Classical Higher Education – for All the Time

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 State program for development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 – 2020 provides all the possibilities to get a quality education that corresponds to the best international practice

The Concept of Freedom in Modern Society

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 Freedom of independent choice is a gift of God, and namely this gift is the reason for the existence of evil and sin (this is connected with the concept of theodicy – God’s innocence in the world evil owing to existence of freedom of choice for the person)

On the Eve of the Fifth Wave

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Russia is accumulating human resource of the new elite. Some representatives of the Soviet elite are still active. Stably active are some characters of the Yeltsin era. Quite successful in life are the nominees to the official elite of “fat zero”. But among all the elite waves there is what is called “breakage” — those, who have not attained longed-for lines, dismissed, discharged, exiled.

Application of the Theory of Neural Networks to the Feasibility Modeling of Innovative Economy Projects

#10. Questions and Answers

The human brain is a natural neural network, but model of the brain can be approximately represented in the form of artificial distributed neural network.

Progress vs. Tradition. A Brief Course of 20th Century Russian History for Top Management

#10. Questions and Answers

When deciding on the intervention of Russia in the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict in August 2008, Medvedev and Putin faced a difficult choice: not to interfere meant “losing a face”, to allow destabilization in the whole Caucasus, but to defend South Ossetia meant to take on a confrontation with the United States and NATO.

Essays of Economic Optimism in Times of Stagnation

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It is imperative that Russia is rich with creative, initiative people, ready to realize these opportunities. It isn’t their fault that the overall stagnant situation, the dominance of bureaucrats, conservative party diktat often did not allow them to realize the most  ambitious ideas.

Restructuring of Global Governance – Key to Fighting Global Financial and Economic Crises

#10. Questions and Answers

The mechanism of macroeconomic quasi-stabilization is found, although its main features are not yet fully understood by the world economic community.