Relying on Moral Values
Social disparity, income gap between the rich and the poor is growing exponentially.
Social disparity, income gap between the rich and the poor is growing exponentially.
Religious leaders have much deeper understanding of the causes of today’s financial crisis than many industrialists, financiers and government officials.
The crisis has not only significantly influenced the economy, but also considerably lowered the standard of living.
Russia has suffered from the falling levels of the most important part of exports — in ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry, nonferrous metallurgy.
Innovation is the key word that should characterize our cooperation in the coming decade.
The new age of Russian foreign policy supposes that only an equal partnership can be considered its preference.
History shows that behaviour of crowds, especially under the influence of fear, is almost an absolute evil.
My attitude to any revolution is negative. It is always sorrow, misery, degradation of values.
Before the crisis everyone wanted to get unreasonably high salaries, now — ready to work for peanuts.
The task of the artist — to build a bridge between different peoples.