The state of the healthcare system in the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.111.2023.82-93

Examines the state of the healthcare system in the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation based on the analysis of the level of provision of the population with healthcare facilities and personnel, judging by such specific indicators of annual state statistical reporting as the number of doctors of all specialties and secondary medical personnel, the burden on healthcare workers, the number of secondary medical personnel per doctor, the population per one a hospital bed, the capacity of outpatient clinics, the morbidity of the population with a diagnosis established for the first time in their lives. The ranking of the main classes of diseases according to the indicator characterizing the number of cases was also carried out. The dynamics of changes in these specific indicators from 2005 to 2021 is given, which allowed us to identify trends towards an increase or decrease in the quantitative values of the indicators under consideration.


1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 20, 2023 No. 1315-r “On approval of the Concept of technological development for the period up to 2030”. URL:

2. Global Innovation Index 2022

3. Rating of regions by scientific and technological development – the results of 2021. URL:

4. Human development index in Russia: regional differences. URL:

5. Most educated countries in 2023. URL:

6. Information and analytical materials based on the results of monitoring the activities of educational institutions of higher education. URL:

7. In 2022, the size of the market for additional professional education in Russia decreased by 3.8%: from 824 to 793 million acad. hours. URL:

8. Demographics. URL:

9. Life expectancy in Russia rose to a record high after a two-year decline. URL:

10. On the results of the work of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2022 and tasks for 2023. URL:

11. The main directions of the budget, tax and customs tariff policy for 2023 and for the planning period of 2024 and 2025. URL:

Sustainable development of human capital as the basis for innovative transformations of the Russian economy

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.111.2023.73-81

Considers the sustainable development of human capital as the basis for scientific and technological transformations of the Russian economy. The importance of considering this problem is due to the fact that innovative development, ensuring the technological security of the state, directly depends on the people who are called upon to solve this problem, on the level of human capital, the bearer of which they are. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between innovation activity and the level of human capital, to study the state of the main components of human capital, to identify problems and possible solutions. In the course of the study, general theoretical methods were used: analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction. The analysis showed that the global leaders in the field of innovation also occupy strong positions in terms of the level of human capital, and this trend is also typical for Russian regions. The study indicated the presence of a number of problems in the development of the main components of human capital, which, to a certain extent, is due to a decrease in federal budget spending on the main areas directly related to the development of human capital. A possible solution to the identified problems is proposed through the development and adoption of a comprehensive state program for the formation and development of human capital.


1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 20, 2023 No. 1315-r “On approval of the Concept of technological development for the period up to 2030”. URL:

2. Global Innovation Index 2022

3. Rating of regions by scientific and technological development – the results of 2021. URL:

4. Human development index in Russia: regional differences. URL:

5. Most educated countries in 2023. URL:

6. Information and analytical materials based on the results of monitoring the activities of educational institutions of higher education. URL:

7. In 2022, the size of the market for additional professional education in Russia decreased by 3.8%: from 824 to 793 million acad. hours. URL:

8. Demographics. URL:

9. Life expectancy in Russia rose to a record high after a two-year decline. URL:

10. On the results of the work of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2022 and tasks for 2023. URL:

11. The main directions of the budget, tax and customs tariff policy for 2023 and for the planning period of 2024 and 2025. URL:

On the transfer of Russian oil and gas exports from Europe to Asia

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.111.2023.69-72

An analysis is given of significant changes in the export of energy resources from Russia, taking into account the global economic recession and the warm winter in Europe in comparison with 2022. It is noted that in 2023 there was a sharp change in the export flows of oil and gas from Europe to Asia (China and India), after the introduction of the EU price ceiling for Russian oil. Europe has switched to coal for power plants and buying more expensive LNG from the US instead of Russian gas.


1. Novak A. Energy policy of Russia: turn to the East // Energy policy, June 08, 2023. URL: /

2. Oil market, OPEC+, new markets and gasification // Neftegaz.RU. URL:

Analysis of the corporate governance system of the Russian state holding company of the nuclear industry

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.111.2023.56-68

On the basis of transactional analysis, the model of interdependence of the three main categories of corporate governance of Rosatom Group is considered.  Having analyzed the management structures of the joint-stock company and taking into account the desire of Rosatom Group to maximize shareholder profits, we believe that Rosatom Group was created in accordance with the Anglo-Saxon model of corporate governance. One of the problems of corporate governance is that the company’s principles enshrined in the Code of Business Conduct and Business Ethics of Rosatom State Corporation lack an element of innovation, and the company’s mission poorly reflects it, despite the “innovative development program”. The problem of mismatch of principles in such a large corporation as Rosatom, of course, at some point may have a negative impact on the internal environment. It is proposed, in order to optimize corporate governance processes and accelerate managerial decision-making, to reproduce a comprehensive automated database on the corporate ownership structure of Rosatom Group organizations in the nuclear industry.


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Actual problems of digitalization of companies on the example of the industrial sector

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.111.2023.51-55

The concept of «digital twin» as a tool for building strategic planning for the industrial sector is generalized. The use of leadership «models» in strategic planning is substantiated, the stages of evolution and the stages of building a «digital twin» in production are reflected.


1. Andreev Yu.S., Tsarev M.V. Digital twins in industry: development history, classification, development scenarios. Economics and Management. St. Petersburg, 2019. pp. 45-46. (In Russ.).

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Anti-sanction policy of an industrial enterprise as an element of an anti-crisis strategy

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.111.2023.42-50

The anti-sanctions strategy can currently be part of the strategic planning of the Russian company’s activities, the essence of which consists of a set of measures aimed at changing behavior during downturns, a steady decline in financial performance, the threat of bankruptcy for the purpose of financial recovery. The article assesses the impact of the sanctions policy against the Russian Federation on industry in 2022, identifies the industries with the largest decline in the production index and internal factors contributing to pronounced crisis phenomena in these industries, lists the main negative manifestations of sanctions. The «problem field» faced by the manufacturer of equipment for the electric power industry has been investigated, the anti-sanction, anti-crisis measures taken and the difficulties that have arisen in the course of their implementation are listed. Possible ways of overcoming crisis phenomena are determined.


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8. Zvonova E.A. Preservation of the international competitiveness of the national economy of the country subject to economic sanctions (Iran’s experience). Economy. Taxes. Right. 2017;2:30-37. (In Russ.).

9. Zolotareva V.P. Formation of the «economy of resistance» in Russia: historical experience and modern realities. Law, Economics and Management: Theory and Practice: Collection of materials of the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, Cheboksary, May 12, 2022.  Cheboksary: Limited Liability Company «Publishing House “Wednesday”», 2022. pp. 31-35.

10. Karlova N., Morozov A., Puzanova E. Import restrictions restrain exports: results of a survey of enterprises: Analytical note. Department of Research and Forecasting of the Bank of Russia, 2023. URL:

Modeling the impact of production factors on carbon dioxide emissions by sectors of economic activity

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.111.2023.29-41

The solution of climate problems, accompanied by the development and implementation of carbon regulation mechanisms in international markets, determines the need to reduce the carbon intensity of the Russian economy in order to maintain its competitiveness. The article analyzes the influence of production factors on total CO2 emissions in Russia on the basis of official statistics. During the study, it was hypothesized that the improvement of production factors will contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions. To test it, a simulation based on panel data was carried out. Special attention was paid to the problem of CO2 emissions by sectors of economic activity.


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Increasing the efficiency of using corporate information systems in production management (on the example of high-tech industries)

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.111.2023.5-28

In modern conditions, prompt and reasonable adoption of important decisions on the regulation of production is impossible without automated calculations performed by modern software products. One of the ways to effectively solve this problem is to create a concept (taking into account the specific features of enterprises and organizations of the defense industry) of a corporate information system platform.

The paper considers and resolves the following issues: 1) on the basis of a comparative analysis of sales volumes of corporate information systems in the global and Russian markets, their main trends and patterns of development are identified; 2) a comparative assessment of the evolution of approaches to the creation and implementation of information systems, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as possible areas of the most effective use; 3) the priority requirements of potential users for corporate information systems are substantiated; 4) the main parameters are detailed – the characteristics of concentration, specialization, cooperation and combination of production; 5) the expediency of developing two variants of CIS platforms is substantiated: for a sub-sector (an integrated corporate structure) and for a group of enterprises producing homogeneous products; 6) proposals are made for organizing a complex of works in the defense industries to introduce advanced digital technologies to solve the problems of managing high-tech production.


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Formation of a Mechanism for Regulating Pricing in the Modern Economy

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.187.2023.136-143

The author puts forward suggestions and recommendations on the formation of adaptive mechanisms for regulating pricing processes as an element of a single integrated system of economy state management and ensuring the balanced development of the RF regions. It is proposed to create a system for monitoring pricing processes, to form a price (tariff) fund based on the above system functioning, to modernize the structure of the pricing management elements and, as a legal basis for their implementation, to develop a draf t federal law on prices and pricing processes, which will consolidate the indicated directions for forming a regulation mechanism of pricing processes in the legal field.


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