Eurasian Integration: Experience, Problems and Development Trends
Creation of Common Economic Space — is primarily an opportunity to develop free competition and strengthen innovative activity in the common space.
Creation of Common Economic Space — is primarily an opportunity to develop free competition and strengthen innovative activity in the common space.
For many decades in the public health of economically developed countries and the Russian Federation main organizational efforts were aimed at creating the optimal structure of the industry, rather than at management of health care processes.
The Lena United Steamship company plays an important role in the transport support of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), especially in transport of the national economic goods in the Arctic and Western regions of the republic.
In this work the modern mechanisms defining complexity of management in modern social systems are analyzed. It is shown that the principal cause of modern complexity of management consists in management of not completely formalized technologies of activity of social systems of a great number. Modern feature of management in difficult social systems is essential influence of technologies of the market which essentially aren’t regulated by norms and institutes, and also essential influence of nature restrictions of cogitative possibilities of the person to operate-manage. Influence of poorly regulated technologies in the market can be reduced by use of network, organizational, collective, information and other developed technologies of maintenance of management and by use of methods integrating science. And reduction of influence of mental restrictions demands creation new cognitive technologies of the management, allowing dividing functions at thinking level.
Opening remarks by editor-in-chief
Constant transformation of the market economy, increasing globalization and competition are pushing the business to the evolution of approaches in management.
For health care institutions the most productive is the concept of socially responsible marketing.
In the sphere of social service the task is not the maximum recovery of profit from the turnover of existing assets. More important is the provision of sufficient range of services for the population.
Code of the market — is an integral part of the code of life, crossing of the coordinate system “space – time – life”.
The emergence in recent years in the academic literature on history of Russia (Fatherland) in our country dotted discernible, but more often repeated attempts to introduce into the consciousness of students an opinion about the prominent role of the Mongol Empire in the civilized development of Russia causes the question: what is it – lack of knowledge of national and world history or its revision?