Uncertainty Remains
The paper considers changes of the “Economic Strategies” opportunistic index (OIES) in January-February 2014. The contribution of supply and demand indices into OIES is estimated. Industrial production analysis is performed.
The paper considers changes of the “Economic Strategies” opportunistic index (OIES) in January-February 2014. The contribution of supply and demand indices into OIES is estimated. Industrial production analysis is performed.
Oil prices forecast for the period from May 2014 to December 2015, prepared by the Institute of Energy Strategy in collaboration with the Institute for Economic Strategies based on neural model taking into account the experience of the world oil market functioning during the last decades.
Opening address of editor-in-chief.
The article represents a history of life and activity in Serbian culture of a strong and colorful personality — Hertzegovinian Savva Vladislavich known in Russia as count Savva Lukic Vladislavich-Raguzinsky.
Article considers methodology of applying the complexity concept in modern scientific discourse. Noting impossibility of its further use in a wellestablished blurred and eclectic form, the author proposes to differentiate this concept for three reasons: syncretic and composite complexity, system complexity and complexity of specialization, complexity of structural elements and inter-elementary links. This differentiation sets a fundamentally new methodological optics in analyzing a wide range of phenomena relating both to the natural sciences and to the humanitarian area, as well as to the problem of evolutionary dynamics.
In his interview the author sums up the results of his long scientific research activity and formulates what should be done to get the humanity out of the “consumption swamp”, in which it found itself at the turn of ХХ и ХХI centuries.
The article proposes a systematic, pragmatic and creative approach to the status and prospects analysis of the Russian economy development in the context of global instability. This approach is distinguished by understanding economic reality in all its complexity, characterized by nonlinearity, non-equilibrium and uncertainty of socio-economic development processes, by awareness of their laws. On the basis of its application the authors have developed proposals for implementing an integrated public policies system for development and modernization of the economy on the advanced structural and technological basis, the implementation of which will accelerate the pace of economic growth and will allow to pass on to innovative development.
The material was prepared in the framework of developing the RAS proposals to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin by the expert group of RAS economists headed by Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC NK “Rosneft” academician A.D. Nekipelov, advisor to the President of the Russian Federation academician S.Y. Glazyev, director of the RAS Institute of Economic Forecasting academician V.V. Ivanter, etc. The main focus of the paper is made on the need to establish a strategic management system, capable to identify romising areas of economic growth and to guide the activity of state development institutions and economic regulation instruments to their implementation.
Nonlinear critical nature of economic and political processes dynamics has extremely updated the need for culturally deterministic advantages in managing political process in our country and abroad. It is proposed to get these advantages through pro-Russian civilization enculturation as the basis for realization of political development cultural formats, aimed at reprogramming and reimprinting of key matrices of culturalsemantic values, defining Russian civilization leadership in the world post-capitalist socio-cultural environment, which determines the problem solution of further Russia’s formation as a great power.
The article compares the causes and consequences of financial economic crises of 1991 and 2008 in Finland. The basic measures for stabilizing economic situation in the country are listed.