The analysis of paradigms in the spheres of society, their specifics and features

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.120.2025.5-13

The purpose of the study is to analyze the paradigms of the subsystems of society with the identification of their specifics and features. The types of society are considered through the prism of its economic, social, political and spiritual development. The stages of development of the paradigm are shown in the changing structure of the economy. The systemic interrelation of paradigms in the context of the specifics and features of their evolution is revealed. The idea of a structural hierarchy of subsystems of society for understanding and solving problems of interaction of paradigms is proposed. The specifics and features of the paradigms of the subsystems of society and ways to smooth out contradictions and conflicts of paradigms are determined.


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2. Zaitsev A.K. Social Conflict. 2nd Edition. Moscow: Academia, 2001. 464 p.

3. Zborovsky G.E. Theory of Social Community. Yekaterinburg: Humanitarian University, 2009. 300 p.

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5. Kravchenko S.A. Formation of a Complex Society: Towards a Substantiation of a Humanistic Theory of Complexity. M.: MGIMO-University, 2012. 306 p.

6. Kuzin I.V. Paradigmatic delusions in the fate of rationalism. St. Petersburg: RHGA, 2020. 252 p.

7. Morozov V.A. Spiritual economy and compatibility of society: compatibility theory. M.: Publishing and trading corporation “Dashkov and Co.”, 2022. 577 p.

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9. Toshchenko Zh.T. Sociology of life. Moscow: UNITY, 2016. 399 p.

Assessing Economic Security of a Commercial Organization Providing Medical Services

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.138-143

Based on the analysis of existing methods for a comprehensive assessment of the economic security level of business entities, the author proposes a methodology for an integrated evaluation of the economic security of a commercial organization providing medical services, based on the calculation of a cumulative criterion via the distance method. This methodology makes it possible to consider peculiarities characterizing the aspects and risk factors of the economic security of a commercial organization providing medical services, to assess the level of economic security both in general for the organization and for its individual functional components as well.


1. Glebova O.V., Mitrofanova M.N. Otsenka ekonomicheskoy bezopasnosti gostinichnogo predpriyatiya [Assesment of the Economic Security of a Hotel Enterprise]. Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost’, 2023, vol. 6, no 3, pp. 1133–1152.

2. Krasnoshchek A.A., Dinets D.A. Sovremennye aspekty analiza i otsenki ekonomicheskoy bezopasnosti organizatsiy [Modern Aspects of Analysis and Assessment of Economic Security of Organizations]. Korporativnye finansy, 2010, no 4, pp. 73–83.

3. Kundakova L.R., Temirbaeva G.R., Daukenova G.A., Nurtazinova A.S. K voprosu kolichestvennoy otsenki ekonomicheskoy bezopasnosti firmy [On the Issue of Quantitative Assessment of the Economic Security of a Company]. Mezhdunarodnyy zhurnal prikladnykh i fundamental’nykh issledovaniy, 2017, no 9, pp. 148–152.

4. Mitrofanova M.N. Otsenka effektivnosti proektov po vnedreniyu nauchno-issledovatel’skogo i ispytatel’nogo oborudovaniya na promyshlennom predpriyatii [Assessment of the Effectiveness of Projects for the Implementation of Research and Testing Equipment at an Industrial Enterprise]. Upravlenie

proektami i programmami, 2015, no 3, pp. 196–204.

5. Sergeev A.A. Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost’ predpriyatiya [Economic Security of an Enterprise: Textbook and Workshop for Universities]. Ucheb. i praktikum dlya vuzov. 3-e izd. Moscow, Yurayt, 2023.

6. Modenov A.K., Belyakova E.I., Vlasov M.P., Lelyavina T.A. Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost’ predpriyatiya [Economic Security of an Enterprise]. Saint Petersburg, Izd-vo SPbGASU, 2019, 550 p.

7. Goloshchapova L.V., Yakushina S.O. Upravlenie finansovymi riskami v sfere zdravookhraneniya i sposoby ikh minimizatsii [Managing Financial Risks in the Healthcare Sector and Ways to Minimize Them]. Vestnik Akademii znaniy, 2019, no 31, pp. 278–281.

8. Zavrazhskiy A.V. Kompleksnoe strakhovanie riskov professional’noy meditsinskoy otvetstvennosti [Comprehensive Insurance of Professional Medical Liability Risks]. Problemy analiza riska, 2020, vol. 17, no 3, pp. 82–89.

9. Zadvornaya O.L., Alekseev V.A., Borisov K.N. Kadrovye riski v obespechenii bezopasnosti meditsinskoy deyatel’nosti [Personnel Risks in Ensuring the Safety of Medical Activities]. MIR (Modernizatsiya. Innovatsii. Razvitie), 2017, no 8, pp. 132–139.

10. Salkhaeva B.D., Nurbaeva G.K., Zhumakarimov M.A., Amanov S.B. Upravlenie riskami v zdravookhranenii: Obzor literatury [Risk Management in Healthcare: a Literature Review]. Journal of Health Development, 2020, vol. 17, no 35, pp. 24–29.

One Humanity — Society of the Awakened

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.130-137

The issue of the national idea and the guiding image of the future as Russia’s own project has long and rightly been the subject of “deep thoughts” not only for the Kremlin ideologists. It stirs the minds of the entire Russian intellectual community.

Sometimes the most exotic projects and ideas are shuffled around in a painful search. At the same time, most thinkers forget criteria for the conformity of concepts to their purpose, of which the historical moment nature dictates the main one: unprecedentedness. Any conservative and backward-looking ideas, be it “Moscow — the third Rome”, Orthodox monarchism, all kinds of Vedism and national Slavism, neo-imperialism, etc., categorically don’t meet the requirements, which also include: universality (the idea should be born in Russia, but to be intended for all humanity) and supra-mundaneity (implies a supramaterial basis — sacred, highly spiritual sources). Only an ideology that meets the listed requirements can become the basis for an attractive and life-affirming image of the future, capable of participating on equal terms in the culminating battle of world projects. «There is nothing stronger than an idea whose time has come». The present article is the first official publication of the sought-after image of the future, relevant to all presented criteria and capable of changing the course of history in the existing bifurcation point at the civilizational crossroads.


1. Schwab K., Malleret T. COVID-19: The Great Reset. Cologny, Geneva, World Economic Forum, 2020, 212 p.

2. Edinoe Chelovechestvo — ideologiya novogo vremeni (rezh. Trannik S., 2022) [United Humanity — the Ideology of the New Time (directed by Trannik S., 2022)]. Perekhod, available at:

3. Obozhenie [Deification]. Vikipediya, available at:Обожение

4. Trannik S. Zhizn’. Instruktsiya Tvortsa [Life. Creator’s Instructions]. Moscow, 2021, 304 p.

5. Samadkhi. Chast’ 1. Mayya, illyuziya obosoblennogo Ya (rezh. D. Shmid, 2017) [Samadhi. Part 1. Maya, the Illusion of a Separate Self (dir. D. Schmid, 2017)]. Awaken the World, available at:

6. Samadkhi. Chast’ 2. Eto ne to, chto ty dumaesh’ (rezh. D. Shmid, 2018) [Samadhi. Part 2. It’s Not What You Think (dir. D. Schmid, 2018)]. Awaken the World available at:

7. Sotsial’no-obshchestvennyy uroven’. Religiya [Social and Public Level. Religion]. Obshchestvennoe dvizhenie “Perekhod”, available at:

8. Shkol’nikov A.Yu. Poiski ideologii dlya Rossii [Search for an Ideology for Russia]. Школьников INFO, 2023, 28 iyunya, available at:

9. Obshchestvo probuzhdennykh — obraz budushchego [The Awakened Society — A Vision of the Future]. Obshchestvennoe dvizhenie “Perekhod”, available at:

Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Creating Optimal Quality Indicators for Technical Vision in the Scientific Works of I.L. Geykhman

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.124-129

The article dwells on theoretical foundations and practical approaches to the creation of optimal quality indicators of technical vision in the scientific works of Professor I.L. Geykhman. Currently, technical vision systems (TVS) based on optical-electronic devices (OED) operating in conditions of low illumination of objects and facilities are becoming increasingly widespread. These TVS are intended to solve global problems of science and technology. Interest in the topic under consideration is related to the relevance of solving the problem of increasing labour productivity, as well as the need to prevent injuries during underground and open-pit mining, identifying modern capabilities and prospects for production automation based on technical vision tools.


1. Belozerov A.F. Optika Rossii. Ocherki istorii i razvitiya [Optics of Russia. Essays on History and Development]. Kazan’, Tsentr innovatsionnykh tekhnologiy, 2012, vol. 1, 604 p.; 2013, vol. 2, 612 p.

2. Bakhrakh A.M. Iz istorii opticheskogo priborostroeniya. Ocherki [From the History of Optical Instrumentation. Essays]. Vol. 1. Moscow, GNTI mashinostroitel’noy literatury, 1951, 222 p.

3. Perepisnaya kniga goroda Moskvy 1638 goda [Census Books of Moscow. 1638]. Moscow, 1881.

4. Chenakal V.L. Optika v dorevolyutsionnoy Rossii: Trudy Instituta Istorii estestvoznaniya [Optics in Pre-revolutionary Russia. Proceedings of the IIET]. Vol. 1. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1947, 536 p.

5. Kornitskoy I.P. V izd.: Otechestvennyy voenno-promyshlennyy kompleks i ego istoricheskoe razvitie [In the scientific publication: “The Domestic Militaryindustrial Complex and Its Historical Development]. Pod red. O.D. Baklanova, O.K. Rogozina. Moscow, Ladoga-100, 2005, 752 p.

6. Geykhman I.L. Nauchnye ocnovy sozdaniya tekhnicheskogo videniya dlya gornykh rabot [Scientific Foundations of Creating a Technical Vision for Mining]. Moscow, Nauka, 1989, 151 p.

7. Geykhman I.L., Gvozdev S.M., Romanov S.S. O vidimosti izobrazheniy pri ispol’zovanii shakhtnykh sistem vizualizatsii [On the Visibility of Images When Using Mine Imaging Systems]. Svetotekhnika, 1988, no 4, pp. 6–8.

8. Geykhman I.L., Volkov V.G. Osnovy uluchsheniya vidimosti v slozhnykh usloviyakh [Fundamentals of Improving Visibility in Difficult Conditions]. Moscow, Nedra-Biznestsentr, 1999, 286 p.

9. Geykhman I.L. Povyshenie effektivnosti raboty gornykh mashin sredstvami tekhnicheskogo videniya [Improving the Efficiency of Mining Machines by Means of Technical Vision]. Moscow, Izd-vo IGD im. Skochinskogo, 1993.

10. Geykhman I.L. Metodika sozdaniya shakhtnykh videokontrol’nykh ustroystv [Methods of Creating Mine Video Monitoring Devices]. Moscow, Izd-vo IGD im. Skochinskogo, 1988, 82 p.

11. Orlov V.A., Petrov V.I. Pribory nablyudeniya noch’yu pri ogranichennoy vidimosti [Night Observation Devices with Limited Visibility]. Moscow, Voenizdat, 1989, 256 p.

Peculiarities of the Approach to the “Reserves Game” in the Anglo-Saxon Strategic Culture

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.118-123

In the first half of the 2020s the process of forming a new world order has turned around. “Western democracies” are afraid of critical reduction in their positions and influence; they have chosen the strategy of “curbing” the leading “rising” powers of the non-West (Russia, China, Iran). Success in each confrontation is possible only through the competent use of correctly calculated forces and resources (both one’s own and those of the partners) with the aim of exhausting the opponent. The article examines such capabilities of the USA and Great Britain, using their approach to the “game of reserves” in the use of armed forces as an example. It emphasizes the rich historical experience of Great Britain as the center of a huge colonial empire and the USA as a key country in the vast community of “Western democracies”.


1. Chekmarev G.F. Voennaya strategiya v Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyne: Istoriya voennoy strategii Rossii [Military Strategy in the Great Patriotic War: History of Russian Military Strategy]. Institut voennoy istorii Ministerstva oborony RF; Pod red. general-mayora V.A. Zolotareva. Moscow, Kuchkovo pole, Poligrafresursy, 2000, pp. 255–376.

2. Vtoraya mirovaya voyna. Itogi i uroki [World War II: Results and Lessons]. Moscow, Voennoe izdatel’stvo, 1985, 447 p.

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7. Statement of general Christopher G. Cavoli, United States Army. United States European Command. US DoD, 2023, April 26, available at: https://

8. Military Presence. U.S. Personnel in NATO Europe. GAO/NSIAD-90-04. Washington, US General Accounting Office, 1990, 108 p.

9. “Ukraina — eto tol’ko nachalo”: SShA otpravlyayut voyska v Evropu. Chem otvetit Rossiya na usilenie boevoy moshchi NATO?, 2023, 27 noyabrya, available at:

10. Atlas ofitsera. GSh VS SSSR [Atlas of the Officer. General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces]. Moscow, Voenno-topograficheskoe upravlenie General’nogo shtaba, 1974, 396 p.

Knowledge Management in the Context of Spiral Dynamics

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.104-111

Nowadays, the «knowledge management» concept is often used, since today an employee is, first of all, an intellectual worker. However, an allowance is rarely made for the organizational environment in which managers and executives manage

knowledge and due to which this management can be modified. The purpose of the present work is to explain the «knowledge management» term from the point of view of the spiral dynamics concept. The results of the analysis have revealed that interpretation of the «knowledge management» concept becomes more complicated as the level of spiral dynamics increases, and it also begins to acquire features of its previous levels. These assumptions are intended to help managers and executives adapt their skills in intellectual worker management based on the level of spiral dynamics at which their organization is.


1. Sukharev O.S. Tekhnologicheskiy suverenitet Rossii: formirovanie na baze razvitiya sektora “ekonomika znaniy” [Technological Sovereignty of Russia: Formation based on the Development of the “Knowledge Economy” Sector]. Vestnik Instituta ekonomiki Rossiyskoy akademii nauk, 2024, no 1, pp. 47–64, DOI: 10.52180/2073-6487_2024_1_47_64

2. Gurtskoy L.D., Zudin A.B., Vvedenskiy A.I. Upravlenie zdorov’em sotrudnikov v usloviyakh tsifrovizatsii [Employee Health Management in the Context of Digitalization]. Problemy sotsial’noy gigieny, zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny, 2022, vol. 30, no 6, pp. 1313–1317, DOI: 10.32687/0869-866X-2022-30-6-1313-1317

3. Mintsberg G. 2004. Struktura v kulake: sozdanie effektivnoy organizatsii [Structure in a Fist: Creating an Effective Organization]. Per. s angl. pod red. Yu.N. Kapturevskogo. Saint Petersburg, Piter, 2004, 512 p.

4. SDi Foundation [Website]. Spiral Dynamics Foundation, 2024, available at:

5. Bek D., Larsen T., Solonin S., Vildzhoen R. Spiral’naya dinamika na praktike. Model’ razvitiya lichnosti, organizatsii i chelovechestva [Spiral Dynamics in Practice: A Model of Personal, Organizational and Human Development]. Moscow, Al’pina Pablisher, 2018.

6. Butters Albion M. A brief history of Spiral Dynamics. Approaching Religion, vol. 5, no 2, pp. 67–78.

7. Graves C.W. With comments by E.C. World Future Society. Human Nature Prepares for a Momentous Leap. The Futurist, 1974, pp. 72–87.

8. Bek D., Kovan K. Spiral’naya dinamika. Upravlyaya tsennostyami, liderstvom i izmeneniya v XXI veke [Spiral Dynamics: Managing Values, Leadership, and Change in the 21st Century]. BestBusinessBooks. Open World Publishing House, 2010, 424 p.

9. Lalu F. Otkryvaya organizatsii budushchego [Discovering the Organizations of the Future]. Moscow, Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2016.

10. Kleyner G.B. Spiral’naya dinamika, sistemnye tsikly i novye organizatsionnye modeli: perlamutrovye predpriyatiya [Spiral Dynamics, Systemic Cycles and New Organizational Models: Pearlescent Enterprises]. Rossiyskiy zhurnal menedzhmenta, 2020, vol. 18, no 4, pp. 471–496, available at:

Data-driven Healthcare Management

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.98-103

Preserving the population and strengthening its health is impossible without introducing new methods of healthcare management, including personalized monitoring, express diagnostics based on machine learning, mathematical and statistical methods of big data analysis, in particular construction of explanatory and predictive models based on strong artificial intelligence. The author provides an assessment of data (morbidity and mortality by causes of death) characterizing the health status of the population, which are freely available on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

The article concludes that it is advisable to apply the correlation analysis method to medical statistical data, since identification of new patterns allows to optimize approaches to early diagnosis and prevention of diseases, and therefore makes a positive contribution to improving the health of the population.


1. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 7 maya 2024 g. N 309 “O natsional’nykh tselyakh razvitiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii na period do 2030 goda i na perspektivu do 2036 goda” [Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2024 No. 309 “On the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 and for the perspective up to 2036”]. Ofitsial’nyy sayt Prezidenta RF, available at:

2. Zdravookhranenie v Rossii: Statisticheskiy sb.: Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki (Rosstat) [Healthcare in Russia: Statistical Collection: Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)]. Moscow, Rosstat, 2023, 181 p. Demoskop. 2024. 30 yanvarya — 12 fevralya, available at:

3. Rossiyskiy statisticheskiy ezhegodnik: Statisticheskiy sb.: Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki (Rosstat) [Russian Statistical Yearbook: Statistical Collection: Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)]. Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki, available at:

4. O sostoyanii sanitarno-epidemiologicheskogo blagopoluchiya naseleniya v Rossiyskoy Federatsii: Gosudarstvennyy doklad: Federal’naya sluzhba po nadzoru v sfere zashchity prav potrebiteley i blagopoluchiya cheloveka [On the State of Sanitary and Epidemiological well-being of the Population in the Russian Federation: State Report: Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being], available at:

It’s Time to Think about Using Expert Networks in Russian Public Administration

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.90-97

A special feature of the use of expert networks in public administration is the need to involve collective intelligence technologies based on a competence-based approach. The article proposes a scheme for organizing such use of expert communities with the help of national, sectoral and departmental competency frameworks. Introduction of expert networks in public administration can become a driver for their implementation in all spheres of the economy and public life of Russia, a tool for involving citizens in self-government.


1. The Yankee Group. Knowledge Management. People and the Process. Boston, 1997, 89 p.

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