How the Fuhrer and Others Like Him Forced out Soviet Oil from the German Market

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.118-131

Based on diplomatic documents, a detailed picture of driving oil product suppliers – the Soviet companies, Derop and Derunaft – out from the German market during 1933 is restored. Soviet intelligence materials prove that one of the inspirers of this process can be considered the major Anglo-Dutch oil tycoon Henry Deterding, who in the course of the alleged “crusade” against the USSR, among other things hoped to seize the Caucasian oil fields.


1. Morozov S.V. K voprosu o roli neftyanogo faktora v evropeiskikh mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniyakh v techenie 1933–1935 gg.: VII chteniya, posvyashchennye pamyati R.L. Yavorskogo: Materialy Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem[On the question of the role of the oil factor in European international relations during 1933–1935: VII readings dedicated to the memory of R.L. Yavorsky. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation]. Novokuznetsk, RIO KuzGPA, 2011, 288 p.

2. Morozov S.V. Khronika vytesneniya sovetskoi nefti s germanskogo rynka v techenie 1933 g.: IX chteniya, posvyashchennye pamyati R.L. Yavorskogo: Materialy Vserossiiskoi (s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem) nauchnoi konferentsii[Chronicle of the displacement of Soviet oil from the German market during 1933: IX readings dedicated to the memory of R.L. Yavorsky. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation]. Novokuznetsk, RIO KuzGPA, 2013, 320 p.

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7. Mejcher H. Die Politik und das Öl im Nahen Osten. Bd. 2: Die Teilung der Welt 1938–1950. Stuttgart, Klett-Gotta, 1990, 490 p.

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11. Friedwald E.M. Oil and the War. L., Heineman, 1941, 88 p.

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13. Sesyuli R. IG Farbenindustri[IG Farbenindustri]. Moscow, Gos. izd-vo in-i lit-ry, 1948. 244 s.

14. Bruks M. Neft’ i vneshnyaya politika[Oil and foreign policy]. Moscow, Izd-vo in-i lit-ry, 1949, 173 p.

Biological Crimes — Organic Nature of Nazism

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.108-117

Definition of biological weapons is given, periodization of its creation and use is presented. The author draws an analogy between the war crimes aimed at destruction of civilians and war prisoners during the Second W orld War and at the present time. The connection of Nazism and neo-Nazism with biological crimes against humanit y is revealed.


1. Zaitsev A.I. Ostorozhno: biologicheskaya voina [Caution: Biological Warfare]. Zashchita i bezopasnost’, 2020, no 3, pp. 24.

2. Velikaya Otechestvennaya voina 1941–1945 gg.: Dokumenty i materialy, vol. Х. Osvobozhdenie Krasnoi Armiei [The Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945: Documents and materials. T. H. Liberation by the Red Army]. Pod obshch. red. S.K. Shoigu. Moscow, 2017, 463 p.

3. Kontslagerya — zhizn’ v adu [Concentration Camps – Living in Hell]. Alye parusa, 2012, 15 maya, available at:

4. Palivoda S. Tragediya i podvig Bukhenval’da [Tragedy and the feat of Buchenwald]. L’vov, Svit, 1990, 285 p.

5. Vakhsman N. Istoriya natsistskikh kontslagerei [History of Nazi Concentration Camps]. Moscow, Tsentrpoligraf, 2019, 877 p.


Biologicheskoe oruzhie i biologicheskii terrorizm. Zashchita ot biologicheskogo oruzhiya voisk, naseleniya i etapov meditsinskoi evakuatsii [Biological Weapons and Biological Terrorism. Protection of Troops, Population and Medical Evacuation Stages Against Biological Weapons]. MED-REF.BY, available


V Rossii zayavili o nachale biologicheskoi voiny [In Russia the beginning of Biological Warfare was Announced]. Dzen, 2020, 2 maya, available at:

Geneticheskoe oruzhie [Genetic Weapons]. Akademiya Alekseeva, available at:

Konventsiya o zapreshchenii razrabotki, proizvodstva i nakopleniya zapasov bakteriologicheskogo (biologicheskogo) i toksinnogo oruzhiya i ob ikh unichtozhenii [Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on

their Destruction]. Ofitsial’nyi sait OON, 1971, 16 dekabrya, available at:

Konovalov P.P., Arsent’ev O.V., Buyanov A.L., Nizovtseva S.A., Maslyakov V.V. Primenenie biologicheskogo oruzhiya: istoriya i sovremennost’ [Use of Biological Weapons: the History and the Present]. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya, 2014, no 6, p. 1170.

Supotnitskii M.V. Zhivaya smert’: chto takoe biologicheskoe oruzhie [Living Death: what is a Biological Weapon]. Populyarnaya mekhanika, 2018, no 1, pp. 74–77.

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Self-similar Attractors of the Historical Process as Observable “Laws of Nature and Society”

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.94-103

The author dwells on self-similar factors that have regulated, regulate and in the nearest future will regulate sociohistorical processes. The old regulation methods, which have been characteristic of the planet and societ y’s biosphere for billions of years, are losing their dominance. This is expressed as a “crisis of crises”. New regulation methods have already begun to emerge in the historical process, but the final transition of societ y to the next stage of development will take place only after the singularity, that is, after a radical change in the principles, scales and dimensions of development. The main features of the new regulation methods are the reasonable exogenous development of our civilization, which can become an element of large space systems.


1. Panov A.D. Krizis planetarnogo tsikla universal’noi istorii [Crisis of the Planetary Cycle of Universal History]. Moscow, NIIYaF MGU, 2005.

2. Nazaretyan A.P. Nelineinoe budushchee: megaistoricheskie, sinergeticheskie i kul’turno-psikhologicheskie predposylki global’nogo prognozirovaniya [Non-Linear Future: Mega-Historical, 3. Synergetic and Cultural-Psychological Prerequisites for Global Forecasting]. Institut vostokovedeniya RAN. Moscow, Izd-vo MBA, 2013, p. 303.

3. Sudakov K.V. Izbrannye trudy [Selected Works]. Moscow, GU NII normal’noi fiziologii im. P.K. Anokhina RAMN, 2007, vol 1. Razvitie teorii funktsional’nykh system, Moscow, 2007, pp. 233, 234.

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6. Est’ li budushchee u nauki: Interv’yu S.P. Kurdyumova i G.G. Malinetskogo o regulyatsii slozhnykh sistem [Is There a Future for Science: Interview with S.P. Kurdyumov and G.G. Malinetsky on the regulation of complex systems]. YouTube. Programma «Gordon» («Dialogi»), available at:

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9. Konets Istorii. Chto takoe singulyarnost’ i nado li ee boyat’sya? Interv’yu K. Frumkina S. Medvedevu [End of History. What is the Singularity and Should We be Afraid of it? Interview of K. Frumkin to S. Medvedev]. Radio Svoboda, available at: ht tp://

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Social Dominant of the Time Concept in the Process of Cardinal Transformations of Society

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.86-93

The author examines a number of topical aspects of socio-political practice and futurology of the ongoing process of cardinal transformations in post-Soviet Russia. It is shown that this process constitutes the essence of global trends of permanent renewal of state-public institutions, socio-political and production practices; it is associated with abandoning outdated ideologemes, economic concepts, with the elites change in the ongoing struggle for dominance in power structures.


1. Kenko-khosi. Zapiski ot skuki [Boredom Notes]. Saint Petersburg, 2011, p. 11.

2. Khaidegger M. Istoki khudozhestvennogo tvoreniya (1935–1936): Izbrannye raboty raznykh let [Origins of Artistic Creation (1935–1936): Selected Works of Different Years]. Moscow, 2008, p. 421, available at: Haydegger_Istok-hudozhestvennogo-tvoreniya_RuLit_Me_515679.pdf.

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5. Makanin V. Pyataya knopka [Fifth Button]. Novyi mir, 2006, p. 10.

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8. Yadov V.A. Teoretiko-kontseptual’noe ob”yasnenie “postkommunisticheskikh transformatsii” [Theoretical-Conceptual Explanation of “Post-Communist Transformations”]. Rossiya transformiruyushchayasya. Ezhegodnik, vyp. 6, Moscow, 2006, p. 124.

9. Davydov A.A. Mezhdu mistikoi i ratio [Between Mysticism and Ratio]. Moscow, 2006.

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11. Lisichkin V.A., Virin M.M. Informatsionnoe obshchestvo kak politicheskaya futurologiya [The Information Society as Political Futurology]. Moscow, 2009, p. 25.

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13. Sorokin P.A. Glavnye tendentsii nashego vremeni [Major Trends of Our Time]. Moscow, 1997.

14. Epshtein M. Znak probela [Blank Spaces]. O budushchem gumanitarnykh nauk, Moscow, 2004.

15. Horgan J. The End of Science: Facing the Limits of Knowledge in the Twilight of the Scientific Age. N.Y., Broadway Books, 1997, p. 7.

16. Kuznetsov V. Geokul’tura [Geoculture]. Moscow, 2000, p. 580–582.

17. Annan K. Predotvrashchenie voin i bedstvii: global’nyi vyzov rastushchikh masshtabov: Godovoi doklad OON za 1999 g. [Preventing Wars and Disasters: A Global Challenge of Growing Size: UN Annual Report 1999]. N.Y., 2000.

From Pandemic to Geopolitical Turbulence: Twists and Turns of the Appraisal Market

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.77-85

Methodology for studying the strategic potential of valuation companies in Russia is based on applying the “Strategic Matrix of the Company” software package, its algorithm involves the analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators that allow to build a complete profile of the company and to give a scenario forecast of its development. The main qualitative parameters under analysis are: the degree of innovation and differentiation of services, the competition level and the market position of the company, priority of certain strategic goals in the company’s activities, effectiveness of motivation, corporate culture and ability to quickly access the necessary resources.


1. The 10 innovations and disruptions that will impact property valuation. CBRE. 2022. 22 November, available at: The-10-innovations-and-disruptions-that-will-impact-property-valuation.

2. Neopredelennost’ i chuvstvennyi vybor: kakim byl rynok nedvizhimosti v 2022 g. [Uncertainty and Sensual Choice: what the Real Estate Market was Like in 2022]. ROO Assotsiatsiya “Russkoe obshchestvo otsenshchikov”, 2022, 20 dekabrya, available at:

3. Spiridonov F.F. Otsenochnye kompanii dolzhny imet’ khoroshuyu reputatsiyu i dorozhit’ eyu [Evaluation Companies Shall Have Good Reputation and Value it]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2013, no 4, pp. 64, 65.

4. Rekomendatsii dlya otsenshchikov iskhodya iz tekushchei situatsii i tendentsii kratkosrochnogo perioda [Recommendations for Appraisers Based on the Current Situation and Short-term Trends]. SMAO, 2022, 18 marta, available at:

5. Metodicheskie raz”yasneniya po opredeleniyu stoimosti v usloviyakh vysokoi neopredelennosti vneshnikh faktorov [Methodological Explanations for Determining the Value in Conditions of high Uncertainty of External Factors]. Ekspertnyi sovet, available at:

6. Kosorukova I.V. Standartizatsiya otsenochnoi deyatel’nosti: problemy i analiz situatsii [Standardization of Valuation Activities: Problems and Situation Analysis]. Imushchestvennye otnosheniya v Rossiiskoi Federatsii, 2022, no 9(252), pp. 33–44.

7. Itogi i materialy nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii “Otsenochnaya deyatel’nost’ v sovremennykh usloviyakh”. 27 maya 2022 g., Moskva [Results and Materials of the Scientific-practical Conference “Evaluation Activity in Modern Conditions”. May 27, 2022, Moscow]. ROO Assotsiatsiya “Russkoe obshchestvo otsenshchikov”, available at:

8. Maksim Skatov. Vpisat’sya v standarty [Fit into Standards]. Kommersant”, 2022, 31 avgusta, available at:

Methods for Evaluating Digital Financial Assets as the Basis for Future Trade Turnover

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.62-69

The author analyzes methods of cryptocurrency evaluation existing in foreign practice. Applicability of the comparative, income and cost approaches used in valuation activities, as well as possible methods within each of the approaches, is explored. It is determined that within the income approach, the discounted cash flow model and the exchange equation are applicable. The comparative approach involves the classic comparison of sales, while the cost approach contains two methods based on actual (energy cost method) and forecast (stock-flow ratio method) data.


1. Kriptovalyuty: trendy, riski, mery: Doklad dlya obshchestvennykh konsul’tatsii [Cryptocurrencies: Trends, Risks, Measures: Public Consultation Report].

Moscow, Bank Rossii, 2022, available at:

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6. Cong Lin William, Ye Li, Neng Wang. Tokenomics: Dynamic adoption and valuation. The Review of Financial Studies, 2021.

7. Zhang Junhuan, Xu Yunqing. Cryptocurrency price bubble detection using log-periodic power law model and wavelet analysis. SSRN Papers, 2021.

The XXI Century Science: New Priorities

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.58-61

The issue of priorities in science is discussed in comparison with L.N. Tolstoy’s formulation of this problem. Problems posed by L.N. Tolstoy, are addressed by the sciences of natural-humanitarian synthesis, which study the “nature — man — society” system. The main function of new sciences is to explore the issue of a man, conditions for selfpreservation and development of mankind as a whole. The change of priorities in the science of the 21st century is inevitable: from natural sciences to the sciences of natural-humanitarian synthesis.


1. Golubev V.S. Priroda — chelovek — obshchestvo: razvitie i garmoniya [Nature — Man — Society: Development and Harmony]. Moscow, Lenand, 2016.

2. Golubev V.S. Garmoniya spaset mir [Harmony will Save the World]. Moscow, Lenand, 2017.

3. Golubev V.S. V poiskakh garmonii [In Search of Harmony]. Moscow, Lenand, 2022.

4. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S. Osnovy ergodinamiki [Fundamentals of Ergodynamics]. Moscow, Energiya, 2003; 2-e izd., Moscow, Lenand, 2012.

5. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S., Orlov I.B. Vvedenie v sistemnuyu teoriyu kapitala [Introduction to the System Theory of Capital]. Moscow, Lenand, 2013.

6. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S., Tarko A.M. Strukturnaya energiya kak potentsial razvitiya. Mir i Rossiya [Structural Energy as a Development Potential. World and Russia]. Moscow, Lenand, 2014.

7. Golubev V.S. Vvedenie v sinteticheskuyu evolyutsionnuyu ekologiyu [Introduction to Synthetic Evolutionary Ecology]. Moscow, Papirus Pro, 2001.

8. Golubev V.S., Kurakov A.L., Timiryasova A.V. Chelovekovedenie [Human Studies]. Ucheb.-metodich. posobie. M.: IAEP; Kazan’: Poznanie, 2014.

9. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S. Estestvenno-nauchnye osnovy sotsial’nogo gumanizma [Natural-scientific Foundations of Social Humanism]. Moscow, Lenand, 2018.

10. Golubev V.S. Ocherki sotsial’nogo gumanizma. 3. O glavnom prioritete nauki: L.N. Tolstoi i sovremennost’ [Essays on Social Humanism. 3. On the Main Priority of Science: L.N. Tolstoy and Modernity]. Akademiya Trinitarizma, no 77-6567; publ. 25828, 2019, 26 oktyabrya, available at: http://www.trinitas.


11. Golubev V.S. Osnovy ekosotsiogumanizma [Fundamentals of Ecosociohumanism]. Moscow, INFRA-M, 2022.