Exogenous Impact and Anomalous Forms of Society Development in Modern History

#9. Execution Excess
Exogenous Impact and Anomalous Forms of Society Development in Modern History

The second part of the paper shows the degradation stages of modern society and analyzes social phenomena caused by nonspecific metafactors. And, although there is still a lack of cultural-historical and scientific experience for their understanding, one thing is clear — restoration of system genesis progress should begin with restoration of the moral-ethical semantic structures on the psycho-social level of systemic organization.

The Role of Fundamental Science in Providing Financial-Economic Security

#9. Execution Excess
The Role of Fundamental Science in Providing Financial-Economic Security

With the capitalist economy development more evident becomes the tendency of a definite isolation of financial sphere from the so-called “real sector” of economy. This “isolation” is supported the basic principles of economic thought, in particular by money neutrality principle (the classic dichotomy) of the neoclassical school. Today, financial sector and financial capital have transformed from a mediator serving reproduction into a key factor, largely determining economic development of both individual national economies and the world economy as a whole. Hypertrophic growth of financial sector causes a widening gap between material-substantial and financial flows. Resulting imbalances lead to severe crises phenomena, the most powerful of which is the global crisis began in 2008. Its effects are still determining a high degree uncertainty of the whole world development. This article deals with scientific comprehension of the problem of providing financial and economic security of an open economy, which includes Russia, in arising difficult conditions of increasing instability and global competitive tension.

Russia and Latin America: for Long in Earnest

#8. Some Time in Petrograd...
 Russia and Latin America: for Long in Earnest

The actual results of the Russian President’s visit to Latin America in summer 2014 and signed there documents allow to assume that the trip was quite pragmatic: to seize the opportunities for expansion of the Russian economic cooperation with close to us and friendly developing states. Cooperation, which has become even more important in the context of sanctions introduced by the West against Russia. In his interview with Alexander Ageev and Alexander Sidorov, director of the Institute of Latin American, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladimir Davydov told about economic and geopolitical effects of the new vector of cooperation with Latin American countries.

Problems of Modern Agrarian Policy

#8. Some Time in Petrograd...
Problems of Modern Agrarian Policy

The article brings up the question of important strategic orientation of agricultural sector, the need for realization of domestic agriculture role in reviving economy and providing the country’s security.

Situation in the Agricultural Sector Represents a Threat Not Only for Food Sphere, But for the Entire National Security of Russia

#8. Some Time in Petrograd...
Situation in the Agricultural Sector Represents a Threat Not Only for Food Sphere, But for the Entire National Security of Russia

In modern conditions, when food becomes a leading factor of geopolitics and US agriculture is increasingly losing importance of world food “safety cushion”, when China and India are focused on providing their own population, Russia relying on its agro-industrial complex growth may become one of the founders and key players of a new “food world order” on favorable long-term conditions.

Overcoming Social and Industrial Backwardness of Agriculture — a Reliable Way to Russia’s Greatness

#8. Some Time in Petrograd...
Overcoming Social and Industrial Backwardness of Agriculture — a Reliable Way to Russia’s Greatness

The theme of the next Discussion Club meeting of the RAS academician O.T. Bogomolov is more than burning, especially in the light of deterioration of relations with the West.

«Green» Yablokov

#8. Some Time in Petrograd...
«Green» Yablokov

Alexey Yablokov is well-known as an active ecologist, member of the party “Yabloko”, where he heads the “Green Russia” faction. People say that the party was actually named after him, although he joined it much later. Not everyone knows that Alexey Vladimirovich is an outstanding scientist, a biologist with a worldwide reputation, corresponding member and counsellor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as chairman of the Council for marine mammals that, by his own admission, are the love of all his life. We are not kings of the nature, Yablokov is sure, but only one of the numerous species living on the planet. While we are looking for intelligent life somewhere in the vastness of the Universe, other civilizations are existing beside us. Dolphins and whales, in his opinion, undoubtedly are their representatives. However, we are not absolutely ready for the contact with them. That’s probably why we do not manage to reach out to those who live much further.

Coup d’etat. Historical Chronicle

#8. Some Time in Petrograd...
Coup d’etat. Historical Chronicle

The play of how the nearest entourage of the head of state, political and military elite, the main support of the Emperor Nicholas II organized a plot in the crucial year of the First World War, when the Russian Empire was a stone’s throw away from victory.

In the First World War flames

#8. Some Time in Petrograd...
In the First World War flames

In the interview with “ES” the RAS academician, scientific director of the Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice-Admiral A. A. Sarkisov told about the event, its historical interpretation. During the interview considerable attention was paid to a unique edition of “Europe and Russia in the fire of the First World War. On the 100th anniversary of the War”, published by the Orthodox Entrepreneurs Club, by the Institute for Economic Strategies and the Russian Biographical Institute with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. This is not just a book for studying that war operations, it recreates the full picture of those times events: from the origin of the war idea in politicians’ minds up to its implementation and public reaction to the military conflict.