other regions.


1. Rodionova V.G. Economics and technologies of floating nuclear thermal power plants: pates «Akademik Lomonosov». Humanitarian Bulletin. 2017;10 (60):1–18.

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Digital technologies in the management of energy resources in the Arctic zone

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.71-80

The article substantiates the necessity of introducing digital technologies based on artificial intelligence in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation. According to the methodology of the World Bank, the indicators of energy production and consumption per capita are important characteristics that reflect not only the dynamics of economic development of regions, but also the quality of life of the population. This study analyzes energy production and consumption in the period from 1990 to 2023, including four regions, the territories of which are fully included in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation. The article touches upon the impact of modern technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI) on energy consumption in the future, the use of predictive analytics for sustainable operation of energy systems in the Arctic. It also suggests the possibility of improving the energy efficiency of data centers in the Arctic zone, taking into account the use of natural cooling of servers.


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Socio-economic aspects of production and trade labeling of product brands in light industry

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.55-70

This article examines the socio-economic aspects of the production and trade labeling of commodity brands in light industry in modern conditions.  It is shown that since 2024, production and trade labeling has become mandatory for all participants in the Russian market. By this time, all manufacturers, importers and retailers must be registered in the Honest Mark system and will be required to transmit data on each concluded transaction. The requirements of GOST R 51201–98, which is a regulatory document that establishes the basic requirements for barcodes used in various sectors of the Russian economy, are analyzed. Several basic barcoding systems are considered, each of which has its own characteristics and specifications, namely: EAN-13, Code 39, QR codes, RFID codes and Data Matrix.  The socio-economic aspects of the implementation of production and trade labeling of the world brands «A.L.C», «GAP», «Nike» are considered as industry examples. It is shown that brands with a well-known reputation usually monitor the quality of their products and try to preserve their reputation, so labeling in such cases acts as a guarantee of good quality.


1. Hakobyan I.A. Labeling of goods by means of identification: protection of the domestic market of Russia and ensuring consumer safety. In the collection: Science Day. Blagoveshchensk, 2023. pp. 334–335.

2. Alyapkina V.G. The system of marking goods with control identification marks. A step into science. 2017;2:9–12.

3. Borovikova E.V. Improvement of tax administration based on the requirements for labeling goods. Taxes and taxation. 2020;5:61–75.

4. Vorobyov E.A., Ksenofontova O.L. Labeling systems for textile company goods. Collection of scientific papers of Russian universities «Problems of economics, finance and production management». 2024;54:47–50.

5. Guseva M.A., Andreeva E.G., Rogozhina Yu.V. The influence of modern labeling products on the quality of clothing Territory of new opportunities. Bulletin of the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. 2021;13(2):79–88.

6. Dolgaleva E.V., Shpak T.I. Marking of textile products. In the collection: Integration of science in the era of crisis: problems, solutions. Rostov-on-Don, 2022. pp. 299–300.

7. Zhuk A.A., Pisengolts M.V. On labeling of goods on the territory of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union. Tax policy and practice. 2016;3 (159):34–37.

8. Zemlyakova S.N. Analysis of labeling procedures for light industry products. Innovative scientific research. 2021;3–1(5):56–62.

9. Ilyina E.A. Important information on labeling of light industry products. Product quality control. 2021; 7:18–20.

10. Ipatko L.I. Counterfeiting of light industry products: problems and solutions. Academic Bulletin of the Rostov branch of the Russian Customs Academy. 2018;2(31):12–16.

11. Kaplina E.S. Application of FRID technologies in marking goods with control marks with RFID tags for customs purposes. In the collection: Foreign economic activity: customs aspect, 2019. pp. 82–85.

Digital model of geological and economic assessment of exploration for hydrocarbon raw materials

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.50-54

The article is devoted to the development of a digital model of geological and economic assessment of exploration for hydrocarbon raw materials in Russia. The main approaches to the formation of a digital model of hydrocarbon exploration are considered. The interaction of all participants in the process of preparing a digital model of geological and economic assessment is justified.


1. The national project «Digital Economy of the Russian Federation». URL:

2. Yelovskaya M.A. World experience in building a digital economy prospects for digitalization of the Russian economy. Izvestiya St. Petersburg State University of Economics. 2022;(5–2 (137)):35–41.

3. Korotkov S.B., Polyakov E.E., Korotkov B.S. Regional three-dimensional geological models of oil and gas provinces as a basis for prospecting and exploration. Scientific and technical collection of Vesti gazovoi nauki. 2017;(3 (31)):308–316.

4. Germakhanov A.A., Gert A.A., Kazanov O.V., Gorshenin N.E. Pestrikov A.A., Romanyuk V.B. Information and analytical system for assessing the economic efficiency of geological exploration facilities in federal programs and projects. Mineral Resources of Russia. Economics and management. 2024;1: 28–35.

5. Mursalyan A.V., Bochkova T.A. Digitalization of the economy and its impact on individual sectors of the economy. Economics and Business: theory and practice. 2022; (4–2(86)):47–50.

6. Kuzina E.S., Melekhin E.S. On the reliability of geological and economic estimates in subsurface use//Mineral resources of Russia. Economics and Management, 2019;5:52–55.

Competence management of the personnel reserve of an oil and gas company based on the use of foresight technology

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.40-49

The avalanche-like flow of innovations, instability in the global political arena, sanctions policy, shortage of qualified personnel complicates the development of strategic sectoral solutions for staffing in the Russian labor market. The personnel support system, as a complex system, is formed by a set of interconnected and interacting, but structurally relatively autonomous subsystems. At the corporate level, the system of continuous training and human resource development is aimed at meeting the strategic need of the company for qualified personnel in its priority areas. The formation of training programs for the personnel reserve using foresight technologies allows you to focus the company’s resources and achieve the so-called «dynamic equilibrium» according to A. Bogdanov [1]. The transition from strategic forecasting of required qualifications in the industry to planning of demanded competencies based on foresight technologies makes it possible to increase the competitiveness of the company.


1. Bogdanov A.A. Tectology. General organizational science: in 2 books. M.: Economica, 1989. 304 p.

2. Budzinskaya O.V. Personnel supply system as a mechanism for expanded reproduction of human resources: dis. Doctor of Economics: 08.00.05. M., 2022. 321 p.

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4. Martynov V.G., Budzinskaya O.V., Sheinbaum V.S. Design of a system of expanded reproduction of personnel for the fuel and energy complex in the context of the next reform of engineering education. Standard of living of the population of the regions of Russia. 2024. Vol. 20. No. 2. P. 243–257.

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7. Budzinskaya O.V. Forecasting the need for qualified personnel using the example of the oil and gas industry. Social and labor research. 2020; 40(3):81–89.

8. Budzinskaya O.V. Foresight of competence or forecasting the structure of personnel in the context of the global system of division of labor. Education. Science. Scientific personnel. 2020. No. 4. URL:

9. Mironova D.Yu., Baranov I.V., Pomazkova E.E., Rumyantseva O.N. Project management: application of foresight and industrial symbiosis in project management for sustainable development: Study guide ed. St. Petersburg: ITMO University, 2022. 95 p.

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Analysis of the prospects of using hydrogen as a fuel for generating electricity in the Far East

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.31-39

Today, due to the reorientation of the foreign economic activity of the Russian Federation to the countries of the East and the Asia-Pacific region, the Far East is one of the fastest growing regions. The growth of the region’s economy is closely linked to an increase in energy consumption. In the conditions of moral and physical deterioration of the generating equipment of the Far East, the question of ways to increase the efficiency of coal-fired power plants in the region is acute.


1. Karasevich V.A. Fundamentals of hydrogen energy: Textbook. M.: Publishing Center of National University of Oil and Gas «Gubkin University», 2023. 100 p.

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The state and prospects of hydrogen energy development within the framework of achieving carbon neutrality as a strategic priority of the national economy of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.18-30

It is shown that the hydrogen economy is considered one of the key directions in the implementation of state decarbonization and carbon neutrality programs today. The technological and organizational and economic aspects of the production of environmentally friendly types of hydrogen are considered, depending on the method of production and the volume of carbon dioxide emissions, namely «green», «yellow», «blue», «turquoise», «brown» and «gray». It has been established that hydrogen technologies are the basis in the foundation of the future global economy, in which environmental protection issues come first, and as a result, the use of hydrogen will become a new driver of development.

It is shown that Russia has a huge potential for hydrogen production and export on a global scale. Therefore, hydrogen technologies are not only talked about in a positive way both at the largest Russian forums, but also as part of the discussion of innovative strategies of the largest Russian companies, but also move on to the practical implementation of a number of government programs and national projects.


1. Borisova E.A. The development of hydrogen energy in the East. In the book: Economic, socio-political and ethno-confessional problems of Afro-Asian countrie, 2020. pp. 36–38.

2. Velikorossov.V., Genkin E.V., Filin S.A. The use of hydrogen energy to increase energy security and Gez transformation. National interests: priorities and security. 2023;19(8 (425)):1587–1600.

3. Volkov A.R., Makarenko E.D., Kim A.A. Hydrogen production from waste as a promising auxiliary vector for the development of hydrogen energy in the world. In the collection: Almanac of scientific works of young scientists of ITMO University. St. Petersburg, 2023. pp. 267–269.

4. Lebedkov R.K., Goryachev S.V. Hydrogen and alternative energy: past, present and future. Internauka. 2022;(13-3 (236)):18–20.

5. Plotnikov V.V., Aldoshina N.D. Hydrogen energy. Bulletin of scientific conferences. 2021;(4-3 (68)): 90–91.

6. Saitova A.A., Ilyinsky A.A., Dzhemilev E.R. Prospects for the development of hydrogen energy in the Russian Federation. Bulletin of the Perm University. Series: Economics. 2023;18(4):423–444.

7. Sokolov A.S. Hydrogen energy: the beginning of a long journey. In the book: Lomonosov readings. The history and modernity of physics (ISOF-2020), 2020. p. 70.

8. Chopanov D.A. Hydrogen energy as the future of the energy industry and renewable energy sources. Internauka. 2022;(15-3 (238)):44–45.           

9. Shevandronov N.A., Brostilova T.Yu., Brostilov S.A. Application of hydrogen energy in transport and small-scale energy facilities. Proceedings of the international symposium «Reliability and Quality». 2024. Vol. 2. pp. 140–142.

10. Amir F.A. The world hydrogen economy: opportunities and difficulties of use. In the collection: Russian regions in the focus of change. Yekaterinburg, 2023. pp. 703–708.

Establishment and development of the institutions and management tools in the power industry and renewables in Russia

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.5-17

Todaу, a multi-level institutional structure has been established in the electric power industry in Russia. The analysis of the system of institutionalism in the Russian electric power industry and the identification of incentives for the development of renewable energy as a perspective area are important steps which help to understand the conditions for the development of renewable energy in Russia. The lack of a balanced and developed institutional environment can cause additional risks and instability in the energy industry, as well as hinder the investment attraction and new technologies in renewable energy.


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