Scientific and Methodological Approaches to the Problem of Creating a Model of an Enterprise’s Digital Twin

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.54-63

The article dwells on scientific and methodological approaches to solving the problem of forming a model of a digital twin of an enterprise, the production process, products and resources at all stages of the life cycle, when all departments involved in development, production, operation, including repair work, are represented in the form of a computer network that unites the combined elements of three types: sensors (detectors), factors (actuators and devices), control and management bodies. Proposed scientific-methodological approaches and principles of a “virtual enterprise” modeling are quite universal since they permit to provide a reflection and mathematical description of the dynamics of changes in the performance of an enterprise, its divisions and transformation of properties and characteristics of high-tech products that occur during the production process.


1. Gubinskiy A.M. Upravlenie tekhnologicheskim razvitiem v sfere oborony i bezopasnosti Rossii, SShA i Kitaya: istoricheskie aspekty i sovremennyy opyt [Managing Technological Development in the Sphere of Defence and Security of Russia, the USA and China: Historical Aspects and Modern Experience: Russia]. Vol. I. Rossiya. Moscow, Izdatel’skie resheniya, 2021, 626 p.

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Artificial Intelligence and Supercomputing Technologies

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.42-53

While the physical basis of natural intelligence is the human brain, the physical basis of artificial intelligence (AI) is constituted by computers. Currently, the processes of creating AI based on computer technology are developing in two main directions — logical direction and neuromorphic one. The logical approach is aimed at creating computer systems designed to solve one or a limited set of “intelligent” problems (that is, problems whose solution would require intelligence if they were solved by a person). The neuromorphic approach aims to create computer systems that imitate the human brain functioning, and ultimately to create its artificial analogue.


1. Yangging Jia. Technical Report. No. VCB/EECS 2014-93, Berkley.

2. Kalyaev I.A., Levin I.I., Semernikov E.A., Shmoilov V.I. Reconfigurable Multipipeline Computing Structures. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA. 2012. 340 p.

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4. Kalyaev I.A., Levin I.I. Rekonfiguriruemye vychislitel’nye sistemy na osnove PLIS [Reconfigurable Сomputing Systems Based on FPGAs]. Rostov n/D, Izd-vo YuNTs RAN, 2022, 475 p.

5. Spall J., Guo X., Barrett T.D., Lvovsky A.I. Fully reconfigurable coherent optical vector-matrix multiplication. Optics Letters, 45, 5752–5755 (2020).

6. Tait A.N., de Lima T.F., et al. Neuromorphic photonic networks using silicon photonic weight banks. Scientific Reports, 7, 7430 (2017).

7. Shen Y., Harris N.C., et al. Deep learning with coherent nanophotonic circuits. Nature Photon, 11(7), pp. 441–446 (2017).

8. Golovastikov N.V., Dorozhkin P.S., Soyfer V.A. Intellektual’nye tekhnicheskie sistemy na osnove fotoniki [Intelligent Technical Systems Based on Photonics]. Ontology of Designing, 2021, vol. 11, pp. 422–436.

9. Mikhaylov A.N., Gryaznov E.G., Lukoyanov V.I., Koryazhkina M.N., Bordanov I.A., Shchanikov S.A., Tel’minov O.A., Ivanchenko M.V., Kazantsev V.B. Na puti k realizatsii vysokoproizvoditel’nykh vychisleniy v pamyati na osnove memristornoy elektronnoy komponentnoy bazy [Towards the Implementation of High-performance Computing in Memory Based on Memristor Electronic Components]. Fizmat, 2023, vol. 1, no 1, pp. 42–64, DOI: 10.56304/S0000000023010021

10. Mikhaylov A.N., Gryaznov E.G., Koryazhkina M.N., Bordanov I.A., Shchanikov S.A., Telminov O.A., Kazantsev V.B. Neuromorphic computing based on CMOS-integrated memristive arrays: current state and perspectives. Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, 2023, vol. 10, no 2, pp. 77–103, DOI: 10.14529/jsfi230206

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12. Iskusstvennyy intellekt uvelichil moshchnost’ Superkomp’yuternogo tsentra “Politekhnicheskiy”. Saint Petersburg, SPbPU Petra Velikogo, Nauka i innovatsii, 22 dekabrya 2023 g. [Artificial Intelligence Has Increased the Capacity of the Polytechnic Supercomputer Center. St. Petersburg, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Science and Innovation, December 22, 2023], available at:

Security Risks and Concerns in Indo-Pacific Reg

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.32-37

The authors investigated the security situation (military, economic, energy, environmental, food, etc.) in the Indo-Pacific region using international expert surveys in the form of interviews in 16 countries, using a historical approach to show the situation in dynamics, comparative analysis of statistical data, as well as content analysis of scientific literature, publications in the media and in-depth analysis of texts using the Sorbonne method. The analytical materials prepared by the authors are confirmed by empirical data obtained as part of the research work of the international project “Dialogue Partnership as a factor of stability and integration” in 16 Eastern countries: Brunei, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, China, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, RF, Singapore, the USA, Thailand, Philippines, South Korea and Japan, in the pre- and post-ovoid period.


1. Kompleksnaya kharakteristika situatsii v ATR [A Comprehensive Description of the Situation in the Asia-Pacific Region]. Moscow, Academia, 2016, 340 p.

2. ATR glazami ekspertov (mezhdunarodnaya ekspertiza 2005–2019 gg.) [The Asia-Pacific Region Through the Eyes of Experts (International Expertise 2005–2019)]. Moscow, Academia, 2019, 350 p.

3. Masasi Murano, Ankito Panda i Dzhenni Taun. Novaya raketnaya era v Indo-Tikhookeanskom regione [A New Missile Era in the Indo-Pacific Region]. Moskovskiy Tsentr Karnegi, available at:

4. Sukin L. Kogda yadernoe prevoskhodstvo perestaet byt’ prevoskhodstvom: Peresmotr yadernogo balansa sil [When Nuclear Superiority Ceases to be Superiority: A Revision of the Nuclear Balance of Power]. Moskovskiy Tsentr Karnegi, available at:

5. Rybin A. NYT: Veroyatnost’ voyny v Indo-Tikhookeanskom regione seychas samaya vysokaya so Vtoroy mirovoy [The Probability of War in the Indo-Pacific Region is Now the Highest Since World War II]. Rossiyskaya gazeta, 2023, 1 marta, available at:


6. Balandin R. Syurpriz ot Dzho Baydena: pochemu SShA nachali postavlyat’ oruzhie Tayvanyu po “ukrainskoy” skheme? [Surprise From Joe Biden: Why Did the United

States Start Supplying Weapons to Taiwan According to the “Ukrainian” Scheme?]. TASS, 2023, 15 avgusta, available at:

7. Delegatsiya kongressmenov SShA pribyla na Tayvan’ [A Delegation of US Congressmen Arrived in Taiwan]. RIA Novosti, 2022, 14 avgusta, available at:

8. 900 voennykh baz SShA po vsemu miru. V kakikh stranakh ikh bol’she vsego? [900 US Military Bases Around the World. Which Countries Have the Most of Them?].

Dzen, 2023, 11 yanvarya, available at:

9. Vysotskiy V.I. Neft’ i gaz. Zapasy. Dobycha. Potreblenie, eksport i import: Informatsionnyy obzor [Oil and Gas. Stocks. Extraction. Consumption, Export and Import. (Information Overview)]. Moscow, Rosgeologiya. VNIIZARUBEZhGEOLOGIYA, 2022, 40 p.

Isn’t it Time to “Check the Boxes” of What is Permitted? Part III

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.24-31

The problem of the economic policies ontology is examined. Paradigms define practices and scenarios for the future.

Crisis of the “mainstream” and the polymorphic structure of the world economy imply an intensive search for new theoretical and practical solutions.


  1. Rosstat [Website], available at:

Role of BRICS in the World Economy Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.16-23

The authors propose a vector for developing BRICS as an operator of an intercountry digital platform complex (IDPC), within the framework of which international economic transactions are accelerated, simplified and cheapened. Simplification and acceleration occur due to the fact that the documents, required for transaction, are prepared by ICPC algorithms in accordance with the current legislation of the countries and international standards. Cost reduction is achieved by reducing transaction costs, international multilateral clearing, optimizing logistics costs, introducing an internal electronic platform currency for mutual settlements, etc. In this case BRICS, receiving a commission of about 0.5% from each transaction, becomes independent of the budgets of participating countries and a self-sustaining international organization with significant influence in the field of international economic cooperation, including performing the international arbitration functions.


1. Oleskin A.V. Setevoe obshchestvo: ego neobkhodimost’ i vozmozhnye strategii postroeniya [Network Society: Its Necessity and Possible Strategies for its Construction]. Moscow, URSS, 2016.

2. Budanov V.G. Metafizika, ontologii i stsenarii bol’shogo antropologicheskogo perekhoda: Nauka i fenomen cheloveka v epokhu tsivilizatsionnogo Makrosdviga [Metaphysics, Ontologies and Scenarios of the Great Anthropological Transition: Science and Phenomenon of a Man in the Era of Civilizational Macroshift]. Moscow, Institut obshchegumanitarnykh issledovaniy, 2023, 748 p.

3. Oleskin A.V. Detsentralizovannaya setevaya organizatsiya nauchnogo soobshchestva. Perspektivy i problem [Decentralized Network Organization of the Scientific Community. Prospects and Challenges]. Moscow, URSS, 2021.

4. Shokhov A.S. Rol’ Rossii v konstruirovanii mirovoy ekonomiki XXI veka: The New World Economy [Russia’s Role in Designing the World Economy of the 21st Century: The New World Economy]. Artificial societies. 2023. Vol. 18. Iss. 3. URL:

Normative-dynamic approach to assessment and analysis of state strategic planning for the development of education in Russia. Part 2

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.115.2024.92-105

The article proposes a normative-dynamic approach, new for Russia, to the assessment and analysis of state strategic planning for the development of education in the Russian Federation, aimed at improving the management of the implementation of the state program «Development of Education» for the period 2018-2025 and the national project «Education» for the period 2024-2030. Based on the use of rank correlation methods and taking into account the current legislative acts and strategic planning documents, various options for the current, short-term, medium-term and long-term normative and dynamic assessment of the development of education in the Russian Federation are considered. The conclusion is made about the weak scientific validity and low effectiveness of the state strategic planning of the State Program for the development of education in the Russian Federation.


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12. Soldatov R.V., Afonina I.A. Normative-dynamic approach to the assessment and analysis of state strategic planning for the development of education in Russia. Part 1. Microeconomics. 2024;1:94–100. (In Russ.).–100.

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Problems of countering threats to Russia’s financial security in the context of the transformation of the monopolar world order

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.115.2024.81-91

The article deals with the current problems of Russia’s successful advancement into the future and its gaining a leading position on the world stage. The solution to these problems is based on increasing the effectiveness of countering threats to financial security and financial sovereignty of the country through the introduction into practice of the activities of interested public authorities of the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress.


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