New Course: a Breakthrough Strategy

#1. Choice of Identity
New Course: a Breakthrough Strategy

The article proposes a systematic, pragmatic and creative approach to the status and prospects analysis of the Russian economy development in the context of global instability. This approach is distinguished by understanding economic reality in all its complexity, characterized by nonlinearity, non-equilibrium and uncertainty of socio-economic development processes, by awareness of their laws. On the basis of its application the authors have developed proposals for implementing an integrated public policies system for development and modernization of the economy on the advanced structural and technological basis, the implementation of which will accelerate the pace of economic growth and will allow to pass on to innovative development.

“Management of Meaning” as the Basis for Combining Economic Reality Probabilities

#1. Choice of Identity
“Management of Meaning” as the Basis for Combining Economic Reality Probabilities

An electronic image of the underlying asset in the world economy is becoming stronger than real economic assets, thus defining the format for implementation of a new social quasi-reality model. Surrounding us economic reality is acquiring more and more probabilistic nature, passing from realistic-material sphere to virtual content. In these conditions, the main imperative of the new ontological basis of the world economic development is becoming “management of meaning” providing purposeful formation of a system methods for identification and interpretation of what is happening, serving as the source of action of economic agents.

The Trend is Not Changing

#1. Choice of Identity
The Trend is Not Changing

The paper considers changes of the “Economic Strategies” opportunistic index (OIES) in 2013. The contribution of supply and demand indices into OIES is estimated. Industrial production analysis is performed.

Oil Prices Forecast for the Period From February 2014 to December 2015

#1. Choice of Identity
Oil Prices Forecast for the Period From February 2014 to December 2015

Oil prices forecast for the period from February 2014 to December 2015, prepared by the Institute of Energy Strategy in collaboration with the Institute for Economic Strategies based on neural model taking into account the experience of the world oil market functioning during the last decades.

Baikal is a Unique Lake

#1. Choice of Identity
Baikal is a Unique Lake

In 2008 – 2010 during an international scientific-research expedition “MIRs” in Baikal” Russia’s “MIR-1” and “MIR-2” self-propelled deep submersibles committed 160 submersions. About the first submersion of deep-water vessels in fresh we are talking to submersible “MIR” commander, Hero of Russia Evgeny Chernyaev.

Unfair and Arbitrary Remuneration — One of the Reasons for the Russian Society Degradation

#1. Choice of Identity
Unfair and Arbitrary Remuneration — One of the Reasons for the Russian Society Degradation

The article — transcript of the regular meeting of the Debating Club headed by academician O.T. Bogomolov — discusses the existing order of labor remuneration and its impact on the society and economy of Russia.

Homo Proponit, Sed Dues Disponit

#1. Choice of Identity
Homo Proponit, Sed Dues Disponit

Institute for Economic Strategies in the project “Strategic Matrix of Russia” again determines the most important strategic trends of the past 2013 by nine strategic matrix factors: governance, territory, natural assets, population, economy, culture and religion, science and education, armed forces, geopolitical environment.

On the Occasion of the 100th Anniversar of the Bohr Atom

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
On the Occasion of the 100th Anniversar of the Bohr Atom

In 2013 we celebrate 100 years since the publication of Niels Bohr’s article “On the constitution of atoms and molecules”. With this famous work of Niels Bohr the history of quantum mechanics began, and the atomic model with a massive charged nucleus and moving around it electrons, which Ernest Rutherford offered in 1911, found its physical sense. In connection with these extremely important events in the history of physics the author reminds the readers that a quarter century before the outstanding experiments of Rutherford and revolutionary theory of Niels Bohr the planetary model of atom was first born here, in Russia, in the works of B.N. Chicherin (1828-1904), published in 1888 – 1889 in “The Russian Physical and Chemical Society Journal”.