State and Bank
D.S. Chernavsky Model. Part 1. Adam Smith
DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.98-107
This article considers the system of views of D.S. Chernavsky on the economics of Adam Smith. It turns out that the famous English economist was a convinced statesman. In his famous work “On the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” he substantiates the need for price regulation, limiting interest rates and also considers transnational corporations the greatest evil in the economy (he calls them “large joint-stock companies”). A. Smith convincingly proves that money is a tool for generating income, but not the income of society itself.
The appendix to the article presents a mathematical model of the loan capital functioning, developed by the author under the guidance of D.S. Chernavsky.
1. Shcherbakov A.V. Mifologiya Adama Smita (o chem na samom dele kniga “Issledovanie o prirode i prichinakh bogatstva narodov”) [Mythology of Adam Smith (what “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” is Actually about)]. Moscow, Grifon, 2016, 64 p.
2. Smit A. Issledovanie o prirode i prichinakh bogatstva narodov [An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations]. Moscow, Eksmo, 2007.
3. Marks K., Engel’s F. Manifest Kommunisticheskoi partii: Sochineniya [The “Manifesto of the Communist Party”: Essays]. Vol. 4. Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo politicheskoi literatury, 1955, 616 p.
4. Chernavskii D.S., Shcherbakov A.V. Mir bez dollara i FRS [World without the Dollar and the Fed]. Institut sotsial’no-ekonomicheskogo prognozirovaniya im. D.I. Mendeleeva, available at:
5. Polnyi spisok vsekh voennykh prestuplenii SShA [Complete list of all US war Crimes]. Oko planet, 2011, 16 iyunya, available at:
6. Sorok protsentov mirovogo bogatstva kontroliruyut 147 transnatsional’nykh korporatsii [Forty Percent of the World’s Wealth is Controlled by 147 Multinational Corporations]. Gumanitarnyi portal, 2011, 24 oktyabrya, available at:
Tair Mansurov and Nazir Tyuryakulov. Author and His Protagonist
DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.94-97
Review of the book “Nazir Tyuryakulov” by T.A. Mansurov, published in 2022, which presents a biography of the Soviet diplomat N.T. Tyuryakulov. Diplomatic mission of Nazir T. Tyuryakulov was a duel with British and American competitors in the 1920s. The review also focuses on the portrait of the book’s author. Tair A. Mansurov is one of the largest systemic post-Soviet politicians. He influenced creation of the state alliances, the future of seas and borders, formation of cultural codes, protection and preservation of the heroes’ memory, the revival of temples and mosques.
Unified Precision Time System for Power Facilities and Control Centers of Eру Power Grid Companies
DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.90-93
Tougher requirements for the accuracy and reliability of the system time scale (TS) in the electric power industry, as well as changes in the geopolitical situation, have caused the need to revise the existing methods of TS organization. “UEC” JSC has developed the Methodological Recommendations “Unified Precision Time System at High-Voltage Network Facilities”. The article reveals the current method of organizing power facilities of the power grid companies in the Russian Federation. Results of the analysis of the need to improve reliability of the TS organization and to ensure the required accuracy of time signals, as well as proposals for their implementation are presented.
1. Bogdanov E.A., Ivanov A.M., Kol’tsov P.A., Shvarts M.L. Edinaya sistema sinkhronizatsii vremeni v tekhnologicheskikh sistemakh energoob”ektov i DTs RSK [Unified Time Synchronization System in Technological Systems of Power Facilities and RSK DC]. Moskovskii energetik, 2022 (dekabr’), no 10(144), pp. 6–7.
2. Ryzhkov A.V., Donchenko S.I., Ivanov A.V., Koltunov M.N., Savchuk A.V., Shvarts M.L. Peredacha signalov vremeni po seti svyazi obshchego pol’zovaniya [Transmitting Time Signals over a Public Communications Network]. Elektrosvyaz’, 2010, no 12, pp. 42–47.
3. Ryzhkov A.V., Shvarts M.L., Aladin V.M., Isupov A.V. Opyt vnedreniya sistem chastotno-vremennogo obespecheniya setei svyazi [Experience in Implementing Systems for Time-Frequency Support of Communication Networks]. T-Comm: Telekommunikatsii i transport, 2022, vol. 16, no 7, pp. 21–28.
4. Zuev E.V., Ryzhkov A.V., Pelyushenko A.S., Samatov V.I., Sakharov B.A. Pervichnyi etalonnyi istochnik VCH-1008C sistemy taktovoi setevoi sinkhronizatsii v tsifrovykh setyakh [VCH-1008C Primary Reference Source for Network Clock Synchronization System in Digital Networks]. Elektrosvyaz’, 2013, no 2, pp. 32–33.
5. Shvarts M.L., Ryzhkov A.V. Sovremennye tendentsii razvitiya sistem setevoi sinkhronizatsii v setyakh elektrosvyazi. Ot pleziokhronnykh do kogerentnykh setei [Modern Trends in the Development of Network Synchronization Systems in Telecommunication Networks. From Plesiochronous to Coherent Networks]. Sistemy sinkhronizatsii, formirovaniya i obrabotki signalov, 2021, no 4, pp. 27–38.
Time of Troubles and Management Science. New Twists in History
DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.80-89
The basic reasons for the onset of the Time of Troubles in Russia, associated with inability of the central government to perform their functions, are identified. An important role in instability was played by external organizations, including those that demonstrated a “friendly” attitude towards Russia. Withdrawal of the Fatherland from the Time of Troubles’ instability is connected with the emergence of organizations within it that are capable of realizing the idea of the country’s selfpreservation. The author concludes that the Time of Troubles in Russia came when the three main forces of organizations — owners, managers and the staff (in this case, the “orphan people”) lost their value orientations and did not act as a common front against the interventionists.
1. Volkov V.A., Kuz’min A.G. Smutnoe vremya [Time of Troubles]. Moscow, Algoritm, 2012.
2. Gaidar E. Smuty i instituty [Troubles and Institutions]. Moscow, Algoritm, 2015.
3. Denisov A.V. Smutnoe vremya. Vzglyad inzhenera [Time of Troubles. Engineer’s Perspective]. Moscow, Izd-vo Vorob’ev A.V., 2012.
4. Zinov’ev A. A. Russkaya smuta [Russian Turmoil]. Moscow, Kelvori, 1995.
5. Kurganov A.B. Lyudi Smutnogo vremeni. Istoricheskoe issledovanie [People of the Time of Troubles. Historical Research]. Moscow, AST, 2008.
6. Morozova L.E. Istoriya Rossii. Smutnoe vremya. Pravda i vymysel, svidetel’stva sovremennikov [Russian History. Time of Troubles. Truth and Fiction, Testimonials of Contemporaries]. Moscow, AST, 2011.
7. Pechenev V.A. “Smutnoe vremya” v noveishei istorii (1985–2003). Istoricheskie svidetel’stva i razmyshleniya uchastnika sobytii [“Time of Troubles” in Recent History (1985–2003). Historical Evidence and Reflections of the Events Participant]. Moscow, Norma, 2004.
8. Platonov S.F. Smutnoe vremya. Ocherk istorii vnutrennego krizisa i obshchestvennoi bor’by v Moskovskom gosudarstve XVI i XVII vv. [Time of Troubles. History Essay on the Internal Crisis and Social Struggle in the Moscow State of the XVI and XVII Centuries]. Moscow, AIRO-XXI, 2007; Smutnye vremena nachala XVII–XX stoletii i opyt ikh preodoleniya v istoricheskoi sud’be Rossii: Sb. materialov po itogam Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. Vladimir, 2–3 noyabrya 2020 g. [Troubled Times at the Beginning of the 17th–20th Centuries and the Experience of Overcoming Them in the Historical Fate of Russia: Collected Materials on the Results of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international Participation. Vladimir, November 2–3, 2020]. Vladimir, Tranzit-IKS, 2020.
9. Dvornichenko A.Yu. Smuta kak faktor rossiiskoi istorii [Time of Troubles as a Factor in Russian History]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo un-ta. Istoriya, 2018, vol. 63, vyp. 3, pp. 679, 682–684.
10. Marchenya P.P., Razin S.Yu. “Smutovedenie” kak “gordiev uzel” rossievedeniya: ot imperii k smute, ot smuty k…? [“Study of Troubles” as a “Gordian Knot” of Russian Studies: From Empire to Troubles, from Troubles to…?]. Rossiya i sovremennyi mir, 2010, no 4, pp. 50.
Education, Science, Culture and the Future of Russia
DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.72-79
At all times, the issues of upbringing and education were the core, foundation, cornerstone of the existence and development of society and the state. And to this day we are fascinated by the science and culture of antiquit y – Greece, Egypt, Israel, India, China, Rome, and etc. Development of society and the state directly stems from the at tention paid to education and upbringing of the youth. The author concludes that when they try to replace classical science with various fashionable items, this is an encroachment on the holy of holies, this is an at tempt to belittle, humiliate, fetter the freedom of the human mind development.
1. Posledstviya kapitalizma: Interv’yu amerikanskogo uchenogo i obshchestvennogo deyatelya Noama Khomskogo [Consequences of Capitalism: An Interview with American Scholar and Public Activist Noam Chomsky]. YouTube, 2021, Oktyabr’, available at:
2. Maikl R. Blumberg. Kolledzhi dolzhny vernut’ trebovaniya k testirovaniyu [Michael R. Bloomberg: Colleges Should Bring Back Testing Requirements]. Bloomberg, 2022, 26 oktyabrya, available at:
3. Akademik V.I. Arnol’d: Puteshestvie v khaose [Academician V.I. Arnold: Journey in Chaos]. Nauka i zhizn’, 2000, no 12, avail able at:
4. Vladimir Arnol’d: Opasat’sya kompetentnykh sopernikov ochen’ estestvenno dlya nachal’nikov [Vladimir Arnold: It’s very Natural for Bosses to be Afraid of Competent Rivals]. RUT MIIT, 2010, 3 iyunya, available at: ht tps://
Problems of the Regional Economy Regulation in the System of Interbudgetary Relations
DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.64-71
The aim of the study is to substantiate the directions of territorial economic development within the system of interbudgetary relations. It is emphasized that resolution of ver tical contradictions in the country’s interbudgetary relations requires scientific and applied research. On the whole, although insignificant, there is an increase in the centralization degree of the country’s budgetary resources at the federal budget level. Current mechanisms of interbudgetary relations in the country require new fundamental approaches to providing budget equalization. Strategic socio-economic development of the country should be put at the forefront in the process of reforming relations between the center and the territories. As a result, the necessit y of organizing interbudgetary relations of regional development in the context of “from the future to the present” dynamics is substantiated. In addition, digital plat forms should be used in the mechanisms of interbudgetary relations of regional development.
1. Danilin K.P., Danilina V.G. Etapy razvitiya regional’noi ekonomiki kak samostoyatel’noi nauchnoi distsipliny [Stages in the Development of the Regional Economy as an Independent Scientific Discipline]. Regional’naya ekonomika i upravlenie: elektronnyi nauchnyi zhurnal, 2022, no 1(69), nomer stat’i: 6907, available at: DOI: 10.24412/1999-2645-2022-169-7.
2. Popod’ko G.I. Vyravnivanie disproportsii territorial’nogo razvitiya resursnogo regiona na osnove realizatsii infrastrukturnykh i investitsionnykh proektov [Aligning Disproportions in the Territorial Development of the Resource Region Based on Implementing the Infrastructure and Investment Projects]. Regional’naya ekonomika i upravlenie: elektronnyi nauchnyi zhurnal, 2022, no 1(69), nomer stat’i: 6912, available at: DOI:10.24412/1999-2645-2022-169-12.
3. Serebrennikova A.V. Prostranstvennaya ekonomika: perspektivy razvitiya [Spatial Economy: Development Prospects]. Regional’naya ekonomika i upravlenie: elektronnyi nauchnyi zhurnal, 2020, no 4(64), nomer stat’i: 6409, available at: ht tps://
4. Sergeev L.I. Sostoyanie i problemy mezhbyudzhetnykh federativnykh otnoshenii strany [State and Problems of Interbudgetary Federal Relations of the Country]. Ekonomika i upravlenie: Problemy, resheniya, 2022, no 4(124), pp. 87–105.
5. Molchanov I.N., Molchanova N.P. Sovershenstvovanie mezhbyudzhetnykh otnoshenii i prostranstvennoe razvitie v 2021–2023 godakh [Improving Interbudgetary Relations and Spatial Development in 2021–2023]. Ekonomika. Nalogi. Pravo, 2021, no 14(1), pp. 100–111, DOI: 10.26794/1999-849X 2021-14-1-100-111.
6. Fedorov S.G. Boremsya s bednost’yu regionov: dotatsii ili nalogovoe stimulirovanie? [Fighting Regions’ Poverty: Subsidies or Tax Incentives?]. Rossiiskoe predprinimatel’stvo, 2012, no 15, pp. 17–24, available at:
Innovative Activity of Russian Enterprises: Problems and Solutions
DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.56-63
The present article analyzes the development level of the Russian economy and reveals problematic factors that hinder the progress of innovative production. The author identifies priority industries in terms of the Russian capital concentration and the reasons limiting the investment activities of domestic and foreign investors in industries of high technological competence. Reindustrialization of the economy, aimed at restoring the production potential of manufacturing industry through modern innovative transformations, is shows necessary.
1. Zelenkina E.V., Pavlenko I.V., Lukoshevichus G.A. Metod obespecheniya innovatsionnogo razvitiya infrastruktury agroproizvodstvennogo rynka [Method for Ensuring Innovative Development of the Infrastructure of the Agro-industrial Market]. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Seriya 1: Ekonomika i pravo, 2018, no 3–4, pp. 84–94.
2. Mirovaya ekonomika. Statistika [World Economy. Statistics]. Ereport, URL:
3. Informatsiya Federal’noi nalogovoi available at: ot 6 maya 2022 g. “Svedeniya o sredneotraslevykh pokazatelyakh nalogovoi nagruzki, rentabel’nosti prodannykh tovarov, produktsii, rabot, uslug i rentabel’nosti aktivov organizatsii po vidam ekonomicheskoi deyatel’nosti, kharakterizuyushchikh finansovo-khozyaistvennuyu deyatel’nost’ nalogoplatel’shchikov za 2020 god” [Information of the Federal Tax Service dated May 6, 2022 “Information on Industry-average Indicators of the Tax Burden, Profitability of Goods Sold, Products, Works, Services and Profitability of Organizations’ Assets by Type of Economic Activity Characterizing the Financial and Economic Activities of Taxpayers for 2020”]. Garant, available at:
4. Silin Ya.P., Animitsa E.G. Rossiiskaya model’ novoi industrializatsii: k postanovke problem [Russian Model of New Industrialization: to the Formulation of the Problem]. Izvestiya Ural’skogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta, 2017, no 5(73), pp. 44–53.
5. Shibaev S.V., Marushchak I.I. Mnogotselevoi podkhod k otsenke innovatsionno-investitsionnogo potentsiala khozyaistvuyushchikh sub”ektov [A Multi-purpose Approach to Assessing the Innovation and Investment Potential of Economic Entities]. Aktual’nye problemy sotsial’no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Rossii, 2018, no 1, pp. 63–68.
6. Goland Yu.M. Opyt industrializatsii pri NEPe i ego ispol’zovanie v sovremennykh usloviyakh [Experience of Industrialization under the New Economic Policy and its Use in Modern Conditions]. Voprosy ekonomiki, 2013, no 10, pp. 109–135.
7. Maevskii V.I. Kornai, Shumpeter i ekonomicheskaya teoriya [Kornai, Schumpeter and Economic Theory]. Voprosy ekonomiki, 2012, no 8, pp. 145–152.
Debates Around the Monetary Policy of the Bank of Russia
DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.50-55
Examines the monetary policy features in the context of the investment agenda. Current policy of the Bank of Russia is analyzed. Business profitability accounting in the monetary policy of the financial regulator contribute to the growth of Russian companies’ investment activity.
1. Lutsenko S.I. Dokhodnost’ biznesa i denezhno-kreditnaya politika [Profitability of Business and Monetary Policy]. Strategicheskie resheniya i riskmenedzhment, 2022, no 4, pp. 326–332.
2. Konstitutsiya Rossiiskoi Federatsii (prinyata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12 dekabrya 1993 g. s izmeneniyami, odobrennymi v khode obshcherossiiskogo golosovaniya 1 iyulya 2020 g.) [The Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on 12/12/1993 with amendments approved during the all-Russian vote on 07/01/2020)]. Ofitsial’nyi sait Prezidenta RF, available at:
3. Opredelenie Konstitutsionnogo suda RF ot 14 dekabrya 2000 g. no 268-O [Determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2000 No. 268-O]. Vestnik Konstitutsionnogo suda RF, 2001, no 2.
4. Opredelenie Konstitutsionnogo suda RF ot 15 yanvarya 2003 g. no 45-O [Determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2003 No. 45-O]. Vestnik Konstitutsionnogo suda RF, 2003, no 3.
5. Federal’nyi zakon ot 10 iyulya 2002 g. no 86-FZ “O Tsentral’nom banke Rossiiskoi Federatsii (Banke Rossii)” [Federal Law of July 10, 2002 No. 86-FZ “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”]. Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 2002, no 28.
6. Osnovnye napravleniya edinoi gosudarstvennoi denezhno-kreditnoi politiki na 2023 god i period 2024 i 2025 godov (utv. Bankom Rossii) [The main directions of the unified state monetary policy for 2023 and the period of 2024 and 2025 (approved by the Bank of Russia)]. Konsul’tantPlyus, available at:
7. Informatsiya Banka Rossii ot 24 maya 2019 g. “MVF nazval targetirovanie inflyatsii i gibkii obmennyi kurs odnimi iz klyuchevykh predposylok dlya povysheniya potentsiala rosta rossiiskoi ekonomiki” [Information from the Bank of Russia dated May 24, 2019 “The IMF called inflation targeting and a flexible exchange rate one of the key prerequisites for increasing the growth potential of the Russian economy”]. Vestnik Banka Rossii, 2019, no 34.
8. Informatsionnoe soobshchenie Banka Rossii ot 21 noyabrya 2019 g. “Missiya MVF zayavila o vazhnosti sokhraneniya v Rossii prochnoi makroekonomicheskoi osnovy” [Information message of the Bank of Russia dated November 21, 2019 “The IMF mission declared the importance of maintaining a solid macroeconomic foundation in Russia”]. Vestnik Banka Rossii, 2019, no 74.
9. Prikaz Minsel’khoza Rossii ot 19 marta 2014 g. no 83 “Ob utverzhdenii otraslevoi tselevoi programmy “Razvitie khlebopekarnoi promyshlennosti Rossiiskoi Federatsii na 2014–2016 gody” [Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated March 19, 2014 no. 83 “On approval of the sectoral target program “Development of the baking industry of the Russian Federation for 2014-2016”]. Konsul’tantPlyus, available at: