A Few Strategic Questions About Developing a Positive Innovation Ecosystem Fostering Economic Development In the Russian Federation

#9. Plus-minus 40

The innovation process is a long, very long way. Very important is the ability to think ten years ahead and to be flexible enough to adapt, to tune finely and change strategies.

“Silver Link” of Yakutia: the Fate of the Bridge Into the Future of the Region

#9. Plus-minus 40

The fact that the railway, built with the highest careful attitude to the way of life of local residents, came to Khangalass land — is really a historic event, the importance of which is equal to geographical discovery. A key to this discovery today — the bridge across river Lena, the bridge into the future of Yakutia.

Cleaning of Water Reservoirs And Channels of Small Rivers With Native Technical Facilities

#7-8. Burning Ground

Without federal support we are doomed to technological lag from developed countries. It is known that the competition is won by the one who has got the best machinery and improved technology.

Russia And the International Crisis: the First Results

#9. Plus-minus 40

The crisis has revealed the existence of strategic contradiction in the Russian government, which leads to the fact that ministers of the different “blocks” act in the worst case independently of one another, at best — uncoordinated.

Appraisal of the Market Value of a Bank: Risks Associated With Possible Violation of the Federal Law by Credit Institution

#9. Plus-minus 40

Identification of banks specializing in the bulk keeping of “buffer firms” and “ephemeral companies” is the foundation of efforts aimed at minimizing violations in the tax area.

Designing the Future of the Territories: External Integration and Internal Disintegration

#7-8. Burning Ground

Limited time resources can play a crucial role in designing the future, significantly altering the degree of the territory integration in the surrounding environment.

French Chic With a Russian Sweep

#9. Plus-minus 40

The French know very little about Russia. They learned the famous cliché and think that Russia is first of all mafia, corruption and the oligarchs, and it is impossible to understand how to work here. Of course, here there are specific business rules, and it is necessary to get adapted to them. On the other hand, the Russians have got not entirely true idea of France, which they adore.