Without Memory of the Past There is No Future

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
Without Memory of the Past There is No Future

In interview with the “Economic Strategies” magazine the Chairman of the Board of Directors of “FINHOLKOM GROUP” Consortium, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Saint Tryphon Foundation Andjey R. Malchevsky dwells on the possibilities of military-patriotic education in the context of the national parks development.

The Strategy of Creation

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
The Strategy of Creation

The leading Russian shipyard — JSC “PO “Sevmash” — is the plant from which it is worth to take an example. What is the recipe of success? On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the company its CEO Mikhail A. Budnichenko told about it in his interview with the “Economic Strategies”.

Crowdsourcing as a Model of Knowledge Management: Socio-Psychological Characteristics and Limitations

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
Crowdsourcing as a Model of Knowledge Management: Socio-Psychological Characteristics and Limitations

The paper analyzes the crowdsourcing possibilities in predicting the future and developing solutions. The author distinguishes types of crowdsourcing, discusses its psychological characteristics in comparison with the other methods of knowledge management. He discusses cognitive and motivational mechanisms limiting the effectiveness of crowdsourcing as a form of collective intelligence.

On the Exogenous Factors of Society Degradation in an Anisotropic Continuum

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
On the Exogenous Factors of Society Degradation in an Anisotropic Continuum

The paper investigates the causes of large social systems pathology. It is not a spontaneous “system failure” within society, but the result of impact of external non-specific meta-factors that act outside the human ethics and morality — toughly, strongly, efficiently….

For the Kaluga Region the Objective to Increase the Living Standard of Population is Tightly Linked With Investments

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
For the Kaluga Region the Objective to Increase the Living Standard of Population is Tightly Linked With Investments

In interview with “Economic Strategies” Anatoly Artamonov, Governor of the Kaluga region, described the experience of the Kaluga region’s work with foreign investors, as well as how to create comfortable conditions for doing business in the region.

“Social State” in Advance

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
“Social State” in Advance

As follows from the calculation of the integral indices of the RF subjects social potential, determined based on the multifactor model methodology called “Strategic Matrix of the RF region”, worked out by the Institute for Economic Strategies, the development of social conditions cannot be considered even and uniform. Good data is demonstrated in those three of the nine factors that are directly related to reanimation of economic growth in the country — these factors are “Employment”, “Living conditions” and “Crime”.

Assessing Economic Functions Implementation by the Largest Cities of Russia

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
Assessing Economic Functions Implementation by the Largest Cities of Russia

The article investigates the spatial development of the urban system in Russia. Results of the largest cities evaluation in terms of their economic functions performance allowed to conclude that existing disproportions hinder innovation and economic development of the urban system as a whole.

Experience of Applying Express-Evaluation Methodology for Efficiency of Realizing Strategy of the Municipal Education Socio-Economic Development

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
Experience of Applying Express-Evaluation Methodology for Efficiency of Realizing Strategy of the Municipal Education Socio-Economic Development

The paper dwells on testing the express-evaluation methodology for assessing effectiveness of realizing socio-economic development strategy by the example of the Polessky municipal region of the Kaliningrad province.

Strategic Development Institutions of Single-Industry Area

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
Strategic Development Institutions of Single-Industry Area

The authors consider scientists’ theoretical approaches to forming the concepts of “institution” and “development institution”, they propose to introduce the concept of “institution for strategic development of singleindustry areas” as well as mechanism for effective formation of singleindustry areas strategic development institutions.

Oil Prices Forecast for the Period From September 2014 to December 2015

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
Oil Prices Forecast for the Period From September 2014 to December 2015

Oil prices forecast for the period from September 2014 to December 2015 prepared by the Institute of Energy Strategy in collaboration with the Institute for Economic Strategies.