Strategic Matrix of the Central Asian States

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Strategic Matrix of the Central Asian States

The article discusses particular features of the geopolitical and geoeconomic situation of the Central Asian countries and Afghanistan. Comparisons of their integrated strength are made applying the strategic matrix model.

Movement to Beacons

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Movement to Beacons

The Tomsk region is a diverse region. Half the population lives in the region capital, known all over the country by its research-educational and innovation potential. The rest of the population lives in cities with economic predominance of oil and gas industry and in rural areas. The Tomsk region governor Sergey Zhvachkin tells how the regional government manages to diversify the economic policy.

Regions on the Edge of a Debtor’s Prison

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Regions on the Edge of a Debtor’s Prison

In developing the Russian regions rating methodological apparatus of “Strategic Matrix of the Russian Federation region” was used, developed by the International League of strategic management, assessment and accounting in partnership with the Institute for Economic Strategies. Its functional purpose is not simply to reflect the current level of the regions development. The main objective is to ensure the strategic planning process, allowing to take account of the market situation variability and to choose with high degree of reliability the optimal strategies of regional development from the number of available alternatives.

Cities of Strategic Importance. Dedicated to the Association of Closed Cities

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Cities of Strategic Importance. Dedicated to the Association of Closed Cities

This paper describes the concept of closed administrative-territorial formations (CATF) development. Solution of the problems described in the article the author sees in the system approach, including general organizational issues regarding CATF both in legal and economic aspects, as well as technological planning, viewed in the format of the innovation system. It is proposed to form a basis for the innovative economy construction in the format of the state strategic planning of the nuclear industry with active use of industrial sites throughout the whole CATF system.

Factors and Structure of Innovation Demand of Russian Companies by the Example of the Perm Region

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Factors and Structure of Innovation Demand of Russian Companies by the Example of the Perm Region

The article considers the factors and the structure of demand for the Russian enterprises innovation product in two aspects: innovative resources and technology and the product manufactured with their help. The article assesses the level of innovation activity, identifies trends and problems. It also offers comparison of innovation demand importance by Russia and the Perm region.

Etnoforesight: the Future of the Sakha People

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Etnoforesight: the Future of the Sakha People

Foresight is a widespread practice at the national and corporate level, but there are practically no examples of applying this methodology to form a vision of a separate ethnic group future. Based on the analysis of the work of the greatest representative of the Yakut intellectuals A.E. Kulakovsky, the article carries out analysis of the Yakut ethnic group current situation and of different strategies for its development in the 21st century.

Deterioration of Conjuncture

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Deterioration of Conjuncture

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategy” (CIES) for the January – July 2013 is considered. The contribution of supply and demand indicators to CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production for 2012 is carried out.

Oil Prices Forecast for the Period From October 2013 to December 2014

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Oil Prices Forecast for the Period From October 2013 to December 2014

Institute of Energy Strategy in partnership with the Institute for Economic Strategies continues to publish regular forecasts of world oil prices, developed on the basis of a neuron model, which takes into account the accumulated experience of the world oil market in the past decades and allows to estimate the volatility of price dynamics (on a monthly basis) in 2013.

To Work Safely, to Build Beautifully, to Be Proud of Yourself

#6. Territory Without Aims?
To Work Safely, to Build Beautifully, to Be Proud of Yourself

How to make a city compact, comfortable, to solve complexly a number of transport and social problems — this and many other questions are covered in an interview by the Honorary builder of Russia, General Director of the investment projects management company “INEX”, Advisor to the President of the Group of Companies “MONARCH” Andrey Bakunichev.

Keep Putting One Foot in Front of the Other

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Keep Putting One Foot in Front of the Other

The project of building a new terminal A at Vnukovo airport was realized in the framework of an extensive program of Vnukovo airport modernization and development. “There won’t be anything analogous to the passengers terminal A for another forty years in Russia”, — says the chairman of the Board of Directors of LLC “Transstroyinvest” Alexey Fomenko. In his interview he dwelled on technical features of the project, on how much efforts it required from the builders, on human resources policy and the need for fundamentally new approach of the government to the sector development.