Russia’s accession to the WTO after 18 years of painful reflections.
Russia’s accession to the WTO after 18 years of painful reflections.
Will Russia win a great nano-racing? Probably not! Corruption, powerful lobby groups which consume a significant part of financial resources, an aging staff and inadequate measures of power structures determine stagnation processes. On the world arena Russia is step by step giving up its advantage to more ambitious, energetic and purposeful.
In fact, many Russian industries have been long operating under the WTO conditions, gradually gaining weight in the world “table of ranks”. To consolidate their position they had not only to change radically the industrial-technological structure, but also to master pretty tough methods of management and organization of commercial and legal services.
In the post-crisis period our country has passed to a reduced trajectory of socio-economic growth.
Can nuclear power become “profitable self-developing business”?
Suburban traffic affects the interests and possibly even quality of life of tens of millions of people, for that reason the problem gains in political significance.
Having won the Patriotic War in 1812, the Russian people saved their mother country from foreign oppression, defended its honor and independence.
The law of polarization and socio-political partnership in crisis situations is the development and confirmation of the theory of crises and ways out of them, an addition to the social law of totalitarianism and freedom fluctuations, discovered by Pitirim Sorokin, and to negative and positive trends in religious and local polarization, formulated by him.
The society consumes what it was convinced to consider necessary, but to convince it are not those who are concerned about life and true needs of a man as he was conceived by the Creator, but consumer hunters, concerned only about his wallet.
How can society, government, business and citizens create conditions for the needed radical transformations to take place in economy, business, politics, civil society and culture based on credible and common values? The answer to this question were given at the Global Ethics Forum, held in Geneva on June 28-30, 2012.