Need for Market Reforms in the Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of Russia

#6-7. Springs of Surprises

Moscow is one of the most expensive cities in the world primarily because of administrative obstacles to the creation of competitive environment in the city.

On the Principles of Building a System of Fishing Industry Sectoral Monitoring

#6-7. Springs of Surprises

Analysis of the domestic fishing complex shows that the optimal scenario for conducting situational industrial monitoring seems to be organization of control on the basis of a single value chain principle.

Layman’s Primer on Quantitative Decision and Risk Analysis: Monte Carlo Simulation, Real Options Analysis, Forecasting and Optimization

#6-7. Springs of Surprises

With the advent of games of chance human greed promoted studies of risks and probabilities, which more and more accurately reflected real-life events.

Regions of Russia — Community with a Common Destiny

#6-7. Springs of Surprises

From solving the problem of uneven regional development depends the life of the whole country. The question is how to overcome this inequality, to smooth the historically formed differences.