Results of Russia’s Strategic Development for the First Three Quarters of 2024: Structural Transformation of the Economy Continues

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.84-89

The article dwells on the change in the market index of the “Economic Strategies” (MIES) for the first nine months of 2024.

Contribution of supply and demand indicators to the MIES is assessed. Industrial production is analyzed.


1. Informatsiya o XIII s”ezde Federatsii nezavisimykh profsoyuzov Rossii ot 29 oktyabrya 2024 g. [Information about the XIII Congress of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia dated October 29, 2024]. Ofitsial’nyy sayt Prezidenta RF, available at:

2. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe polozhenie Rossii v yanvare — sentyabre 2024 goda [Socio-economic Situation in Russia in January — September 2024]. Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki, available at:

3. Informatsiya o strategicheskoy sessii Pravitel’stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii o formirovanii edinogo plana po dostizheniyu natsional’nykh tseley razvitiya na period do 2030 goda i na perspektivu do 2036 goda ot 12 noyabrya 2024 g. [Information on the Strategic Session of the Government of the Russian Federation on the Formation of a Unified Plan for Achieving National Development Goals for the Period up to 2030 and for the Future up to 2036 dated November 12, 2024]. Ofitsial’nyy sayt Pravitelstva RF, available at:

4. Prognoz sotsial’no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii na 2025 god i na planovyy period 2026 i 2027 godov [Forecast of Socio-economic Development of the Russian Federation for 2025 and for the Planning Period of 2026 and 2027], available at: file:///C:/Users/%D0%BF%D0%BA/Desktop/prognoz_socialno_ekonomicheskogo_razvitiya_rf_2025-2027.pdf

5. Frenkel’ A.A., Tikhomirov B.I., Surkov A.A. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe razvitie Rossii v I kvartale 2024 g. — ekonomicheskiy rost uskoryaetsya [Socioeconomic Development of Russia in the First Quarter of 2024 — Economic Growth is Accelerating]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2024, no 3(195), pp. 120–125, DOI:

6. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 7 maya 2024 g. “O natsional’nykh tselyakh razvitiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii na period do 2030 goda i na perspektivu do 2036 goda” [Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2024 “On the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 and for the perspective up to 2036”]. Ofitsial’nyy sayt Prezidenta RF, available at:

Mysterious Virus in Accounting System

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.72-83

The author presents conceptual restructuring of the real essence of reforming economic and investment activities in late 1991 — early 1992, associated with the introduction of international accounting and reporting standards. Особое и преимущественно разрушительное влияние имело изменение правил реновации основных средств. Changing the rules for renovation of fixed assets had a particular and predominantly destructive impact. Actual destruction of the “depreciation fund” balance sheet in “liberalized” accounting became a trigger for undermining the factors of reproducing industrial potential, reducing the profits of enterprises and the revenues of the consolidated state budget.


1. Ageev A.I., Galushkina M.V., Kopkova E.S., Smirnova V.A., Shtukel’berger K. Integrirovannaya otchetnost’: vyzov menedzhmentu [Integrated Reporting: A Management Challenge]. Moscow, Institut ekonomicheskikh strategiy, Natsional’nyy tsentr nauchno-tekhnicheskoy informatsii, 2017, 212 p.

2. Mervin King: “My dolzhny povernut’ za ugol i vyyti na prospekt stabil’nogo kapitalizma” [Mervyn King: “We Need to Turn the Corner and Walk Out at the Avenue of Stable Capitalism”]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2014, no 2, pp. 6–13.

3. Ageev A.I., Ovchinnikov V.V. Sistemnye konstruktsii global’nogo rynka nefti i nefteproduktov [System Designs of the Global Oil and Oil Products Market]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2016, no 4, pp. 122–133.

4. Ovchinnikov V.V. Regulirovanie raznykh vidov ekonomicheskoy deyatel’nosti v epokhu shestoy tekhnologicheskoy revolyutsii [Regulation of Various

Economic Activities in the Sixth Technological Revolution Era]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2014, no 10, pp. 112–123.

5. Ageev A.I., Met’yuz R., Bol’shakov Z.A. Giperkonkurentsiya [Hypercompetition]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2002, no 4, pp. 50–53.

6. Efremov I.A., Igumnov Yu.S. Bukhgalterskiy uchet v ugol’noy promyshlennosti [Accounting in the Coal Industry]. Moscow, Nedra, 1974, 296 p.

7. Sokolov Ya.V., Sokolov V.Ya. Istoriya bukhgalterskogo ucheta [History of Accounting]. Moscow, Finansy i statistika, 2004, 272 p.

8. Fedorovich V.A., Muravnik V.B., Bochkarev O.I. SShA: voennaya ekonomika (organizatsiya i upravlenie) [USA: War Economy (Organization and Management)]. Moscow, Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2013, 616 p.

9. Sokolov Ya.V. Osnovy teorii bukhgalterskogo ucheta [Fundamentals of Accounting Theory]. Moscow, Finansy i statistika, 2000, 496 p.

10. Radina V.A., Yakutin Yu.V. Novye finansovye tekhnologii sistemy upravleniya ekonomicheskoy deyatel’nost’yu [New Financial Technologies for Economic Activity Management Systems]. Finansovaya zhizn’, 2024, no 2, pp. 108–146.

11. Strel’tsov A.V., Yakovlev G.I. Soderzhatel’naya otsenka roli amortizatsii kak istochnika investitsiy dlya modernizatsii predpriyatiy [Substantial Assessment of the Role of Depreciation as an Investment Source for the Enterprises Modernization]. Vestnik Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta, 2021, no 3, pp. 53–60.

On the Issue of Performance of Obligations by Parties to Special Investment Contracts

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.64-71

Special investment contracts are bilaterally binding agreements that can be amended or terminated at the initiative of either party. Thus, about 10% of special investment contracts concluded with the par ticipation of the Russian Federation under the SPIC 1.0 and SPIC 2.0 models from 2017 to September 2024 were cancelled or terminated. Provisions of more than 25% of concluded special investment contracts were changed at the initiative of the private par ty to the contract, some of them were modified several times. The ar ticle examines the issues of parties’ liability to a special investment contract for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of contractual obligations, analyzes dynamics of changes and terminations of concluded SPICs and assesses such phenomena from the point of view of their impact on achieving the goals of public legal entities.


1. Akopyan O.A. Transformatsiya regulyatornoy modeli spetsial’nogo investitsionnogo kontrakta (SPIK) [The Transformation of the Regulatory Model of a Special Investment Contract (SPIC)]. Finansovoe pravo, 2020, no 6, pp. 28–33, DOI:

2. Yevstafyeva Yu.V. Reformirovanie instrumenta spetsial’nogo investitsionnogo kontrakta [Reforming an Instrument of Special Investment Contract]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2020, no 1(167), pp. 64–71, DOI:

3. Yevstafyeva Yu.V. Spetsial’nye investitsionnye kontrakty novogo pokoleniya — SPIK 2.0: osobennosti ispol’zovaniya i perspektivy [Special Investment Contracts of New Edition — SPIC 2.0: Features of Use and Perspectives]. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie. Elektronnyy vestnik, 2023, no 99, pp. 49–61, DOI:

4. Sokolov A.B. Spetsial’nyy investitsionnyy kontrakt kak instrument podderzhki tekhnologicheskoy modernizatsii ekonomiki Rossii [Special Investment Contract as a Tool to Support Technological Modernization of the Russian Economy]. Vestnik Instituta ekonomiki Rossiyskoy akademii nauk, 2022, no 3, pp. 182–194, DOI:

5. Federal’nyy zakon ot 14 marta 2022 g. N 57-FZ “O vnesenii izmeneniy v stat’yu 2 Federal’nogo zakona ‘O vnesenii izmeneniy v Federal’nyy zakon ‘O promyshlennoy politike v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» v chasti regulirovaniya spetsial’nykh investitsionnykh kontraktov” [Federal Law of 14 March 2022 No. 57-FZ “On Making Amendments in Federal Law ‘On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation’ in the Regulation of Special Investment Contracts”]. Konsul’tantPlyus, available at:

6. Federal’nyy zakon ot 28 aprelya 2023 g. N 142-FZ “O vnesenii izmeneniya v stat’yu 2 Federal’nogo zakona ‘O vnesenii izmeneniy v Federal’nyy zakon ‘O promyshlennoy politike v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» v chasti regulirovaniya spetsial’nykh investitsionnykh kontraktov” [Federal Law of 28 April 2023 No. 142-FZ “On Making Amendments in Federal Law ‘On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation’ in the Regulation of Special Investment Contracts”]. Ofitsial’nyy

Regulatory Guillotine — a Vector for Updating Regulatory Legal Acts

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.56-63

The author examines peculiarities of the influence of the “regulatory guillotine” mechanism, aimed at eliminating duplicate requirements and introducing reasonable standards. The article analyzes requirements for regulatory legal acts (using regional practices as an example), the purpose of which is to reduce the excessive administrative burden on a business entity.


1. Mekhanizm “regulyatornoy gil’otiny” [Mechanism of the “Regulatory Guillotine”]. Ministerstvo ekonomicheskogo razvitiya RF, available at:

2. Federal’nyy zakon ot 31 iyulya 2020 g. N 247-FZ “Ob obyazatel’nykh trebovaniyakh v Rossiyskoy Federatsii” [Federal Law of July 31, 2020 No. 247-FZ “On Mandatory Requirements in the Russian Federation”]. Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 2020, no 31.

3. Federal’nyy zakon ot 11 iyunya 2021 g. N 170-FZ “O vnesenii izmeneniy v otdel’nye zakonodatel’nye akty Rossiyskoy Federatsii v svyazi s prinyatiem Federal’nogo zakona ‘O gosudarstvennom kontrole (nadzore) i munitsipal’nom kontrole v Rossiyskoy Federatsii’” [Federal Law of June 11, 2021 No. 170-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Adoption of the Federal Law ‘On State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control in the Russian Federation’”]. Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 2021, no 24 (Chast’ I).

4. Postanovlenie Konstitutsionnogo suda RF ot 19 aprelya 2021 g. N 14-P [Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of April 19, 2021 No. 14-P]. Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 2021, no 17.

5. Tikhomirova L. A. Reforma kontrol’no-nadzornoy deyatel’nosti (“regulyatornaya gil’otina”) v sfere promyshlennoy bezopasnosti [Reform of Control and Supervisory Activities («Regulatory Guillotine») in the Field of Industrial Safety]. SPS “Konsul’tantPlyus”, 2021.

6. Postanovlenie Arbitrazhnogo suda Vostochno-Sibirskogo okruga ot 28 marta 2023 g. po delu N A33-2059/2022 [Resolution of the Arbitration Court of the East Siberian District dated March 28, 2023 in case No. A33-2059/2022]. Dostup iz SPS “Konsul’tant Plyus”.

7. Postanovlenie Devyatogo arbitrazhnogo apellyatsionnogo suda ot 21 marta 2024 g. po delu N A40-139576/2023 [Resolution of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated March 21, 2024 in case No. A40-139576/2023]. Dostup iz SPS “Konsul’tant Plyus”.

8. Opredelenie Verkhovnogo Suda Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 16 sentyabrya 2020 g. N 305-ES20-4513 [Definition of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated September 16, 2020 No. 305-ES20-4513]. Dostup iz SPS “Konsul’tant Plyus”.

9. Federal’nyy zakon ot 6 dekabrya 2011 g. № 402-FZ “O Bukhgalterskom Uchete” [Federal Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011 “On Accounting”]. Rossiyskaya gazeta, 2011, no 278.

10. Nalogovyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii (chast’ pervaya) ot 31 iyulya 1998 g. N 146-FZ [Tax Code of the Russian Federation (part one) of July 31, 1998 No. 146-FZ]. Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 1998, no 31.

Monetary Policy in Russia Reduces Economic Activity during the Period of its Growth – isn’t this a Success?

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.48-55

The article dwells on the policy of the Central Bank of Russia to suppress inflation and ensure stable economic growth. The purpose of the study is to identify the impact of the key interest rate on inflation and economic growth in Russia, to specify the negative consequences of its increase. Methodology is based on the theory of monetary policy and economic growth. The overall result obtained is that the current policy of increasing the k ey interest rate in Russia has a negative impact on economic development and is less successful in suppressing inflation than some economists and analysts expect. Moreover, it slows down economic growth, reproduces the growth of inequalit y over a long period, revealing a weakly positive effect in influencing inflation and a negative cumulative ef fect on the rate of economic growth. The approach from the perspective of “distributed control” and the cumulative ef fect, used in the article, makes it possible to reveal the joint dynamics of a number of relevant parameters that characterize and reflect the content and ef fectiveness of monetary policy in Russia. The proposal is that various policy instruments should be subordinated to the task of the real economy growth, supplying it with financial capital, against which the policy of a debt economy with a high interest rate works.


1. Aganbegyan A.G. Tri glavnykh sotsial’no-ekonomicheskikh vyzova, stoyashchikh pered Rossiey, i 15 otvetnykh shagov [Three Major Socio-economic Challenges Facing Russia and 15 Steps to Take in Response]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2023, no 1, pp. 6–15.

2. L’vov D.S. Ekonomika razvitiya [Development Economics]. Moscow, Ekzamen, 2022, 512 p.

3. Glazyev S.Yu. Kak denezhno-kreditnaya politika ugnetaet ekonomicheskiy rost v Rossii i Evraziyskom ekonomicheskom soyuze [How Monetary Policy Is Suppressing Economic Growth in Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union]. Rossiyskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal, 2022, no 2, pp. 4–20.

4. Bank Rossii ne isklyuchil “bolee znachitel’nogo” povysheniya klyuchevoy stavki [The Bank of Russia did not Rule Out a “More Significant” Increase in the Key Rate]., 2024, 29 avgusta, available at:

5. Analitiki TsB zayavili o predposylkakh dlya umen’sheniya peregreva v ekonomike [Central Bank Analysts have Announced Preconditions for Reducing Overheating in the Economy]. Interfax, 2024, 3 sentyabrya, available at:

6. Tseny, inflyatsiya. Potrebitel’skie tseny [Prices, Inflation. Consumer Prices]. Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki, available at:

7. Klyuchevaya stavka i stavka refinansirovaniya [Key Rate and Refinancing Rate]. Garant, available at:

8. Denezhnaya massa M2 (natsional’noe opredelenie) [Money Supply M2 (National Definition)]. EMISS. Gosudarstvennaya statistika, available at:

Cooperation of the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Fuel and Energy Sector

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.42-47

The article dwells on cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the fuel and energy sector. The author examines the main areas of cooperation between two countries, which takes place despite their potential competition in the energy market, analyzes the current state of their interaction and identifies prospects for cooperation in the future. Particular attention is paid to the regulatory framework in the oil sector, to development of energy projects, including investment interest, as well as to measures for strengthening partnerships between Russia and Saudi Arabia despite the relatively weak mutual trade turnover. The results analysis makes it possible to draw up conclusions on the significance and prospects for further development of cooperation in the fuel and energy sector between the two countries.


1. V Gosudarstvennoy dume proshel “pravitel’stvennyy chas” s uchastiem ministra inostrannykh del Sergeya Lavrova [A “Government Hour” Was Held in the State Duma With the Participation of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov]. Ofitsial’nyy sayt Gosudarstvennoy dumy Federal’nogo sobraniya Rossiyskoy Federatsii. 2023. 15 fevralya, available at:

2. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 31 marta 2023 g. N 229 “Ob utverzhdenii Kontseptsii vneshney politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii” [Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 03/31/2023 No. 229 “On approval of the Concept of Foreign policy of the Russian Federation”]. Konsul’tantPlyus, available at:

3. Upravlenie energeticheskoy informatsii SShA [Website]. EIA, available at:

4. Fazel’yanov E. Energeticheskie otnosheniya Rossii s Saudovskoy Araviey [Energy Relations Between Russia and Saudi Arabia]. Mezhdunarodnaya zhizn’. Arkhiv 2 nomera 2021 g., available at:

5. Soglashenie mezhdu Pravitel’stvom Rossiyskoy Federatsii i Pravitel’stvom Korolevstva Saudovskaya Araviya o sotrudnichestve v oblasti nefti i gaza [Agreement Between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Cooperation in the Field of Oil and Gas]. Ministerstvo inostrannykh del Rossiyskoy Federatsii, available at:

6. Akhmed Mokhamed Abdu Khasan. Energeticheskiy dialog Rossiyskoy Federatsii i Korolevstva Saudovskaya Araviya [Energy Dialogue Between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia]. Vestnik Rossiyskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Seriya: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2018, vol. 18, no 2, pp. 342–355.

7. Blizhniy Vostok: “zelenoe” zakonodatel’stvo i printsipy ESG [The Middle East: “green” Legislation and ESG Principles]. TsDU TEK. Tsentral’noe dispetcherskoe upravlenie toplivno-energeticheskogo kompleksa, 2023, 29 marta, available at:

Energy Security of the Eurasian Economic Union in the Context of New Challenges and Threats. Part II

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.36-41

In the modern world, deep structural changes are taking place due to changes in technological structures. This process is accompanied by dramatic changes in the system of economic assessments and large-scale shifts in the economy.

Global energy industry is facing serious challenges and upheavals, requiring the search for new development opportunities for the fuel and electric complex. There are two key components implied here. The first one is the energy challenges facing the Eurasian Economic Union. The second is the readiness to overcome them through joint efforts.


[1] — [15] no 5/2024, p. 31.

16. Movkebaeva G.A., Ondash A.O., Bimagambetova Zh.T., Saiylybaev A.M. Formirovanie obshchego energeticheskogo rynka EAES kak faktor obespecheniya energeticheskoy bezopasnosti Evraziiyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza [Formation of the Common EAEU Energy Market as a Factor in Ensuring Energy Security of the Eurasian Economic Union]. Vestnik KazNU. Seriya filosofii, kul’turologii i politologii, 2018, no 65(3), pp. 97–104, available at: https://bulletin-philospolit.kaznu/index.php/1-pol/article/view/701

17. Reshenie Vysshego Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soveta ot 8 maya 2015 g. N 12 “O Kontseptsii formirovaniya obshchego elektroenergeticheskogo rynka Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza” [Decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council dated May 8, 2015 No. 12 “On the Concept of Forming a Common Electric Power Market of the Eurasian Economic Union”]. Ofitsial’nyy sayt Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza, 2015, 12 maya, available at:

18. Reshenie Vysshego ekonomicheskogo soveta ot 31 maya 1916 g. N 7 “O Kontseptsii formirovaniya obshchego rynka gaza Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza” [Decision of the Supreme Economic Council of May 31, 1916 No. 7 “On the Concept of Forming a Common Gas Market of the Eurasian Economic Union”]. Ofitsial’nyy sayt Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza, 2016, 31 maya, available at:

19. Reshenie Vysshego Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soveta ot 6 dekabrya 2018 g N 18 “O formirovanii obshchego rynka gaza Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza” (vmeste s “Programmoy formirovaniya obshchego rynka gaza Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza”, “Planom meropriyatiy po formirovaniyu obshchego rynka gaza Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza”) [Decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council of December 6, 2018 No. 18 «On the Formation of a Common Gas Market of the Eurasian Economic Union» (together with the «Program for the Formation of a Common Gas Market of the Eurasian Economic Union», «Plan of Measures for the Formation of a Common Gas Market of the Eurasian Economic Union»)]. Ofitsial’nyy sayt Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza, 2018, 7 dekabrya, available at:

20. Rasporyazhenie Vysshego Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soveta ot 1 oktyabrya 2019 g. N 6 “O garmonizatsii zakonodatel’stva gosudarstv — chlenov Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza v sfere transportirovki i postavki gaza mezhdu gosudarstvami-chlenami” [Order of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council dated October 1, 2019 No. 6 “On Harmonizing Legislation of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union in the Field of Gas Transportation and Supply between Member States”]. Ofitsial’nyy sayt Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza, 2019, 2 oktyabrya, available at:

In Search of a New Paradigm of Socio-Economic Development. Part II

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.26-35

In the first part of this article, the authors proposed to consider productivism as a new paradigm of socio-economic development. It, advocating for supply-side economic measures, not feeling piet y towards international markets and calling for protectionism, is intended to replace the intellectually bankrupt paradigm of neoliberalism that dominated the world at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Such “paradigm shif t” is necessary to ensure theoretically a “technological leap” — the key to global economic leadership in the 21st century. Previously, the authors have developed factors for the national economy transition to a new technological level. In this ar ticle, they will receive a quantitative assessment, which will allow to determine the ordinal probability of technological transition for the world’s leading countries. The proposed methodological approach will make it possible to position the Russian economy in these processes, as well as to identif y barriers hindering its economic development, and outline prospects for overcoming these barriers.


[1] — [26] no 5/2024, pp. 20–21.

27. Belousov D.R., Sal’nikov V.A., et al. Ekonomika-2040: ot novykh usloviy — k novym deystviyam: kratkaya versiya doklada (kontseptual’naya chast’): Proekt Gorizont-2040 [Economy-2040: from New Conditions to New Actions: a Short Version of the Report (Conceptual Part): Project Horizon-2040]. TsMAKP, 2023, 28 dekabrya, available at:

28. World Economic Forum. The Global Risks Report’2024. World Economic Forum, available at:

29. Gross domestic product 2022, PPP. World Development Indicators database. World Bank, 1 July 2023, available at:

30. Kobyakov A.B., Khazin M.L. Zakat imperii dollara i konets “Pax Americana” [The Decline of the Dollar Empire and the End of Pax Americana]. Moscow, Veche, 2003.

31. Irkhin A.A. Mir gotov razvalit’sya na neskol’ko makroregionov [The World is Ready to Fall Apart into Several Macro-regions]. Sluzhba novostey ForPost, 2020, 9 aprelya, available at:

32. Teplyakov A.Yu., Tolkachev S.A. Rossiyskaya Federatsiya v geoekonomicheskoy dueli XXI veka [Russian Federation in the Geo-Economic Duel of the 21st Century]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2023, no 6, pp. 6–15, DOI:

33. The Leisure Gains from International Trade. IMF, 2024, available at:

34. Protsentnaya sistema. Trading Economics, available at:

35. Main Economic Indicators. Vol. 2023, iss. 12, available at:

USA, China, Russia: Conflict Vulnerabilities in the Context of Transition to a New Geostrategic Paradigm

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.16-25

Trump has become the US president. It doesn’t matter anymore what role the sympathies of voters, political technologies or a well-known force action played. Inviolability of the Atlantic spells about the dominance of democracy has been refuted by the harsh realities of world politics and economics. Vector of the global attack has been determined – China. Is there a chance of success if it has revealed not possible to achieve the goals set with Russia? How will Russia act in the new situation? Who and how will be able to form new, more harmonious foundations of the world order? Is the BRICS+++ group capable of this task?”.


1. Sibileva E.A. Zachem lyudi plachuto prirode slez [Why People Cry: On the Nature of Tears]. MedAboutMe. URL:

2. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L. KOMBINATORIKA VTOROGO TRAMPA: Pokushenie. Chast’ I. Geostrategiya [SECOND TRUMP COMBINATORICS: Assassination Attempt. Part I. Geostrategy]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2024, vol. 26, no 4(196), pp. 18–25, DOI:

3. Ageev A.I. Rol’ sanktsiy, konfliktov i spetsoperatsiy: razmyshleniya o budushchem. Chast’ 2 [The Role of Sanctions, Conflicts and Special Operations: Reflections on the Future. Part 2]. Nauchnyy vestnik oboronno-promyshlennogo kompleksa Rossii, 2024, no 1, pp. 33–42.

4. Teoriya i strategiya stanovleniya ustoychivogo mnogopolyarnogo miroustroystva na baze partnerstva tsivilizatsiy (Yaltinskogo mira – 2): Vol. 1. Nauchnye osnovy stanovleniya ustoychivogo mnogopolyarnogo miroustroystva i Bol’shogo evraziyskogo partnerstva [Theory and Strategy for Forming a Sustainable Multipolar World Order Based on the Partnership of Civilizations (Yalta Peace – 2): Vol. 1. Scientific Foundations for the Development of a Sustainable Multipolar World Order and the Greater Eurasian Partnership]. Monografiya. Sost. i nauch. red. Yu.V. Yakovets, A.A. Akaev, S.Yu. Malkov. Moscow, MISK — INES, 2020, 816 p.

5. Ageev A.I., Bakhtizin A.R., Makarov V.L., Loginov E.L., Khabriev B.R. Ekonomicheskiy fundament pobedy: strategicheskiy prognoz ustoychivosti ekonomiki Rossii v usloviyakh sanktsionnykh atak [Economic Foundation of Victory: a Strategic Forecast for the Russian Economy Stability in the Face of Sanctions]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2023, vol. 25, no 3(189), pp. 6–15. DOI:

6. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L. Strategicheskaya predopredelennost’ spetsial’nykh voennykh operatsiy v mirovoy supersisteme [Strategic Predetermination of Special Military Operations in the World Supersystem]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2023, vol. 25, no 4(190), pp. 6–19, DOI:

7. Loginov E.L. Tsifrovye tekhnologii politicheskoy bor’by: neyrosetevye imperativy informatsionnogo protivodeystviya popytkam perekhvata upravleniya v sotsial’no-politicheskoy srede [Digital Technologies of Political Struggle: Neural Network Imperatives of Information Counteraction to Attempts at Interception of Control in the Socio-Political Environment]. Moscow, Rusayns, 2024, 234 p.