Work Team as a Network Structure Inducing a Common Creative Field

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

From the perspective of the network approach a working team is characterized as a local socio-cognitive network included in the overall networking. However, to understand the creative potential of the working team, according to the authors, specifying only localization of network order of social-cultural interactions is not enough. The analysis of creative team work aspects reveals some over-network phenomenon, which the authors called a common creative field.

Networks as Non-Hierarchical and Non-Market Structures: Realization in Biological and Social Systems

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

Over the past decades, more and more importance in the social and political spheres is acquired by network structures, propagating in different countries and regions of the world and in different spheres of society. In particular, they form the basis of civil society as a “set of civilizational structures and forms, incarnated in … the functions and actions of individuals, social groups, associations, unions”, which are capable in the interests of ordinary citizens to exercise democratic “control … of the state bodies functioning”, that is, of public persons activities. This article focuses on the organizational principles of network structures and exercises biopolitical approach, according to which the structures of human society and biological system are compared. The term “network structures” has at least two different interpretations in the literature, which can be conditionally called its broad and narrow interpretation.

Metacognitive Functions of Personal Social Network

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

The author believes that recognition of cognitive functions of social network does not deny the existence of an individual intelligence and does not replace it with a collective one. The article dwells on the definition of intelligence as the ability to be able, which develops throughout the whole life, and it concludes that in the network society development of such capabilities more and more depends on involvement in networking.

The Concept of “Network-Centric” War for the Russian Army: “Force Multiplier” or a Mental Trap?

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

In recent discussions of future wars character and methods of future warfare Russian authors in their works often use such terms as “network-centric”, “network” war, “network-centric warfare”, “network-centric operations”, “network-centric counteraction”, “network-centricity”,”universal network-centric tools” and etc. up to “defensive network-centricity “. At the same time authors sometimes attribute quite different meanings and significance to these concepts. Just the meaning of the term “network-centric war”, the possibility and feasibility of applying “network-centric” war concept to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are referred to in the article.

Oil Prices Forecast. September 2013

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

The article represents a neuro-forecast, prepared by the Institute of Energy Strategy and the Institute for Economic Strategies. Actual forecast gives a minimum of .8 per barrel by the end of 2014, and the maximum of 4 per barrel by the end of 2013.

On the Materialist Concept of Discovery Mechanism. Algorithmic aspect

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

Approaches to the nature of creativity are divided into materialistic ones and not quite. In the present article the author pays tribute to the materialist conception.

Steady Decrease

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

The Russian economy continues to deliver distressing news. In the first five months of 2013 market index of “Economic Strategies” (MIES) grew up by only 3.1 points. The article authors examine in detail the current state of the Russian economy in January – May 2013.

The Pricing Loop of Global Power Engineering Development (Fundamental Factors Analysis)

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

To answer numerous questions about the future price dynamics the author carries out a research in the field of cyclical energy resources consumption and cyclical changes in their prices and concludes that the pricing loop will be tightened enough. In this regard, the author believes that the global economy will choose the path of more quick decrease in the world oil price and the lack of need for providing global oil demand by developing new, more expensive fields.

Transport Platform of Eurasian Economic Integration

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

The article speaks about creating a powerful transport platform, being the basis of accelerated regional development in a continental scale. The author notes that development of meridional transport corridors in the Russian Federation is necessary both for accelerating the eastern regions development and for preservation and consolidation of historically friendly relations with the southern countries. The author emphasizes the fact that materialization of advanced initiative will allow our country to capitalize constantly on benefits and competitive advantage, which cannot be obtained through other decisions.

Chinese Experience: Lessons for Russia in the XXI Century

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

The article analyzes Chinese experience and the possibility of its creative borrowing on Russian soil. The author, considering globalization strategy in Russian context, concludes that it represents a complex set of interrelated and interdependent issues related to participation of Russia as a subject in global revolutions, political and humanitarian modernization, economic and technological transformation, as well as to the presence of political will to defend national interests, foresight and sagacity. In this regard, the author concludes that the lessons of China have lasting significance for Russia.