Military Potential of the Top 100 Countries In the World

#1. Hollywood as a password

At present only the United States correspond in full to the level of a superpower. Russia is still close to this level, but by such indicators as production of weapons in the whole spectrum of modern systems, the strength of the armed forces and equipment of high-precision weapons, advanced systems of control and communication there is a substantial gap with the U.S.

Comparative Analysis of the Simulation Results of the Global Economy And 12 Civilizations Development In the Period of 1970–2005. Preliminary Outline

#1. Hollywood as a password

The development of the world economy shows systematic complication of the construction with periodicity in 70 years. The work offers a verbal description of the development of the world economy as a complex social system and non-linear dynamic model that is based on the population growth on the earth and two fundamental laws: the law of conservation of the economic potential of a system and the principle of minimum dissipation of resources that are implemented by system ability to self-organization. The main principles of conducting numerical experiment and the analysis of the findings are studied together with the model.

Russia — France: Cooperation In the Sphere of Humanities

#1. Hollywood as a password

Year 2010, declared the Year of Russia in France and the Year of France in Russia, was special in terms of development of Russian-French cooperation in the sphere of humanities, which was happening at the background of an unprecedented by its intensity political, cultural, economic and scientific exchange between the two countries.

The Russian Scientific Abroad: Nikolay Timofeevich Belyaev

#1. Hollywood as a password

Nikolay T. Belyaev, who united Russia, England and France with his life and his works, represented a surprising combination of the qualities of artillery officer, scholar in physical metallurgy and historian.

There is Always Room for Heroism

#12. Evil People

Foreign policy is not anything immutable. National interest should be permanent. But unfortunately, this rule was not always observed — depending on what group turned out to be at power, the idea of national interest changed. It was especially clearly manifested and had the most detrimental effects during the period of perestroika.

Production System With the Effect of Tsunami

#12. Evil People

Production system of Sberbank is based on three key principles of change: of the process, of employees’ thinking and changes in management. It allows to improve significantly labour productivity by eliminating losses.