Macroeconomic Control of Innovation Activity

#1. Change of Leader
Macroeconomic Control of Innovation Activity

The article discusses the macroeconomic regulation as a method of economic management, where the control center — the state does not need to study and to evaluate any slightest impact on the system, to give indications to the system elements how to react to it. The paper analyzes major challenges associated with implementation of innovation potential. The main trends of developing innovation potential of Russia are described.

At the Peak of the Arctic Vector

#1. Change of Leader
At the Peak of the Arctic Vector

Problems of the North are primarily connected with the living conditions of people, environment and economy. Today are palpable the consequences of the country’s leadership decision taken in the mid-1990s on production decommissioning of these areas. At that time gold mines were closed, the Northern Sea Route was disbanded and many social organizations were abolished; but despite all these difficulties the people didn’t leave their habitual residence remaining faithful to their roots and traditions. The problems of the Arctic and the Far North, how forgotten areas of the Far North are acquiring a “second breath”, why to cooperate with Alaska and how it is possible to reduce significantly the way from the Asia-Pacific region to Europe — all these items were covered by the Head of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) Yegor Borisov in his interview with the “ES” magazine.

Territory of the Future

#1. Change of Leader
Territory of the Future

Natural resources and transit potential of the Russian Far East provides ample opportunities for Russia to become in the future one of the leaders of the global economy and already today — an active participant in dynamically developing Asia-Pacific region. Very rich natural resources are focused on the vast territory of the Far East, an area greater than the whole of Europe. The plans for long-term economic growth and prosperity of the country, for improving life of the Russian citizens are associated with development and use of these resources. In his interview with the parliamentary columnist of the “ES” magazine Valentina Nicholskaya the chairman of the State Duma Committee on regional policy and the North and the Far East problems Nikolay Kharitonov told about peculiarities of the region development strategy, about priority of its labor potential presevation.

Uncertainty is Growing Up

#1. Change of Leader
Uncertainty is Growing Up

The paper considers changes of the “Economic Strategies” opportunistic index (OIES) in January-December 2014. The contribution of supply and demand indices into OIES is estimated. Industrial production analysis is performed.

The Second Attempt: Necessity and Possibility of Restoring Social Systemogenesis

#1. Change of Leader
The Second Attempt: Necessity and Possibility of Restoring Social Systemogenesis

This paper investigates non-specific meta-factors blocking the social systemogenesis. Delay in transition from zoopopulation to psychosocial formation, according to the authors, is conditioned by the meta-subject activity, primarily in the field of education. It is possible to overcome the obstacle only by means of systemogenesis conscious management.

Is it Possible to Raise a Leader? And Most Importantly — is it Necessary?..

#1. Change of Leader
Is it Possible to Raise a Leader? And Most Importantly — is it Necessary?..

Why do typical models of leadership behavior glitch? Why does the effect of the majority of training programs on leadership equal zero? And finally, who is a leader? Why does modern business need him and is it possible to bring him up? The article dwells on all the above aspects.

Business in Accordance with the Orthodox World View — Unattainable Illusion or Real Prospect?

#1. Change of Leader
Business in Accordance with the Orthodox World View — Unattainable Illusion or Real Prospect?

The article presents results of empirical studies of management systems and corporate cultures in companies, seeking to build their business in conformity with Orthodox values. The paper offers analysis of the Orthodox Faith key provisions in the context of building the company’s management system. The author demonstrates crucial importance of the leader’s personal position in shaping corporate culture, capable to keep business structure within the moral principles of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The Theory of the Team Production in Corporate Governance: the Right to Life

#1. Change of Leader
The Theory of the Team Production in Corporate Governance: the Right to Life

The article analyzes the structure of corporate governance, which bears the name of “team production”. The theory of team production assumes not only (not so much) increase of the owners welfare, but supposes assessment of each participant’s contribution into corporate governance, into the final result of the company’s activity through mutual cooperation. The author considers the theory of team production aimed at ensuring socio-economic well-being of society, not just to receive corporate benefit. With the help of the presented model it is possible to improve qualitatively the structure of corporate governance.