The Role of the Mongol Empire and China in the Civilized Development of Old Russia-Russia (XIII — the First Half of XV century)

#1. Crossing Parallels

The troops under Genghis Khan were notable for rigid discipline. Devotion, loyalty and firmness of soldiers were encouraged, treachery, betrayal and cowardice were severely persecuted.

Market Code

#1. Crossing Parallels

Immersion of mankind into the information society, paradoxically, enlarges the spaces of inaccessible and simultaneously proposes new technological possibilities for reducing the uncertainty of events and support of the right decisions.

“The Money Scream„: the Sunset of a Consumer Society

#1. Crossing Parallels

In terms of consumption Russia was seeking to “catch up and surpass„ the West, but was doing so in a unique style of glare and poverty “all in one„.

Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation. Consistency and Quality of Federal Documents

#1. Crossing Parallels

Development and approval of certain strategic planning documents today is irrelevant without development and legislative consolidation of the entire complex of documents, tools and organization of strategic planning.

Is Modernization of Russia Amid Crisis of Social-Cultural Sphere Possible?

#1. Crossing Parallels

Today it is appropriate to think: whether modernization can be accomplished under the conditions of spiritual and moral crisis, cultural degradation of the country, of a depression of immensely large proportion of the population?

The Economy Needs Reliable Indicators

#1. Crossing Parallels

There is no need to prove the importance of such social indicators as cost of living, average income and average wage, the minimum hourly wage, the poverty threshold as the main characteristics and driving forces of modern progress. But precisely in this area there is the considerable backlog of State Statistics and statistical science.