Interaction of Customs Union and Common Economic Space States in Economic and Financial Spheres Is a Key Factor of Their Sustainable Development

#7. Pandora’s Deceit
Interaction of Customs Union and Common Economic Space States in Economic and Financial Spheres Is a Key Factor of Their Sustainable Development

The ambitious project of Eurasian integration, began in 2010 with establishment of the Customs Union, is entering in a decisive phase. Possible depth and desired coverage of unifying movement are identified, time has corrected the principles of interaction with each other and with potential participants. This article describes the Customs Union operation and the integration prospects within the Common Economic Space.

Properties of Complex Problems Solution Methods

#7. Pandora’s Deceit
Properties of Complex Problems Solution Methods

The article formulates and discusses in details two fundamental properties of cognitive processes activation methods for solving the IV level complexity problems. Complexity level is determined by some type of cognitive process, which is considered from gnoseological positions.

On the Materialistic Concept of Discovery Mechanism.Subconsciousness

#7. Pandora’s Deceit
On the Materialistic Concept of Discovery Mechanism.Subconsciousness

We can only consciously use the subconsciousness just like once we used a thermometer without knowing the nature and meaning of the term “temperature”. If we have recourse to the image of network (thin cloth), which incorporates all the objects of Being, the subconscious mind of a creative person can be perceived like a spider, sensitive to its slightest “twitches” caused by the influence of information grains. Just as a cell assimilates inorganic nutrition components into its living substance, thinking captures and assimilates previously extraneous, not related to it components.

Alcohol-Drug Situation in the Modern World and the Ways of Problem Resolving

#7. Pandora’s Deceit
Alcohol-Drug Situation in the Modern World and the Ways of Problem Resolving

Scholars and practitioners of the newly independent states have argued enough about effectiveness of the alcoholism fighting models. Conventionally it is possible to distinguish seven conceptual approaches to alcohol problem in the world. It is evident that each model contains various modifications, but we have no time and space for detailed material presentation, which is worth perhaps not one but several monographs.

Potential Capabilities

#7. Pandora’s Deceit
Potential Capabilities

The article examines changes of the “Economic Strategies” opportunistic index (OIES) for January – August 2013. It estimates the contribution of supply and demand indices into OIES. Industrial production analysis is presented.

Oil Prices Forecast for the Period From November 2013 to December 2014

#7. Pandora’s Deceit
Oil Prices Forecast for the Period From November 2013 to December 2014

Institute of Energy Strategy in cooperation with the Institute for Economic Strategies continues regular publication of the world oil prices forecasts, developed on the basis of a neural model of the Institute of Energy Strategy, taking into account the oil market experience accumulated during the last decades and allowing to estimate the price dynamics volatility (on a monthly basis) in 2013.

Perpetuum Mobile

#7. Pandora’s Deceit
Perpetuum Mobile

There is an opinion that there should be no separation between work and leisure, as it all constitutes a single life. One can meet people of stunning capabilities that can realize even the most audacious business idea. The main thing is the desire for success, self-trust and real passion for the chosen business.

Internet — a Source of Elevated Danger

#7. Pandora’s Deceit
Internet — a Source of Elevated Danger

The need for information policy is caused by enormous changes in human society occurred in recent decades. Of course, we are speaking about phenomenon of the information society, when information exchange determines public life. To create credible democratic legal forms of information relations in society is exactly the task of information policy that is just beginning to take shape in the country.

RFID — Smart Technology

#7. Pandora’s Deceit
RFID — Smart Technology

The article dwells on the development and application prospects of the radio frequency identification (RFID) information technology. It evaluates the possibility of creating a new sub-sector of telecommunications industry and the main fields of technology application to solving practical problems.