Progress vs. Tradition. A Brief Course of 20th Century Russian History For Top Management

#12. Evil People

As a man of his time, Khrushchev in his heart was remaining a revolutionary romantic. Therefore, being surrounded by the Stalinists, he dealt a crushing blow to the image of Stalin as a dictator and a tyrant, but at the same time he wanted to preserve the state created by Stalin, not realizing that he undermines its sacred foundations.

The Eastern Gates of Innovation Capital of the Primorye: Bridge-legend for APEC-2012 Summit

#12. Evil People

The project of building a bridge across the Golden Horn bay has united three innovations — Vladivostok as innovation capital of the region, the innovative design of the bridge across the Golden Horn bay and innovative by spirit and content of its activity the Pacific bridge-building company that won the tender for its construction.

Russia’s Potential In the Creation And Development of New Technologies (According to Western Experts)

#12. Evil People

At the moment Russia, according to Western estimates, is considered to be the state possessing a good reserve in the area of new technologies. But to achieve the objectives that it had set for itself, the Russian government should take some immediate measures to stimulate innovation activity.

Social Modernization In Russia And Management of National Economy

#12. Evil People

The moral component of our life does not depend on whether the car is slightly better or slightly worse. But what it really depends on — is the social mobility of people, their ability to develop social institutions, to channel social activity, to consolidate existing patterns of socially approved forms of activity and communication.

National Security In the Light of Mineral Raw Material Problems

#12. Evil People

After joining the WTO Russia will completely lose control over the formation of branches of its economy, that is by joining multilateral agreement on investments it will lose the status of industrial power.

Social And Cultural Foundation of the Crisis, Its Opportunities and Threats

#12. Evil People

Today we are increasingly in favour of the idea that the first to describe the coming catastrophic crisis without encouraging reservations and without distinguishing those right and guilty, was Russian by origin Pitirim Sorokin.

Trends of Modern Science and Education In Terms of Complex Systems Theory

#12. Evil People

If we manage to convince engineers that the car of the future must not only have a powerful engine, but should also take into consideration environmental issues, if power engineering specialists realize that successful are only solutions that correspond to the idea of sustainable development, rather than to a strategy focused on shortterm profits, then it will be great success of practical philosophy.

Problems of Regulatory-Legal Provision of Financial Relations of Integrated Structures in the Sphere of Recreational Services

#12. Evil People

Existing legal norms, regulating relations of the integrated structures, are interpreted by each branch of the law in its own way and are not systemic in nature.

Local Authorities in France in Terms of Financial and Economic Crisis

#12. Evil People

Over time, the point of view existed in France that financial independence is the tax independence. But recent years changes and decisions of the Constitutional Council showed that if local authorities even have the financial independence, they cannot enjoy any tax independence.

The Role of Parliament in the Economic and Financial Crisis. Work for the Prospects: Lessons of the Past and Modern Solutions in France

#12. Evil People

The lessons of history allow us to clarify contemporary issues, even despite the fact that every financial crisis has its own specifics. However, if we put aside the singlevalue decisions, we shall be able to identify constantly recurring problems that become apparent in those periods when public financial system malfunctions.