Market Situation Crisis

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
 Market Situation Crisis

The paper considers changes of the “Economic Strategies” opportunistic index (OIES) in January-July 2014. The contribution of supply and demand indices into OIES is estimated. Industrial production analysis is performed.

Family Education as a Way of Strengthening Family

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
Family Education as a Way of Strengthening Family

In our country, according to the law, parents have got the right to educate their children on their own, in the form of a family education. Studies in the countries, where this form of education is quite developed, prove its success and effectiveness.

Nuclear Factor of World Economy Development

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
Nuclear Factor of World Economy Development

Innovative development of modern nuclear power production systems make this industry a significant source of commodities, and to neglect it is inadmissible luxury.

New Large-Scale War: Chronicles of Well Forgotten Future

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
New Large-Scale War: Chronicles of Well Forgotten Future

A new world war for developed countries is a versatile tool solving the problems of the current global financial and economic crisis in the world economy. Under these conditions, the world’s actors, especially the United States, extremely need permanent “enemy-ally”, whose role before was traditionally played by the Russian Empire, later on — the USSR. This explains the feverish attempts by all means to draw Russia into a military conflict in the Ukraine.

Competitiveness Assessment of Projects on Equipping Health Institutions with High-Tech Medical Devices

#5. Space Like a Punishment
Competitiveness Assessment of Projects on Equipping Health Institutions with High-Tech Medical Devices

The article deals with the problem of assessing competitiveness of projects on equipping health institutions with high-tech medical devices, for example — medical devices for active-passive mechanical therapy, taking into account their price characteristics, functional and operational capabilities as well as the type of health care institution and patient population needing rehabilitation with the use of such high-tech products. To assess the competitiveness and financing of such projects it is proposed to apply the expertise method and principles of project financing, widespread in the economy.

The Future of Humanity: Avatars and Cyborgs?

#5. Space Like a Punishment
The Future of Humanity: Avatars and Cyborgs?

Over half a century passed since a man first visited the extraterrestrial space. From this moment — April 12, 1961 — mankind began its placement in outer space, inevitability of which was predicted by the founder of theoretical astronautics Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky. Since then, more than 500 people have visited the space, large-scale space experiments are conducted, programs of conquering the Moon and Mars are being developed. In order to survive humanity must be ready to space expansion, believes cosmonaut-investigator Sergey Krichevsky, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. However, for the time being we are completely unprepared to settling outside the Earth.

Situation Centre of Space Industry Control

#5. Space Like a Punishment
Situation Centre of Space Industry Control

Importance of problems solved by the Russian space industry determines application of the most modern management tools. Industry Situation Centre ensures a high level of aerospace industry competitiveness, development sustainability and holistic coverage of problem situations in making command decisions. The paper deals with its distinctive features in the system of distributed situation centers.

People Fly in Outer Space for a Dream

#5. Space Like a Punishment
People Fly in Outer Space for a Dream

Georgy Grechko — an iconic figure in the national space industry. He flew into space three times, each time achieving unique scientific results. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, he worked with Korolev, trained with Gagarin, repeatedly broke record of flight duration and became the oldest astronaut who visited the orbit. His friends and colleagues also know him as a great prankster and joker, but few know that he is one of the most romantic cosmonauts: among the stars he seeks an opportunity not only to make another scientific experiment, but also to learn something new, unusual, and maybe even to meet our intellect brothers. Today it is his main dream.

“Space” Strategic Matrix: Concentration of the Russian Competitiveness Key Factors in the Struggle for Dominance in Strategic Business Areas of the Global Economy

#5. Space Like a Punishment
“Space” Strategic Matrix: Concentration of the Russian Competitiveness Key Factors in the Struggle for Dominance in Strategic Business Areas of the Global Economy

Efficient use of space technologies and systems enables us to construct a model of techno-mediated social-economic progress, which will determine the format of states’ and corporations’ dominance in strategic business areas. Space is becoming a bifurcation point of conservation — of real-national sovereignty of those countries that are interested in it and can afford it. It is necessary to form a comprehensive space activity strategy for concentration of the Russian competitiveness key factors in the struggle for dominance in the world economy.