At the Seoul Olympic Games of 2018 our Goal Will Be Again Protected by Tretiak

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
At the Seoul Olympic Games of 2018 our Goal Will Be Again Protected by Tretiak

Personal example of Vladislav Tretiak, his sense of discipline, self-control, will, his renowned sports fate are ultimately needed today for education of a new generation of Russian athletes. One must be certainly born as a great hockey player, as well as a great artist or a great musician. But in order to become so, a phenomenal capacity for work and discipline, strong nerves and intuition, based on detailed calculations and knowledge of the enemy, are required.

Gosplan — Basic approaches to Planning Socio­economic Development of Russia

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
Gosplan — Basic approaches to Planning  Socio­economic Development of Russia

The article examines organizational approaches to formation of Gosplan in Russia as a system of qualitatively new tools for monitoring and planning of market socio-economic development through infrastructure of well-ordered complex system of commodity resources formalized electronic markets within the framework of developing the system of Electronic trading platforms. The amount of data, collected from the interconnected electronic trading platforms, is an information base of Gosplan for issuing analysis results of the market trends and optimization recommendations (“planned targets”) for state structures and government authorities of the relevant product markets.

The Second Wave of 2012 – 2013 crisis, or System errors in Macroeconomic Policy of Ukraine and Russia

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
The Second Wave of 2012 – 2013 crisis, or System errors in Macroeconomic Policy of Ukraine and Russia

The economic crisis of 2009 – 2014 in Russia and Ukraine is not a result of the global financial crisis impact. The continuing deterioration of the Ukraine and Russia’s economies is caused primarily by inadequate macroeconomic policy, which cannot be optimal due to institutional character of its origin.

Specific features of the Ukrainian economy Integration into the World economy

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
Specific features of the Ukrainian economy Integration into the World economy

The paper analyzes macroeconomic consequences of Ukraine’s entry into the WTO. The basic Ukraine’s сommitments taken while joining the WTO with respect to export and import regulations, access to services market, are listed. Conclusion is made that the impact of Ukraine’s entry into the WTO can be hardly considered as corresponding to the national interests of economic development, contributing to job creation and improving the national welfare.

About Materialistic Concept of Discovery Mechanism. Inside and Outside the Brain

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
About Materialistic Concept of Discovery Mechanism. Inside and Outside the Brain

Discoveries model, containing information from the future, is contrary to the “arrow of time”, if the system is open, or to inability for spontaneous entropy reduction within it, if it is closed (self-contained). Top representatives of science, defending the materialist concept of creativity, run into a barrier, on the other side of which they are already expected by religious philosophers.

Innovators are Struggling With Death

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
Innovators are Struggling With Death

Academician Vladimir Skulachev — the leading Russian biologist with the highest citations rating in prestigious scientific journals, director of the Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, the MSU professor. The scientist regards study of aging processes as the main direction of his scientific career. And in the last five years he specified an audacious goal: to cancel the aging process in living cells, programmed by the nature, to win a number of geriatric diseases and to postpone death. The project that became one of the few examples of successful domestic innovation, managed to survive in difficult Russian conditions only thanks to private investments.

Human Health — Our Contribution into the Country’s Future

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
Human Health — Our Contribution into the Country’s Future

Among the numerous participants of the II Regional Forum of social projects “Human Health — our contribution into the country’s future” there are representatives of public associations, non-profit organizations, but mostly students and volunteers from different regions of Russia. These are people who are interested not only in maintaining their health, but primarily in healthy lifestyle popularization, its widest possible dissemination, and therefore interested in really healthy generation.

Borderline State

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
Borderline State

The paper considers changes of the “Economic Strategies” opportunistic index (OIES) for January – October 2013. The contribution of supply and demand indices into OIES is estimated. Industrial production analysis is performed.

Oil Prices forecast for the Period from December 2013 to December 2014

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
Oil Prices forecast for the Period from December 2013  to December 2014

Oil prices forecast for the period from December 2013 to December 2014, prepared by the Institute of Energy Strategy in collaboration with the Institute for Economic Strategies based on neural model taking into account the experience of the world oil market functioning during the last decades.