Transformation of Economic Globalization in the Context of the Development of the World Community Along the Path of Multipolarity

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.192.2023.16-29

The development of the world economy in modern conditions is being transformed under the influence of a number of factors, which are both man-made and caused by the imperfection of the system of economic relations that have developed as a result of the absolute denial of state regulation and attempts to replace it with supranational rules. The basic determinants were the recommendations of the Washington Consensus (1992), aimed at accelerating the transition to a market economy of transformational economies after the collapse of the USSR. In the early 2000s, a similar approach was extended to all developing economies. This made it possible to accelerate the process of economic globalization, which was fundamentally based on the internationalization of reproductive value chains. The development of the world community along the path of polycentrism determines the transformation of economic globalization in terms of both driving forces and regional localization.

The purpose of this article is to analyze the transformation of economic globalization in the context of the transition from an American-centric model of the world economy to a multipolar structure of the world community.


1. Anan’in O., Khaitkulov R., Shestakov D. Vashingtonskiy konsensus: peyzazh posle bitv [Washington Consensus: Landscape after the Battles]. Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2010, no 12, pp. 15–27, available at:

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4. Tessa Smith.Dying Cities: 10 Big U.S. Cities That Are Shrinking at an Alarming Rate. MSN, available at:


5. Countries in the world by population. Worldometers, 2023. URL:

6. Perskaya V.V., Eskindarov M.A. Politsentrizm [Polycentrism]. Moscow, KURS, 2022, 288 p.

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8. Global Value Chains. The World Bank, available at:

9. Giorgia Giovannetti, Enrico Marvasi & Giorgio Ricchiuti. The Future of Global Value Chains and International Trade: An EU Perspective. Italian Economic Journal, 2023, available at:

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Climate Change and Energy Transition

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.192.2023.16-29

The author shows that global warming is determined not by human activity, but by natural phenomena – primarily by a decrease in the inclination angle of the Earth’s rotation axis, changing the insolation of the polar/equatorial regions and, as a consequence, the intensity of meridional atmospheric-oceanic heat and mass transfer. The article presents results of measurements of the neutrino flux from the decay of the potassium-40 isotope, which confirmed the potassium content predicted by the theory of a hydrogen Earth, the flux of radiogenic heat from which must be taken into account in climate calculations. The article presents the results of experimental studies of hydrogen degassing from the depths of the Earth – the cause of the destruction of atmospheric ozone, the content of which in turn determines the temperature and pressure of the surface air. Spatial and temporal correlations of hydrogen degassing and ozone destruction, as well as the influence of gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun on degassing, make it possible for the first time to make long-term forecasts of meteorological changes and the occurrence of climate disasters. The author substantiates the need for changes in climate and energy policy.


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8. Smirnov B.M. Fizika global’noi atmosfery. Parnikovyi effekt, atmosfernoe elektrichestvo, evolyutsiya klimata [Physics of the Global Atmosphere. Greenhouse Effect, Atmospheric Electricity, Climate Evolution]. Dolgoprudnyi, Intellekt, 2017, 256 p.

9. Demirchyan K.S., Kondrat’ev K.Ya., Demirchyan K.K. Global’noe poteplenie i “politika” ego predotvrashcheniya [Global Warming and the “Policy” of its Prevention]. Biosfera, 2010, vol. 2, no 4, pp. 488–502.

Russian Federation in the Geo-Economic Duel of the 21st Century

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.192.2023.6-15

Today there is virtually no doubt that the 21st century will become a time of struggle for global economic leadership. The USA and China have already entered into this intense competition. Russia is also demonstrating signs of geopolitical subjectivity. However, its economic potential is still significantly lower than that of both the USA and China. Therefore, the present article raises the question of the factors for building up such potential in accordance with current technological challenges. The authors formulate and justify the factors for spreading promising general-purpose technologies in the national economy. They provide an assessment of the presence and scale of each factor’s influence in the modern Russian economy, and also outline ways for strengthening such influence in order to create the most favourable conditions for introduction and scaling of advanced technologies in the industrial sector of the Russian Federation.


1. Tolkachev S.A., Teplyakov A.Yu. Tekhnologicheskie i regulyatornye tsikly v mirokhozyaystvennom razvitii: istoriko-ekonomicheskaya retrospektiva [Technological and Regulatory Cycles in World Economic Development: Historical and Economic Retrospective]. Terra Economicus, 2022, vol 20, no 3, pp. 72–86.

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5. Veduta E. Krovavoe shestvie zolotogo standarta k Pervoy mirovoy voyne. Chast’ IV [Bloody March of the Gold Standard to the First World War. Part IV]. REGNUM, 2019, 29 aprelya, available at:

6. Nechvolodov A.V. Ot razoreniya k dostatku [From Ruin to Prosperity]. Saint Petersburg, Tipografiya shtaba voysk Gvardii i Peterburgskogo voennogo okruga,1906.

7. Katasonov V. K ocherednomu yubileyu amerikanskogo Tsentrobanka [To the Next Anniversary of the American Central Bank]. Fond strategicheskoy kul’tury, 2023, 4 yanvarya, available at:

8. Neftedollary protiv gazorubley [Petrodollars Versus Gas Rubles]. Kommersant”, 2022, 15 aprelya, available at:

9. Berdyshev A.V., Sopov D.K. Issledovanie dinamiki koeffitsienta monetizatsii ekonomiki Rossii i ego vliyaniya na makroekonomicheskie pokazateli [Study of the

Dynamics of the Monetization Coefficient of the Russian Economy and Its Influence on Macroeconomic Indicators]. Vestnik universiteta, 2022, no 9, pp. 145–152.

Financial sovereignty of Russia as an object of knowledge, the basis of which is money and the mechanism of its circulation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.113.2023.95-104

In the modern conditions of globalization of economic and other relations, new challenges and threats are emerging in the world. Against this background, specific threats to the financial sovereignty of Russia have become widespread, due to the economic and legal properties of modern «paper» money and their separation from the objective material basis from the equivalent commodity, which results in the absence of a standard measure of value. This problem is very acute in not only economics and finance, but also in law, in particular, in the field of criminal law when qualifying criminal acts of an economic orientation and other areas of economic and legal relations.


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The impact of renewable energy on the country’s economic growth

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.113.2023.89-94

Efficient use of energy is a prerequisite for economic development. The article identifies the relationship between economic growth and the use of renewable energy sources. The study shows that renewable energy contributes to economic growth for both developing and developed countries.


1. Armeanu D.S., Joldes C.C., Gherghina S.C., Andrei J.V. (2021). Understanding the Multidimensional Linkages Among Renewable Energy, Pollution, Economic Growth and Urbanization in Contemporary Economies: Quantitative Assessments across Different Income Countries’ Groups. Renew. Sustain. Energ. Rev. 142. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2021.110818

2. Baniya B., Giurco D., Kelly S. (2021). Green Growth in Nepal and Bangladesh: Empirical Analysis and Future Prospects. Energy Policy 149. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2020.112049

3. Come Zebra E. I., van der Windt H. J., Nhumaio G., Faaij A.P. (2021). A Review of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems in Mini-Grids for Off-Grid Electrification in Developing Countries. Renew. Sustain. Energ. Rev. 144. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2021.111036

4. Doytch N., Narayan S. (2021). Does Transitioning towards Renewable Energy Accelerate Economic Growth? an Analysis of Sectoral Growth for a Dynamic Panel of Countries. Energy 235. doi:10.1016/

5. Jenniches S. (2018). Assessing the Regional Economic Impacts of Renewable Energy Sources — A Literature Review. Renew. Sustain. Energ. Rev. 93 (October), pp. 35–51. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2018.05.008

6. Ogonowski P. (2021). Application of VMCM, to Assess of Renewable Energy Impact in European Union Countries. Proced. Comput. Sci. 192, pp. 4762–4769. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2021.09.254

7. Shrinkhal R. (2019). «Economics, Technology, and Environmental Protection», in Phytomanagement of Polluted Sites (Amsterdam: Elsevier), pp. 569–580. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-813912-7.00022-3

On changes in promising trends in the ratio of annual increases in global GDP and global demand for oil and energy

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.113.2023.76-88

Forecasts are given for 2023–2028 global demand for oil and energy, as well as real GDP growth by region of the world. The linear regression models developed by the authors and graphs of the relationship between the annual growth rate of global GDP and the annual growth rate of global oil and energy demand are presented.

According to the authors, the fight against inflation by the US Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of Europe through raising interest rates leads to a decrease in investment and a decrease in the growth rate of GDP in the US and Europe.


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Digital twin formation technology as a driver for the development of the digital economy

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.113.2023.71-75

The scientific article summarizes the theoretical concepts of a digital twin and classifies its main types in the digital economy. The principles of operation of digital twins are outlined using the example of the production process and modern marketplace.


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Protection of patent law, industrial property and information databases based on international agreements in various sectors of the economy

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.113.2023.55-70

The organizational and economic aspects of the protection of patent law, industrial property and information databases on the basis of international agreements in modern socio-economic conditions are considered. It is shown that in the modern world, copyright involuntarily is a factor «slowing down» the development of knowledge-intensive industries. In turn, the modern Russian patent system is in dire need of reform – as the popular press, scientists, lawyers, judges and ombudsmen say.

The authors conclude that protecting patents as property rights can improve socially constructive coordination that facilitates the complex process of commercializing innovations, thereby improving both access and competition. On the contrary, avoidance of industrial property may facilitate socially destructive coordination between large players using anti-competitive collusion strategies.


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Quality of the workforce in the context of economic modernization

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.113.2023.48-54

The content of the concept of «labor quality» in the context of economic modernization is revealed. The main approaches to the study of the economic category «labor force» are analyzed, and the existing experience in forming the definition of the category «labor force quality» is generalized. A review of the main elements that form the concept of «labor quality» is carried out, and an overview of the most significant competencies necessary to ensure the competitiveness of the workforce is given.


1. Burykhin B.S., Yasinsky D.Yu. The content of the concept of «labor quality». Theoretical Economics. 2018;2 (44):150-160. (In Russ).

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5. Pyankova L.A., Zatepyakin O.A. Quality of labor force in modern socio-economic conditions. Bulletin of SibGIU. 2022;4 (42):132-141. (In Russ).

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