Why Consultant Recommendations Don’t Work
Tell me the relative strength of the various engines and I’ll tell you which direction the boat is going to take.
Tell me the relative strength of the various engines and I’ll tell you which direction the boat is going to take.
Motives of awarding Nobel Prizes in economics began to resemble each other like cars; brands and their manufacturers are different, but the cars are practically identical.
The product of brain working – a process of thinking, stream of consciousness. The brain produces thought like the liver – bile.
Much more time is required to achieve revenue growth, than to improve performance.
It is necessary to implement a set of measures for educating people who are alien to religious, ethnic, cultural or any other intolerance.
In the conditions of significant reduction of life sustenance resource society is always looking for “scapegoats”.
It should be acknowledged that by Lend-Lease we also received rather low-quality, non-standard products from the allies. But we paid for the supply in gold, and in considerable quantities.
Having issued bank notes of 100$, production costs of which constitute 4 cents, the USA began selling this “product” throughout the world for 100$.
Once the sword of the world revolution got blunt, “hostile environment” could pass to the offensive.
It is usual to criticize Russian Academy of Sciences, to scold, to ridicule it, to demand its dissolution and confiscation of property and … to envy it.