Lighted Highways — Guarantee of Traffic Safety
Late at night, when the stream of cars is minimal, it is possible to switch on a regime of partial illumination, which allows to save budgetary funds.
Late at night, when the stream of cars is minimal, it is possible to switch on a regime of partial illumination, which allows to save budgetary funds.
A viable economic system in the process of its vital activity is characterized by minimal resource expenses and by the most brief terms of adapting to new conditions.
Over the past 25 years air carriers preferred to follow the path of increasing the frequency of flights and creating new routes, rather than increasing the number of passengers carried per flight.
The personality of Kvitsinsky was so strong that Russia, represented by him, looked like the great power.
The consent with own conscience — the best prevention of stroke, heart attack and loss of self-esteem.
Today Synergetics is quickly integrating into the sphere of the humanities. Particularly relevant today are anti-crisis synergetic technologies.
It is hard to imagine today more urgent objective than creating conditions for the emergence of a man – the carrier of new thinking.
There is a line that a manager should not overstep, namely, one should never drive a partner or a dependent person into a corner, where there is no exit.
In a networked structure, the problem of achieving a single view is not essential, important is the presence of general that is interesting and meaningful for many.
The paradox of organizational structure of modern companies is that people want to do something and interfere themselves with one other.