The Arctic – Territory of a Future Partnership
Cost-effective development of the Arctic requires creating and developing many new technologies, in their complexity not yielding to space and military ones.
Cost-effective development of the Arctic requires creating and developing many new technologies, in their complexity not yielding to space and military ones.
Construction works in Astana support the country’s economy. It means not only permanent workplaces in our sphere. Construction supports many other industries, at first sight unrelated to construction.
Entering of Kazakhstan into the Customs Union will allow Kazakhstan business to operate on a wide area with population of 170 million people.
The role of women in Kazakhstan society is increasing every year, and the areas in which women try themselves and successfully realize have expanded far beyond the bounds of social.
Training of tolerance, forming culture of dialogue of people with different traditions and beliefs – this is potentially important contribution of education into strengthening of any society.
We are ready not only to build the facility, transfer it to the customer and forget about it, but also to commit ourselves to warranty and post warranty maintenance.
Even if outflow of capital seems to someone a purely personal stroke of pen in the payment documents or enjoyable staccato of fingers on the keyboard, even if for an economist it’s just a passionless statistical indicator, the high significance of ready cash is a fact of contemporary crisis geo-economics.
Men of wisdom said that people have became so strong that the gods were frightened, took away people’s health and hid it. But where did they hide it? In the mountains, underground, underwater, inside animals, plants. But people found health everywhere. And then the most wise God said: “We have to hide health there, where they will never find it – inside themselves”.
Elimination of administrative barriers through effective legislative regulation is one of the key conditions for the development of industry and competitive telecommunications market
It would be desirable that technology should be recognized outdated due to evolution, decline in demand for the services rendered on its basis, not by the regulator’s decision.