The System of Stifling Tricks of the Bank of Russia

#10. Talkative Times

Implemented in recent years monetary and issuing policy of the Bank of Russia artificially stifles development of the domestic economy, destroys the remnants of science intensive industries, preserves the technological backwardness and strengthens Russia’s status of the “resource colony” and the end market for transnational capital.

Economic Activities in the Grip of Stagnation

#10. Talkative Times

In the conditions of common market restrictions enterprises master new survival strategies to ensure their sustainable production and profit even in the face of uncertainty.

Competitiveness of Domestic Companies and Corporate Foresight

#10. Talkative Times

Foresight encourages people and organizations to think that they are creating the future today. Herewith it is desirable that the fan of emerging civic initiatives would become the subject of some consent.

Climate Geopolitics of the “Golden Section”

#10. Talkative Times

We understand the indefatigable desire of scientific world for epoch-making discoveries, but all sensations of the recent decades are no more than invariants of the Northern Hemisphere temperature and humidity oscillations of Petterson-Shnitnikov directed by the Moon and the Sun.

Information Aspect of Functioning of the Catastrophic Risk Insurance Models

#10. Talkative Times

Disasters consequences directly affect not only the interests of insurance companies and reinsurance business, the state budget is subject to considerable stress, which is especially true for countries with low per capita GDP index.