Competitive Strategy Based On Core Competences
The root cause of business success lies in how managers are genetically encoded to provide strategic and tactical competitiveness.
The root cause of business success lies in how managers are genetically encoded to provide strategic and tactical competitiveness.
We found out that at the moment when memory gets out of the latent state, it again becomes sensitive to chemical impacts. At this point the brain can be influenced to get rid of its past memories, or to potentiate them. Thus, the agenda of expansion of human cognitive abilities, which grew out of fundamental studies of the brain mechanism makes a good start to an entirely new neurotechnology.
Search for the main elements of the “code of mind” is not hopeless and deserves the most intent attention. It is quite probable that in the nearest future it will bring long-awaited results.
Each community of businessmen should set a goal to check its every action, all their projects on the observance of moral laws, the Commandments of God.
By the end of the XIXth century credit cooperatives walked through a long way of development, but the goal sought by enthusiasts of cooperative movement (brothers Luginin, prince A.I. Vasilchikov, E.V. De Roberti and many others), as well as by the government — to protect peasants from money-lenders and to provide them with affordable loans — was never achieved.
Opening Remarks.
Money from the federal budget arrive late. The first payments come in somewhere in July-August, the final payment — in December, and in September, for example, the road must be finished. And it turns out that the state settles accounts with us fully only after construction is terminated.
The socialist camp headed by the Soviet Union did not appear as a relapse of the world revolution, but as a defensive reaction of Moscow after theoretical errors of the Soviet leadership and hard resistance of the West.
Methane is an insidious, but useful companion of coals. Its reserves are comparable to the gas reserves of traditional fields of the world.
Russian business is not ready for modernization. The owner wants to get maximum profit. He is not ready to introduce any improvements (as this is enormous amount of money).