Neuro-network test for entry into network community

#9. Execution Excess
Neuro-network test for entry into network community

Presentation of specific information in a human brain as a hierarchy of events, dictionaries, images of different occurrence frequencies and of different modalities is a model of the human world, consisting of three components – the individual multimodal right-hemispheric (right-handers) and two socialized left-hemispheric – multimodal and linguistic, which to some extent are (all) isomorphic to each other. Perhaps, a person’s mentality is determined by his model of the world. Maybe, comparing the world models (their linguistic components) of individuals it will be possible to understand the degree of their mentality closeness. Therefore, we can try to interpret the mentality of the texts’ authors on the basis of their texts. Comparing texts of the members of different “network” communities (closeness inside, difference between them), we’ll be possibly able to find out the principles of people’s unification in these communities.

Complexity, net-centrism and self-organization management

#9. Execution Excess
Complexity, net-centrism and self-organization management

The paper proposes an approach that gives a scientific character to the concept of network-centric management, and considered systemic paradigms allow to consider it as an engineering construction. It proposes the concept and management contour models of the first and the second kind, revealing communities’ management mechanisms and processes of their self-organization. They represent not only new opportunities, but also unfamiliar threats. Only basic knowledge of socio-engineering will help to build a security system, to ensure the survival and development of society. However, given any methodological complexity the human factor plays a decisive role. Management of complex systems requires self-dependence, intelligence coordination and real time actions, the synergy of knowledge, intuition and participants’ sagacity as well as harmonious interaction with the environment, including society.

Decentralized network structures in economic and political spheres

#9. Execution Excess
Decentralized network structures in economic and political spheres

Network nonhierarchical structures have sufficiently significant potential in business, where they correspond to strategic alliances between firms, inter-firm networks of its autonomous departments, as well as to small network companies, the typical example of which is represented by manufacturing cooperatives. Not less prospects characterize decentralized networks in the political sphere, where we see such important examples as inter-state network alliances, cross-border and global network organizations and movements, advisory commissions and committees under the state apparatus structures and especially network structures being part of the largely non-hierarchical civil society, expressing the citizens’ will and interests in their dialogue with the political system’s hierarchy. On the basis of presented facts the author makes a conclusion that networks in economy contribute to implement the principles of self-managed socialism, and in political sphere – to implement the principles of new type meritocracy, which will be supported by civil society network structures.

Negative stability

#9. Execution Excess
Negative stability

The paper considers changes of the “Economic Strategies” opportunistic index (OIES) in January-September 2014. The contribution of supply and demand indices into OIES is estimated. Industrial production analysis is performed.

Coup d’etat. Historical Chronicle

#9. Execution Excess
Coup d’etat. Historical Chronicle

The play of how the nearest entourage of the head of state, political and military elite, the main support of the Emperor Nicholas II organized a plot in the crucial year of the First World War, when the Russian Empire was a stone’s throw away from victory.

Velvety season of 1989

#9. Execution Excess
Velvety season of 1989

In 1989 Eastern Europe was jumping for joy and thanking Gorbachev. Perhaps he seemed to us a naive talker from the Politburo, but one thing is true: if not for perestroyka, we still would be walking crouched, waiting for the storm to pass (by Zhivkov) and along the Berlin Wall (by Honecker).

Strategy of the pharmaceutical industry development in terms of external constraints

#9. Execution Excess
Strategy of the pharmaceutical industry development in terms of external constraints

Considering the trends of the Russian pharmaceutical industry development, we should bear in mind the existing external constraints, in the first place it is necessary to highlight the need to comply with the WTO rules and regulations, as well as the growing political and military pressure, intensifying economic sanctions against Russia from the part of the world leading countries. In this context, the article discusses the current state of the Russian pharmaceutical industry, strategic options of its development and the concomitant risks.

Paradoxes of the XXI century’s global economy: trade and financial confrontation at the background of multilateral regulation, fair competition and legal framework unification within the WTO

#9. Execution Excess
Paradoxes of the XXI century’s global economy: trade and financial confrontation at the background of multilateral regulation, fair competition and legal framework unification within the WTO

The article analyzes the current world economy situation in modern conditions, when all prior multilateral arrangements, including within WTO, are practically ignored by the EU and the US in relation to Russia; it notes that the current recommendations of international economic organizations in Russia are aimed at preserving the mono-raw material orientation of its economy structure, at forecasting failures in performance of the Government’s social obligations to the Russian population, at the impossibility of conducting modernization and development of new deposits, including the Russian Arctic, due to the high dependence on foreign investment and technology, which should ultimately provide the country’s renunciation of self-contained and independent foreign policy; it analyzes the US strategy of access to hydrocarbon world markets as a leading exporter.

New nanotechnology – the basis of integrated development and defense of the RF coastal and water areas

#9. Execution Excess
New nanotechnology – the basis of integrated development and defense of the RF coastal and water areas

The paper shows the evaluation of significance of Northern and Eastern shelf areas development and protection for the Russian Federation. Taking into account the shelves natural features it shows that only through application of new methods of oceanic construction industry proposed by the authors, based on nanotechnology developed by them, it is possible to create conditions for underwater/subglacial exploration and mineral resources mining in these areas and their infrastructure development in general. A specific example of creating subglacial naval base like an anchored subglacial aircraft-carrier for protection of the northern shelf natural resources and providing efficient safeguarding of the RF production-mining complexes on the shelf is considered.

Mineral Resources in the World and Russian Economies

#9. Execution Excess
Mineral Resources in the World and Russian Economies

Having analyzed vast information on the world and Russian economies, the author came to conclusion that world economy is closely connected with mineral resources, countries’ possibilities to pursue an independent policy or to convert this factor in the aggression element.