The History of Banking Told by Eyewitnesses

#4. Why that is needed?
The History of Banking Told by Eyewitnesses

The article examines the period of the Soviet banking system transformation and represents an overview of the new audiobook “History of the first banking five-year plan, listened to and recorded by the chronicler Nicholay Krotov”.

Influence of Production Factors on Land Use Efficiency of Agricultural Enterprises

#4. Why that is needed?
Influence of Production Factors on Land Use Efficiency of Agricultural Enterprises

The article discusses the problem of land resources use in agricultural enterprises. It dwells on the issues of production factors interaction and their impact on the efficiency of agricultural land utilization. It identifies production parameters of land resources utilization in the operating cycle of the company. A model of an agricultural enterprise with an indicative value of the industrial complex center of inertia is proposed.

Cognitive Programming

#4. Why that is needed?
Cognitive Programming

Building a future is characterized by way intelligibility, by reverse manner of management tasks solution, by taking into account latent factors, by instability and poor convergence of progress towards the objectives processes. This paper proposes a cognitive mechanism for future planning support with ensuring its semantic interpretation and integrity preservation. It speeds up and improves the quality of forecasts, planning and actions.

We Must Learn to be Responsible Patriots!

#4. Why that is needed?
We Must Learn to be Responsible Patriots!

It is gratifying that the national philanthropy traditions today are gaining momentum. The foundation for folk traditions revival “National St. Tryphon Foundation” carries out charitable activities in several areas — social programs funding, philanthropy in the cultural field, as well as support of society spiritual revival. In his interview with the “ES” magazine the Chairman of the board of trustees of the National St. Tryphon Foundation Andjey Malchevsky dwelled on charitable projects of the Foundation within the spiritual and moral revival and integration into the cultural heritage of the own people, upbringing respect for the history of the country.

Crimea, Mortgages, Education: What’s New for the Appraiser?

#4. Why that is needed?
Crimea, Mortgages, Education: What’s New for the Appraiser?

In his interview with the “ES” magazine Kirill Kulakov, the First Deputy General Director of “Center for Independent property expertise” (CIPE), doctor of economic sciences, MGSU professor told about the specific aspects of appraisal activities in Crimea. Special attention according to K. Kulakov should be paid to professional appraisers training system — it is necessary to develop new educational programs, “it’s requirement of time associated with legislation changes, with development of new methods, information technology”.

Appraisal Business Strategy, or Ambiguous Appraisal

#4. Why that is needed?
Appraisal Business Strategy, or Ambiguous Appraisal

Rating of the most strategic appraisal companies for the second half of year 2013 – the first half of 2014 according to the INES Center for ratings and certification.

Appraisal “Roadmap”

#4. Why that is needed?
Appraisal “Roadmap”

The RF Ministry of Economic Development has prepared a draft bill that would change the proceedings to contest the cadastral appraisal results. The Deputy Minister of Economic Development Nikolay Radievich Podguzov in his interview told the “ES” magazine what key changes should be expected.

New Course: a Breakthrough Strategy

#4. Why that is needed?
New Course: a Breakthrough Strategy

The article proposes a systematic, pragmatic and creative approach to analyzing status and prospects of the Russian economy development in the context of global instability. This approach is distinguished by economic reality perception in all its complexity, characterized by nonlinearity, non-equilibrium and uncertainty of socio-economic development processes, by their laws awareness. On the basis of its application the authors have developed proposals for implementing an integrated public policies system for economy development and modernization on the advanced structural and technological basis, the implementation of which will accelerate the pace of economic growth and will allow to pass on to innovative development define for Russian economy in the world economic system. Nevertheless, let’s look at the situation from a viewpoint of non-economist.