Internal Economic Security as a Factor in Increasing the Competitiveness of the State in the International Arena

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.192.2023.84-89

Over the past few decades, the approach to assessing the competitiveness of the state has moved from a closer focus on strict economic indicators to the assessment of such parameters as the human-centeredness of the economy, improvement of the quality of life, emphasis on innovation and digital transformation. At the same time, it is not yet possible to assert the complete dominance of social parameters in the comprehensive image assessment of the state. Thus, according to the author of the study, the phenomenon of state competitiveness is inextricably linked to the desire of the world community for international economic security, which, in turn, is inseparable from the national economic security of individual actors. At the same time, the social orientation of the policy is not the last place in the assessment of national economic security, which is in line with the global trend to popularize non-economic image factors of competitiveness. Explores the conceptual framework, interrelation and interdependence of the concepts of state competitiveness and economic security, determining their essential indivisibility both in economic and political science boundaries.


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