Territorial Integrity of the Country, Strength of Spirit of the Russian People and its History from the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Geopolitical Approaches

#3. Somewhere in Between

It is the spirit that unites you with your ancestors and descendants, that will remain when you pass away.

The State in the Economy of the European Union — Impossible to Expand, to Narrow?

#4. Sorrow and Light

The crisis generated by the separation of finance from the real sector can not be considered an occasional phenomenon. On the contrary, such concourse of circumstances is rather natural.

Progress vs. Tradition. Brief Course of 20th Century Russian History for Top Management

#3. Somewhere in Between

In September 1922 the forced expulsion of prominent representatives of Russian intelligentsia abroad began. Thus intellectual basis of regime opposition was abolished.

50-year Strategy for the Development of Russian Power Industry

#4. Sorrow and Light

Overcoming the crisis effects and economic globalization pose before society and government the question on ways of modernization, on strategy of Russia’s development for the next decade.