Goals Achieved?
DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.5
DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.5
DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.116.2024.90-98
The paper examines the role, place and importance of the state Russian language in the political and legal mechanism of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation. Russia is mainly focused on the problem of the implementation in practice of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of the state Russian language and the need to take effective measures to neutralize the mechanism of destruction of the Russian language.
1. Anishchenko V.N. On the modern theory and methodology of the study of the country’s security problems. Bulletin of the Academy of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 2009;4:8-12. (In Russ.).
2. Ginzburg V. Emergency of emergency scale. RBC, 2008. The final issue.
3. Dvornikov V.A. Economic security – theory and reality of threats. M.: Publishing House of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences, 2000.
4. Doronin A.I. Business intelligence. 5th ed., reprint. and additional. M.: Axis-89, 2010. 704 p.
5. The draft law on the restriction of the use of foreign words in the public sphere. URL: https://tass.ru /
6. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 07/02/2021 No. 400 «On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation». URL: http://www.pravo.gov.ru
7. Federal Law No. 52-FZ dated February 28, 2023 «On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the State Language of the Russian Federation”». URL: http://publication.pravo.gov.ru
8. Federal Law No. 53-FZ of June 1, 2005 «On the State Language of the Russian Federation» (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, No. 23, Article 2199; 2013, No. 27, Article 3477; 2014, No. 19, Article 2306).
9. Hammer L. Large Nuclear Collider. RBC, 2008. The final issue.
DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.116.2024.81-89
The relevance of the research is due to the need to transition public administration and the process of providing public functions and services to a client-centered model based on ensuring effective interaction between the state, society and business. The experience of implementing a client-centric approach in a number of regions of Russia is analyzed and the authors came to the conclusion that despite the existing standards and requirements for the implementation of a client-centric approach in state and municipal management, the regions independently determine actions to implement these requirements. Recommendations aimed at rethinking public administration and improving its effectiveness are proposed.
permanent link >>>DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.116.2024.76-80
The article proposes an investment and economic model for carrying out geological exploration of hydrocarbons on the territory of the Russian Federation. The expedient sequence of performing economic calculations implies the passage of the following stages. The author has developed a scheme of the investment and economic model of geological exploration. The stages of the implementation of the investment and economic model of exploration are described.
1. Bogatkina Yu.G., Eremin N.A., Sardanashvili O.N., Lyndin V.N. Economic assessment of the development of the Olkhovskoye deposit using various tax models in subsoil use. Problems of economics and management of the oil and gas complex. 2019;1(169):14-19. (In Russ.).
2. Melekhin E.S., Afonina I.A. Problems of geological, economic and cost assessment in subsoil use. Microeconomics. 2018;1:28-30. (In Russ.).
3. Melekhin E.S. Economic aspects of the formation of a system of rational subsoil use in modern conditions. Monograph. M.: Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) named after I.M. Gubkina, 2018. 147 p.
4. Melekhin E.S. Application of design management methods in subsoil use. Problems of economics and management of the oil and gas complex. 2021;2 (194):44-49. (In Russ.).
5. Sharf I.V., Mikhalchuk A.A., Filimonova I.V. Dynamic efficiency of reproductive processes in resource-extracting territories. News of Tomsk Polytechnic University. Georesources Engineering. 2019;330(10):102-110. (In Russ.).
DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.116.2024.69-75
A factor model of US economic growth, developed by famous economists P.E. Samuelson and V.E. Nordhouse, is presented. [1]. An analysis of the growth of inflation in the US and European economies in 2023 and ways to reduce it due to an increase in interest rates by the US Federal Reserve System and the European Central Bank is given. It is noted that the Russian economy in 2022–2023. ranked fifth in the world in terms of GDP calculated at purchasing power parity (PPP), ahead of European countries, and according to the World Bank in May 2024 it rose to fourth place.
1. Samuelson P.E., Nordhaus V.D. Economy. 16th edition. Williams Publishing House, 2003. 688 p.
2. Global fun. The IMF has raised its forecasts for the global and Russian economies. Kommersant, January 30, 2024. URL: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/6479601
3. Khazin M. Why will the USA and the dollar face «horror-horror-horror» in 2024 and what is Russia’s strategy? URL: https:/www. business-gazeta ru/article/6188366
4. Kuzovkin A.I. Climate Summit in Rome and Climate Conference in Glasgow in 2021. Microeconomics. 2022;1:91–97. (In Russ.).
5. From the minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee. URL: https://smart-lab.ru/blog/856802.php
6. Milchakova N. Mysteries of GDP: how and why did Russia become the fifth economy in the world? Moskovsky Komsomolets. April 1, 2024. URL: https://www.mk.ru/economics/2024/03/31/zagadki-vvp-kak-i-pochemu-rossiya-stala-pyatoy-ekonomikoy-mira.html
7. Vedeneeva N. Academician Aganbegyan told how to make Russians rich: «A very effective tool». Moskovsky Komsomolets, March 20, 2024. URL: https://www.mk.ru/economics/2024/03/19/akademik-aganbegyan-rasskazal-kak-sdelat-rossiyan-bogatymi-ochen-deystvennyy-instrument.html
DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.116.2024.41-68
An improved methodology for calculating microeconomic criteria for the effectiveness of investments in energy projects (and other real sector projects) based on the UNIDO methodology is presented. It allows to determine the analytical relationship between the engineering and economic parameters of power plants (throughout their life cycle) and a set of microeconomic criteria for the effectiveness of investments. Strictly mathematically, the secondary criteria are derived from the definition of the main microeconomic criterion – net present value (NPV): the internal rate of return IRR, the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) and the discounted payback period DPP. Numerous examples and graphic illustrations of estimates of individual parameters of investment projects and criteria for investment efficiency are given. A significant difference between the proposed methodology for calculating investment efficiency criteria is the use of average annual values of revenue, operating costs and production, as well as the introduction of special coefficients (φ) reflecting the effect of discounting cash flows at each period of the life cycle (construction, operation and decommissioning).
1. Management of Nuclear Power Plant Projects. IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NG-T-1.6. Vienna, 2020. 160 p.
2. Kharitonov V.V., Kosterin N.N. Criteria of investment payback in nuclear power engineering // Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2017;2:157-168. (In Russ.).
3. Meso-economics of development / edited by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences G.B. Kleiner. CEMI RAS. Moscow: Nauka, 2011. 805 p. (In Russ.).
4. Chernyakhovskaya Yu.V. Macroeffects of international NPP projects. Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2018;1(166):29-37. (In Russ.).
5. Chernyakhovskaya Yu.V. Integrated NPP sales: how does it work? Economic and organizational aspects. Problems of Atomic Science and Engineering. Series: Physics of Nuclear Reactors. 2016;3:147-148. (In Russ.).
6. Kharitonov V.V, Kosolapova N.V., Ulyanin Yu.A. Forecasting of the investment efficiency in the multi-unit power plants. Vestnik of NRNU MEPhI. 2018;7(6):545-562. (In Russ.).
7. Akinfeeva E.V., Semenova D.Yu., Kharitonov V.V. Forecasting of investment efficiency in the digitalization of nuclear power. Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2021;6:648-653. (In Russ.).
8. Klauz A.V., Frolov I.E., Kharitonov V.V., Shaeva A.A. Calculation methodology of the criteria of the economic efficiency of the investments into the nuclear icebreakers. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2021;3:107-120. (In Russ.).
9. Listopadov I.Yu., Kharitonov V.V. Estimation of Investment Efficiency in Nuclear Desalination of Sea Water. Atomic Energy. 2021;130(3):174-179. (In Russ.).
10. Economic Evaluation of Bids for Nuclear Power Plants. 1999 Edition. Technical Reports Series No. 396, IAEA, Vienna, 2000. 224 p.
11. INPRO Methodology for Sustainability Assessment of Nuclear Energy Systems: Economics. INPRO Manual. IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NG-T-4.4. IAEA, Vienna, 2014. 92 p.
DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.116.2024.37-40
An analysis of methods for processing digital information and business analytics for civil aviation enterprises is presented using the example of “Data Science”.
1. Gubanova A.V. Digital transformation as a tool for developing the competitiveness of industrial enterprises. Creative economy. 2020;6:17-18. (In Russ.).
2. Zhukovskaya I.V., Akaeva V.R., Kuzmin M.S. Current problems of digitalization of companies using the example of the industrial sector. Microeconomics. 2023;4:51-55. (In Russ.).
3. Ragimkhanov A.V. Systematization of scientific approaches to the study of competitiveness of services: from theory to practice. / A.V. Ragimkhanov, I.V. Zhukovskaya. Microeconomics. 2022;1:75-78. (In Russ.).
4. Official website of the Aeroflot company. URL: https://ir.aeroflot.ru/ru/company-overview/traffic-and-financial-highlights/
DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.116.2024.29-36
The article presents in chronological order the contents of the documents created in order to provide the Civil Air Fleet with the required fleet of aircraft, fulfill the condition for their effective use, and organize all the necessary logistical support for the operation of the Krasnoyarsk air route. Documents regulating the supply of food to children’s institutions are also being considered.
1. The activities of the SVAG Department for the study of the achievements of German science and technology in the Soviet zone of occupation of Germany. 1945–1949: Collection of documents / Ed. and the author of the introductory article V.V. Zakharov. Comp.: V.V. Zakharov, O.V. Lavinskaya, D.N. Nokhotovich. M.: «Russian Political Encyclopedia» (ROSSPEN), 2007. 704 p.
2. We have come to Victory by a difficult road…. Moscow. 1941–1945: Archival documents and materials / Comp. V.A. Artsybashev, S.S. Voitikov, S.D. Garnyuk, D.G. Davidenko. – M., 2015. 716 p.: ill.
3. Shepelev V.N. Directive documents of the State Budget Committee on the creation of the Moscow defense zone from the funds of the Russian State Defense Fund. November–December 1941. Historical Archive. 2016;1:3–35.
4. Leadership of the country’s defense industry during the war years. – The Oboznik website. URL: http://www.oboznik.ru/?p=41877/#2
5. Pryamitsyn V.N. The activities of domestic state bodies for the development of military hydrometeorology (1876–1945). Appendices to the dissertation, 2019. 321 p.
6. 1945 / Article in the collection of articles. The State Defense Committee of the USSR. Regulations and activities. 1941–1945. Annotated catalog. in 2 volumes. Ser. «Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences». Volume 2. Moscow: Publishing house «Political Encyclopedia», 2015. pp.986–1220.
7. And the production of peaceful explosives. Kommersant. History. 26.08.2023. The Kommersant website. URL: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/6183690
DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.116.2024.15-28
The article examines image consulting in various sectors of the economy and areas of activity in modern socio-economic conditions. It is shown that the volume of the Russian management consulting market, according to various expert estimates, in 2021 amounted to about 50–60 billion rubles, by the end of 2022 it was reduced by almost half. One of the main problems of the Russian management consulting market at the end of 2023 is the loss of qualified personnel and the almost complete destruction of their reproduction system. The Russian management consulting market at the end of 2023 has undergone significant structural transformations: the names and number of key players, pricing policy and client priorities have changed.
The state and prospects for the development of various subjects of consulting services in Russia are analyzed using the example of three successful industry cases of image consulting from various industries and fields of activity: PJSC Sber-Bank, the cellular operator Beeline and the catering enterprise Zernyshko Coffee House. It was shown that the main problem for the considered organizations is the choice of an image consultant, and recommendations were given to solve this problem.
1. Abramova P.V., Ishchenko I.G. Consulting as a tool to increase the investment attractiveness of franchising projects. In the collection: Current management issues. Edited by S.V. Taktarova, G.N. Tuguskina, 2020. pp. 26-30.
2. Akoff R. Planning the future of the corporation. Progress, 2018.
3. Aleshnikova V.I. Using the services of professional consultants, INFRA-M, 2020.
4. Aleshnikova V.I. New realities of the international and Russian management consulting market. In the book: Marketing and Infrastructure projects. Monograph. Moscow, 2023. pp. 190-199.
5. Alferova E.S. Management consulting in Russia. In the collection: Public and administrative management in Russia: history and modernity, digitalization, innovation, intelligence. A youth’s view, 2020. pp. 202-205.
6. Marinko G.I. Managerial consulting. INFA–M, 2021.
7. A joint project of the Russian Federation and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Assistance in improving the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation. Financial literacy and mass information: A reference guide. Moscow, 2017. 454 p.
8. Galina E.A. Consulting as a tool to increase the competitiveness of an enterprise. In the collection: Current management issues. Edited by S.V. Taktarova, G.N. Tuguskina, 2020. pp. 48-51.
9. Dolya N.G., Shulika E.N. Development of management consulting in Russia. Economics and society. 2016;5-1(24):587-589. (In Russ.).
10. Zaripova L.A. Management consulting as an objective necessity for the development of an organization. In the collection: Student science – agricultural production. Materials of the 81st student (regional) scientific conference. Kazan, 2023. pp. 200-209.
DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.116.2024.5-14
The recent campaign to seize large enterprises from private property based on appeals from the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation to the courts is causing a mixed reaction in the public consciousness. On the one hand, the people have long been yearning for a review of the results of privatization – unfair, unreasonable and criminal. On the other hand, the statute of limitations for challenging acts of privatization of state property in the 1990s. has long expired, and their abolition looks like an arbitrariness of law enforcement agencies, grossly trampling on basic property rights, which are considered the basis of the current economic structure. Let’s try to figure out if this is so.
1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation dated November 30, 1994 No. 51-FZ (as amended on March 11, 2024). URL: https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_5142/
2. Analysis of the processes of privatization of state property in the Russian Federation for the period 1993-2003. Report of the Accounts Chamber. M.: Olita Publishing House, 2004.
3. Kleiner G.B. Managing corporate enterprises in transition economies. Economic issues. 1999;8:64 (In Russ.).
4. Kleiner G.B. Enterprise strategy. M.: «Delo» ANKh Moscow. 2008. 528 p.
5. Ouchi U. Methods of organizing production. Japanese and American approaches (brief translation from English). M.: Economics. 1984.
6. Glazyev S. Chinese economic miracle. Lessons for Russia and the world. M.: Iz-vo «Ves Mir», 2023. 406 p.
7. Kleiner G.B., Khabibullin R.I., Dementyev V.E. and others. Collective forms of management in modern economics. M.: Publishing House «Scientific Library», 2017.