Organizational and economic aspects of the customs examination of the commodity group 0902 of the customs code of the EAEU

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.115.2024.62-74

The organizational and economic aspects of customs examination of commodity group 0902 of the EAEU TN FEA in modern conditions are considered. Features of the classification of tea and products made from it (commodity group 0902 of the EAEU HS) include the possibility of classifying a drink with the trade name «tea» to other groups of the HS. It is shown that the main data for correctly determining the HS code of a drink with the trade name «tea» are the degree of fermentation, composition and type, weight of packaging and purpose of the product. It has been established that in order to effectively identify tea and reduce the risk of erroneous classification under the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity, it is necessary to improve existing identification technologies and regulatory documents for tea classification. It is substantiated that organizational and economic measures taken by the state to support the tea industry bring appropriate results, but complete import substitution of a drink with the trade name «tea» is practically impossible. Only partial import substitution is acceptable – this is the active development of the Russian industry for the production of fireweed (angustifolia fireweed).


1. Bezpalov V.V., Filatov V.V., Zharikov R.V., Karev M.V. Features of customs regulation of imports of food and processing industry goods imported into the territory of the Russian Federation. Applied economic research. 2023;1:8–18. (In Russ.).

2. Alekseeva E.V. Ivan-narrow-leaved tea, a forgotten miracle of nature. Problems of the environment and natural resources. 2020;7:163–167. (In Russ.).

3. Babkina N.A. Commodity science, expertise in customs and commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity. Amur State University, Blagoveshchensk. 2017. 230 p. (In Russ.).

4. Bikbulatova E., Plotnikova N.A. «Koporsky» fermented tea from the leaves of willow-leaved tea and Canadian maple. In the collection: Ecology and nature management: applied aspects. VI International Scientific and Practical Conference. 2016. pp. 63–65. (In Russ.).

5. Vaitekhovich A.A. The conjuncture of the tea market on a global scale. In the collection: Organizational and legal support of the management mechanism in the field of agribusiness. 2019. pp. 159–161. (In Russ.).

6. Vorontsov P.A., Dzik L.R., Zemlyakova E.S. Studies of black tea of different brands and assessment of its quality. Bulletin of Youth Science. 2021;5 (32). (In Russ.).

7. Gamidullaev S.N., Nikolaeva S.L., Zakharenko T.A., Simonova V.N. Commodity science and expertise in customs. St. Petersburg: Troitsky Bridge, 2010. 400 p. (In Russ.).

8. Dengina Yu.V., Tyulkina A.A., Darovskikh L.V. Research of some indicators of tea quality from different manufacturers. In the collection: Biodiagnostics of the state of natural and man-made systems. Materials of the XIV All-Russian scientific and Practical conference with international participation. 2016. pp. 375–378. (In Russ.).

Problems of lean manufacturing implementation at the enterprise and methods to solve them

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.115.2024.51-61

The problem of modernization of production systems in Russia is currently manifested in an acutely pronounced form. Their basis in most companies is the concept of mass production, which does not fully meet modern requirements, and therefore does not bring the expected effect. The introduction of new systems requires extraordinary efforts on the part of both management and staff. One of the most effective methods implemented in the practice of business entities today is lean manufacturing. Let’s consider its tools and methods as a means of increasing the efficiency of the enterprise.


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2. Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation No. 1907 dated 06/20/2017 «On Approval of Recommendations on the Application of Lean Manufacturing Principles in various industries». URL:

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4. Battalov A.M. Stages of the formation of the concept of «Lean production». Innovative science. 2022;(5-1):27-32. (In Russ.).

5. Lean manufacturing: implementation without resistance [Electronic resource]. Financial Expert portal. Access mode: http://www.Finexpert.Ru/view/  

6. Lean manufacturing: how to get rid of losses and achieve prosperity for your company. James Wumek, Daniel Jones; translated from English – 5th ed. Moscow: Alpina Business Books, 2022. 472 p.

7. Vikhansky O.S. How popular is lean manufacturing in Russia. Expert-Ural. 2019;7 (270). (In Russ.).

8. Hobbs D.P. Introduction of lean manufacturing. A practical guide to business optimization. Minsk: Grevtsov Pavlisher, 2007. 352 p.

 9. Vader M. Lean manufacturing tools: A mini-guide to the implementation of lean manufacturing techniques. Michael Vader; translated from English. M.: Alpina Business Books, 2015. 125 p.

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12. Tikhonina A.S. Problems in the implementation of lean production tools. XIV International School – Conference of Young Scientists, Tomsk: STT Publishing House, 2018. pp. 274-276. URL:

Type data consideration in market objects analysis. Part 4. Building images based on factors of numeric types

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.115.2024.35-50

The issues of the correct application of mathematical statistics in the processing of marketing research results, taking into account the type of data obtained, are considered. The parameters of the configuration of images of market objects (goods/ trademarks/ firms) in the space of image-forming factors of interval type, characterizing the location, formedness and differentiation of images, are discussed. Examples of the analysis of images of market objects in the space of interval type factors (both initial and quantified) are given. Possible conclusions about the configuration of images are considered, practical recommendations on the selection of target segments and determining the optimal position for a product / brand/ company are discussed.


1. Zakuskin S.V. Type data consideration in market objects analysis. Part 1. Building images based on factors of non-numeric types. Microeconomics. 2023;5:23–38 (In Russ.).

2. Zakuskin S.V. Type data consideration in market objects analysis. Part 2. Building images based on factors of numeric types. Microeconomics. 2023;6: 29–47. (In Russ.).

3. Zakuskin S.V. Type data consideration in market objects analysis. Part 3. Analysis of images and positions by factors of non-numeric types. Microeconomics. 2024;1:35–54. (In Russ.).

4. Zakuskin S.V. Analysis of consumer ideals in the image-forming space:  building perfect images. Microeconomics. 2021;3:22–31. (In Russ.).

5. Zakuskin S.V. Analysis of market images formedness. Creative Economics. 2020;6:1115-1136. (In Russ.).

6. Zakuskin S.V. Analysis of market images differentiation. Creative Economics. 2020;7:1447-1466. (In Russ.).

7. Zakuskin S.V. Integration of marketing communications based on the analysis of consumer preferences. Russian entrepreneurship. 2018;19(6):1913-1937. (In Russ.).

Optimization of production stocks as an element of the anti-crisis strategy of an industrial enterprise

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.115.2024.23-34

Optimization of an inventory is an important element of strategic planning of an industrial enterprise, the objectives of which are to ensure the required volume of production of finished goods, achieve minimum inventory storage costs and eliminate excessive investments of financial resources. The article describes the main approaches to inventory management, assesses their advantages and disadvantages. Using the company for the production of electrical equipment as an example, the algorithm for the quantitative allocation of the «problematic» demands in the inventory structure is proposed, this demand reduces risks from the external environment, but requires additional investments. The calculation of the parameters of the demand was performed using the resources of the ERP system and the inventory structuring model, thereby the «problem field» in the context of each inventory item has been determined for further optimization measures implementation.


1. Russian Statistical Yearbook: Stat. sat. / State Com. Ros. Federation of Statistics (Goskomstat of Russia). Stat.sat./Rosstat, 2023. 701 p.

2. Babaeva E.S. Information technologies in the management of «pushing» type productions. Bulletin of the Volga State University. 2011;17:53–57. (In Russ.).

3. Bauersox D.J., Kloss D.J. Logistics integrated supply chain. Moscow: Olymp-Business CJSC, 2001. 640 p.

4. Bekmurzayeva R.H. Risks associated with interaction with suppliers and contractors / R. H. Bekmurzayeva, L. H. Dzhandarova. Business bulletin of the entrepreneur. 2021;5(3):29–31. (In Russ.).

5. Bukan J., Koenigsberg E. Scientific management of reserves. M.: Nauka, 1967. 423 p.

6.  Gavrilov D.A. Production management based on MRP II [inform., resource planning, positioning strategies, cost calculation]. – 2nd ed. Peter, 2005. 416 p.

7.  Zemlyanskaya V.N. The classical method of ABC analysis and its modern modification. Eurasian Union of Scientists. 2017; 9–2(42):76–81. (In Russ.).

8. Izmalkova I.V. Digitalization of accounting processes in the context of economic development in modern conditions: problems and impact on business processes / I. V. Izmalkova, G. I. Polennikova, L. Y. Tatarenko. Bulletin of the Altai Academy of Economics and Law. 2023;6–1:47–54. (In Russ.).

9. Konyukhovsky P.V. Mathematical methods of research of operations in economics. St. Petersburg: Publishing house «Peter», 2000. 208 p.

10. Mironova G.V. Concepts, strategies and models of inventory management / G.V. Mironova, A.V. Shelygov. Bulletin of the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise named after Ivan Fedorov. 2011;2:230–239. (In Russ.).

11. Nikiforova E.V. Management of material reserves in conditions of multi-nomenclature production / E. V. Nikiforova, S. A. Kalinovsky. Vector of Science of Tolyatti State University. 2011;4(18):211–216. (In Russ.).

12. Tyukhtina A.A. Models of inventory management: An educational and methodological guide.  Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod State University, 2017. 84 p.

The impact of government support measures on the innovative activity of companies in the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.115.2024.5-22

The scientific article presents the advanced experience of leading foreign countries to activate innovation. It was established that mainly organizations for the development of innovation use direct and indirect support measures. The principles of activation and support of innovative activities in foreign countries are shown, the main tools for state stimulation and activation of innovation in foreign countries have been identified.


1. Order of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 2002 No. Pr-576 «Fundamentals of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of development of science and technology for the period until 2010 and beyond». URL:

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5. Kalinov V.V. Formation of the conceptual foundations of the innovation policy of the Russian Federation. Bulletin of Tomsk State University.2011;4(16):16-43. (In Russ.).

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8. Lavrinenko A.R. Diagnostics and directions of development of the innovative potential of scientific and technical entrepreneurship. Bulletin of Polotsk State University. Series D. Economic and legal sciences. 2022;12:35-42. (In Russ.).

9.Suglobov A.E. The essence of innovative activity of economic entities in modern conditions of economic development. Bulletin of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 2013;8:194-199. (In Russ.).

10. Kozhitov L.V., Zaporotskova I.V., Kozlov V.V. Promising carbon-based materials. Bulletin of VolSU. 2009-2010;10(4):63-84. (In Russ.).

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12. Khasanova G.B. Principles of «Green engineering» – a promising way to solve the problem of environmental pollution with polymersю Bulletin of the Kazan Technological University. 2013;22. (In Russ.).

13. Rogov V.A., Shkarupa M.I., Velis A.K. Classification of composite materials and their role in modern mechanical engineering. Vestnik RUDN. Series: Engineering Research. 2012;2:41-49. (In Russ.).

Development Strategy for a Housing and Utilities Company

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.138-143

The article dwells on the state of the regional housing and communal services and its individual enterprises, identifies therole of developing strategic models (competitive, adapted, situational) for their evolution. Attention is made to the need to coordinate housing and utility development strategies in the region as a whole and specific housing and communal services enterprises. A model of consistent strategic development of housing and utility companies is proposed, positive and negative aspects of the strategy of housing and utility enterprises, as well as internal and external factors are highlighted.


1. Provalenova N.V. Organizatsionno-ekonomicheskoe razvitie sfery zhilishchno-kommunal’nykh uslug v malykh munitsipal’nykh obrazovaniyakh: dis. …d-ra ekon. nauk: 08.00.05. [Mesto zashchity: Ros. ekonom. un-t im. G.V. Plekhanova] [Organizational and Economic Development of the Sphere of Housing and Communal Services in Small Municipalities: Dis. … Doctor of Economics Sciences: 08.00.05. [Place of protection: Ros. economy University named after G.V. Plekhanov]]. Moscow, 2018, 293 p.

2. Kozlova S.V., Gribanova O.M. Povyshenie kachestva gosudarstvennogo upravleniya zhilishchno-kommunal’nym khozyaystvom [Improving the Quality of Public Management of Housing and Communal Services]. ETAP: ekonomicheskaya teoriya, analiz, praktika, 2016, no 4, pp. 134–143.

3. Blinov A.O., Ugryumova N.V. Upravlencheskie aspekty razvitiya sotsial’no-ekonomicheskikh sistem ZhKKh [Managerial Aspects of the Development of Socio-economic Systems of Housing and Communal Services]. Vestnik UGUES. Nauka, obrazovanie, ekonomika. Seriya: Ekonomika, 2015, no 1(11), pp. 51–55.

4. Makarova V.I., Bogdashkin Yu.N., Eliseeva I.V. Protsess razrabotki i realizatsii strategii zhilishchno-kommunal’nogo khozyaystva strany [The Process of Developing and Implementing the Country’s Housing and Communal Services Strategy]. Vestnik Volzhskogo universiteta im. V.N. Tatishcheva, 2016, no 2(3), pp. 148–154.

5. Stakhanov D.V. Strategicheskoe upravlenie zhilishchno-kommunal’nym khozyaystvom (ZhKKh) kak sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoy sistemoy [Strategic Management of Housing and Communal Services (HCS) as a Socio-economic System]. Vestnik Taganrogskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo instituta im. A.P. Chekhova, 2014, no 1, pp. 108–112.

6. Kemaykin N.K., Pavlenkov M.N. Napravleniya razvitiya ZhKKh Rossii [Directions for the Development of Housing and Communal Services in Russia]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ekonomika, 2020, no 51, pp. 21-34, DOI: 10.17223/19988648/51/2

7. Leus I. Sistema monitoringa innovatsionnoy i investitsionnoy deyatel’nosti zhilishchno-kommunal’nogo khozyaystva [System for Monitoring Innovation and Investment Activities of Housing and Communal Services]. Natsional’nye interesy: prioritety i bezopasnost’, 2015, no 4(289), pp. 23–42.

8. Petrova A.N. Strategicheskiy menedzhment [Strategic Management]. Seriya: Uchebnik dlya vuzov. Saint Petersburg, Piter, 2005, 496 p.

Voice Assistant as a Corporate Competitive Strategy at the Healthcare Market

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.132-137

The article describes the competitive strategy of a pharmaceutical company in the context of digitalization of society. It describes how the patient’s voice assistant allows the company to influence levels of demand, receive information about the behavior patterns of the target audience and increases the brand’s points of contact with the target audience. The technology of developing a voice assistant for the healthcare industry is presented, and mechanisms of influence on the target audience are described.


1. Kovtyukh G.S. Osnovnye tendentsii razvitiya farmatsevticheskogo rynka v Rossii [Main Trends in the Development of the Pharmaceutical Market in Russia] Lechebnoe delo, 2023, no 2, pp. 134–140, DOI 10.24412/2071-5315-2023-12888, EDN GGLUIQ

2. Arzhanova K.A. Sovremennye PR-tekhnologii prodvizheniya kompanii [Modern PR Technologies for Company Promotion]. Kompetentnost’, 2020, no 5, pp. 30–35, available at:

3. Vinichuk O.Yu. Sovremennye metody prodvizheniya farmatsevticheskikh kompaniy na regional’nykh farmatsevticheskikh rynkakh v usloviyakh tsifrovizatsii biznesa [Elektronnyy resurs]. Vestnik evraziyskoy nauki, 2023, vol. 15, no 3, available at:

4. Prentice С., Loureiro S.M., Guerreiro J. Engaging with intelligent voice assistants for wellbeing and brand attachment. Journal of Brand Management, 2023, no 30, pp. 449–460. 10.1057/s41262-023-00321-0 Engaging with intelligent voice assistants for wellbeing and brand attachment.

5. McLean G., Osei-Frimpong K., Barhorst J. Alexa, do voice assistants influence consumer brand engagement? — Examining the role of AI powered voice assistants in influencing consumer brand engagement. Journal of Business Research, 2021, no 124, pp. 312–328. 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.11.045.

6. Zuenkova Yu.A., Bogdanovich S.T. Beyond the Pill — strategiya marketinga otnosheniy na farmatsevticheskom rynke [Beyond the Pill —Relationship Marketing Strategy in the Pharmaceutical Market]. Mikroekonomika, 2023, no 5, pp. 39–47, available at:–47

7. Andriyanova E.A. Sotsial’noe doverie v meditsine: vozmozhnosti onlayn-kommunikatsii: Nauka kak obshchestvennoe blago: Sb. Nauchnykh statey Vtorogo mezhdunarodnogo kongressa Russkogo obshchestva istorii i filosofii nauki. Sankt-Peterburg, 27–29 noyabrya 2020 g. [Social Trust in Medicine: Online Communication Opportunities: Science as a Public Good: Sat. Scientific Articles of the Second International Congress of the Russian Society for History and Philosophy of Science. St. Petersburg, November 27–29, 2020]. Sankt-Peterburgskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet; Russkoe obshchestvo istorii i filosofii nauki, vol. 5. Moscow, Mezhregional’naya obshchestvennaya organizatsiya “Russkoe obshchestvo istorii i filosofii nauki’, 2020, pp. 90–93, EDN ZWEESO

8. Porter M. Konkurentnaya strategiya. Metodika analiza otrasley i konkurentov. Moscow, Al’pina Pablisher, 2015, 456 p.

Activities of the State Defence Council to Strengthen the Defence Capability of the Russian Empire at the Beginning of the XXth Century

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.126-131

The author examines the main activities of the State Defenсe Council (SDC) of the Russian Empire to ensure the defenсe potential at the beginning of the XXth century, in particular elaboration of a general plan for the state defence in accordance with requirements of that time and development of the provisions of the state military doctrine, which was accompanied by a major scientific discussion. Based on a large number of archival documents and materials, the stages of decision-making by the SDC and implementation of major measures to strengthen the defence capability of the empire are revealed. The author traces the ways of solving a very difficult task – strengthening military potential of the state in difficult conditions on the eve of the First World War.


1. Stoletie Voennogo ministerstva [Centenary of the War Ministry]. Saint Petersburg, 1911, vol. 3, otd. 6, pp. 300, 301.

2. Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyy voenno-istoricheskiy arkhiv (RGVIA) [The Russian State Military Historical Archive (hereinafter RGVIA)]. F. 830, Op. 1, D. 11.

3. Kuzin V.V. Sovet Gosudarstvennoy Oborony v Rossii (1905–1909 gg.): Diss. … kand. ist. nauk [Council of State Defense in Russia (1905–1909): Diss. Candidate of… ist. sciences]. Moscow, 1950.

4. Russkaya voennaya mysl’: konets XIX — nachalo XX v. [Russian Military Thought: End of XIX — beginning XX century]. Moscow, Nauka, 1982.

5. Russkaya voenno-teoreticheskaya mysl’ XIX — nachala XX v. [Russian Military Theoretical Thought of the 19th century — beginning XX century]. Moscow, Voenizdat, 1960.

6. Strokov A.A. Vooruzhennye sily i voennoe iskusstvo v Pervoy mirovoy voyne [Armed Forces and Military Art in the First World War]. Moscow, Voenizdat, 1974, pp. 87–117.

7. Kozlov S. Voennaya nauka i voennye doktriny [Military Science and Military Doctrines]. Voenno-istoricheskiy zhurnal, 1964, no II, pp. 72.

8. Neznamov A.A. Sovremennaya voyna. Deystviya polevoy armii [Modern War. Field Army Actions]. Saint Petersburg, 1911.

9. Strokov A.A. Istoriya voennogo iskusstva [Armed Forces and Military Art]. In 5 vol. Moscow, Voenizdat, 1955, 1965, 1967 (vol. 1–3); Saint Petersburg, Poligon, 1994 (vol. 4, 5).

10. Zayonchkovskiy A. Edinstvo voennoy doktriny (opasnosti i uvlecheniya) [Unity of Military Doctrine (Danger and Passion)]. Russkiy invalid, 1911.

11. Frunze M.V. Izbrannye proizvedeniya [Selected Works]. Moscow, Voenizdat, 1984.

12. Zhurnal (no 10) Osoboy podgotovitel’noy komissii pri SGO [Journal (No. 10) of the Special Preparatory Commission for the CSD]. RGVIA, F. 2000, Op. 1, D. 346.

13. RGVIA [RGVIA]. F. 830, Op. 1, D. 168.

14. RGVIA [RGVIA]. F. 2000, Op. 1, D. 153.

On the Issue of Providing Air Transport Accessibility of the Arctic Zone Regions of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.118-125

Current economic and geopolitical situation calls for the need to solve the problems of air transport accessibility in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation with maximum financial efficiency and in the shortest possible time. To this end, it seems expedient to use the existing fleet of An-2 aircraft, which have proven themselves to be simple and reliable in harsh Arctic conditions. Minor and inexpensive modifications to the airframe and power plant, application of a modern domestic flight navigation system and autopilot will make this aircraft even more in-demand and competitive.

Improving the Implementation Efficiency of Industrial Policy of the Russian Federation Based on the Cluster Approach

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.108-117

The article dwells on the author’s concept of implementing the industrial policy of the Russian Federation based on the principles of target-costing, behavioral economics and TBC-costing, permitting to increase the accuracy of planning the cost and price of cluster products; objectivity of settlements between participants of a single end-to-end technological process (USTP). In accordance with the proposed concept, theoretical foundations for implementing the industrial policy of the Russian Federation are developed. Methodology for forming the end-to-end cost of an industrial cluster, cluster-costing, is described, which, unlike the existing one, has a very high accuracy, which in its turn contributes to more efficient implementation of the industrial policy of the Russian Federation. The author presents a new method for conducting factor analysis of a clustercosting, which allows us to more accurately identify the reasons for deviations of the actual cluster-costing from the planned value, determine the responsibility of each USTP participant, including within the process, as well as obtain a fair mechanism for adjusting the cost of a cluster order. The article proposes an algorithm allowing to manage the cluster order for industrial clusters, taking into account the principle of fairness, which makes it possible to harmonize relationships in the chain “state – enterprises — participants in a single end-to-end technological process.”


1. Federal’nyy zakon ot 29 dekabrya 2012 g. N 275-FZ “O gosudarstvennom oboronnom zakaze” (s izm. i dop.) [Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 275-FZ “On State Defense Order” (as amended and supplemented)]. Garant, available at:

2. Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 2 dekabrya 2017 g. N 1465 “O gosudarstvennom regulirovanii tsen na produktsiyu, postavlyaemuyu po gosudarstvennomu oboronnomu zakazu, a takzhe o vnesenii izmeneniy i priznanii utrativshimi silu nekotorykh aktov Pravitel’stva RF” (s izm. i dop.) [Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 2, 2017 No. 1465 “On state regulation of prices for products supplied under the state defense order, as well as on amending and invalidating certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented)]. Garant, available at:

3. Federal’nyy zakon ot 5 aprelya 2013 g. N 44-FZ “O kontraktnoy sisteme v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot, uslug dlya obespecheniya gosudarstvennykh i munitsipal’nykh nuzhd” (s izm. i dop.) [Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” (as amended and supplemented)]. Garant, available at:

4. Federal’nyy zakon ot 31 dekabrya 2014 g. N 488-FZ “O promyshlennoy politike v Rossiyskoy Federatsii” (s izm. i dop.) [Federal Law of December 31, 2014 No. 488-FZ “On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented)]. Garant, available at: